Day 4-June23rd-Cleanse America

taylor0204 Posts: 357 Member
Hello everyone,

This morning I woke up with tons of energy. Quite a change from yesterday. I took a 4.2 mile run in honor of Day 4. So far today I
have consumed the 32oz of lemon water and made myself a broccoli, celery, carrots, banana, and grapes green smoothie. It was delish. For lunch it was watermelon and cantalope. They were both really sweet which helped me with the "sweet" cravings I had.

My husband and I are meeting friends for dinner tonight so I will be having the largest salad possible. I will make myself another green smoothie before we go so I am not tempted to eat things other than my salad.

Green Cheers:drinker:,


  • lohitverma
    lohitverma Posts: 161 Member
    You are doing a great job!!
  • urbanmasala
    urbanmasala Posts: 95 Member
    Great job, Taylor! You're dong very well, girl and eating deliciously. Glad you got your energy back. How did dinner go?

    My Day 4 went well. I'm still on track. I had mango and cashews again for breakfast, a delicious juice cocktail for lunch (fresh pineapple and orange with fresh Thai coconut water and a twist of lime). For dinner I had more of my Avocado & Tomato Bruschetta on Onion Flatbread with Lime Pickled Onions. In between, I had fruit, Thai coconut meat and raw vegan bacon for snacks. I'm loving it! Looking forward to Day 5. ;-)

    Bon Appétit!
  • taylor0204
    taylor0204 Posts: 357 Member
    Lohitverma, thanks for your support.:smile:
  • taylor0204
    taylor0204 Posts: 357 Member
    Urbanmasala, "we got this":smile:

    Dinner was great. In fact, my husband told our friends when we were on the way to the restaurant that I would be eating only a salad because I am doing a healthy cleanse and he did not want me to get off track. So with his support and my determination, I was successful ....except for a little sip of his red wine. But then the wine is from grapes do I am still good:laugh:

    I am glad things are going well . I remember previous detox/fast and before the end of the third day I would have a terrible headache, sometimes dizziness, and would be quite irritable. So this cleanse, this eating style tells me that my body and my mind can adjust

    Stay strong my sister.