Starting line!!

Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
Hi guys!! I am reading the primal blueprint at the moment and am eager to start proper primal/paleo eating. Therefore I would really appreciate some paleo friends in whose diaries I can peek from time to time to get more orientation and that I can ask stupid questions!! Who's up for it??
Oh and I was wondering whether you are alll restricting your carbs to below 100 g a day??
I'm quite excited to get started!!


  • I am planning on starting to eat primal/paleo on Monday! I will definitely add you I need some support and encouragement on this journey I know it's going to be difficult at first!
  • mmarcy7
    mmarcy7 Posts: 227 Member
    You can both add me. Although I am about to go to Disney for a week, so who knows what my diary will look like, but I will be logging everything.
  • ArtsyLaurie
    ArtsyLaurie Posts: 39 Member
    I've only been doing primal for almost 2 weeks (and logging my food for 3 days, lol), but feel free to add me!
  • concerto3
    concerto3 Posts: 88 Member
    You can all add me, I've been Paleo/Primal for almost 2 years now, right now my diary is private though, because I'm trying a different eating method, still Paleo/Primal though. Feel free to ask any dumb questions, I've been through it all! Just include a message with your friend request please!!!

    I limit my carbs to about 50g a day on a BAD day, normally I aim to eat below 20gs, but I aim to be Keto to lose weight. I would recommend staying between 50-100 max. All fruits and veggies of course!
  • I've been paleo for a long time, however, have only been on here for a few weeks, but feel free to take a look at mine, it's public, and ask away.

    Disclaimer: I haven't entered much food over the last few days...I never really worry about calories and only enter foods on here for other reasons(I am in the military and train the people who fail their PT tests, or are out of Ht/Wt I use this to help them out, as well as give them a little sample of how I eat and the type of workouts I do), but I entered plenty for the first couple of weeks so have at it.
  • McFelix57
    McFelix57 Posts: 28 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me - I am back to eating Paleo (although I am not always 100% strict about it). Perfectly happy to share my food diary!
  • McFelix57
    McFelix57 Posts: 28 Member
    Also, I don't pay attention to how much I am eating in carbs, I just focus on avoiding grains, dairy and processed foods.
  • Also, I don't pay attention to how much I am eating in carbs, I just focus on avoiding grains, dairy and processed foods.

    I don't either for the most part. I just make sure they are coming from fruit and vegetables. I probably eat more carbs than most, especially on my long run days where I'm putting in 9 miles or more as well as knocking out a WOD
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    You can add me, however I don't log in my diary on a regular basis--have met my goal. You can look back at what I ate from about May 2011 for a few months to get an idea. I've set MFP goals to 20% carb 50% fat 30% protein and sometimes get it right and sometimes not ... don't get excited about it as long as I know it's been mostly good food choices. Also, you may have a different genetic background than I and be able/not able to tolerate things I do--note how your body reacts to what you're eating.

    Paleo/primal is about a template for food choices, not a rigid "must follow" rule of The Diet. I don't eat grains (including rice & corn), dairy, beans (including any soy product), avoid sugar (only in morning coffee), or processed foods generally. This site has lots of links that will keep you busy for a while and for women adopting paleo way of eating, suggest reading posts here Also just bought It Starts With Food and love it

    For recipes with links to the blogs try (people are always looking for recipes).
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    I am taking a break from journaling all the time...but if you go back in my food journal you should be able to see a good representation of what i eat on a normal basis...if you go back to the beginning of March I was doing a strict 30 day Paleo - after my 30 day I relaxed a bit and let some dairy in - since Mid May i have been pretty sporadic about journaling - I do need to get back on it though...I find when I journal I am more apt to really plan out my meals and actually cook rather then grabbing things at salad bars or just grabbing a chicken breast. I keep things fairly basic as far as

    I am along the same line as zeromilediet in that I use it as a basic template and don't freak if I find myself in a situation with food that isn't considered "paleo" - but after eating this way for awhile I naturally gravitate towards Paleo/Primal items vs non...It is rare for me to have things like bread, not unheard of - just rare - thinking back I think I had a flatbread out to eat maybe a month ago...With summer I am faced with having to eat on the run a lot or having to choice between the lesser of 2 last week at my daughters swim match my choices for dinner was chickfila sandwich, hotdog or pizza...I choose the chickfila and just ate the chicken and not the bread (gave it to one of my daughters who would eat nothing but bread if I let her) - this week I am planning on packing a dinner for myself...