struggling with loss

I've been doing TB since April. I love it, it has been the only workout that I have stuck with. I'm proud of myself for that (never stuck with anything before). Only problem was I didn't change what I was eating.
Well, for the past month or so, I have changed my eating; making healthier choices. But I still have not lost any weight. I'm getting really frustrated and depressed over this. I want so much to lose the baby pouch (my 3rd child is almost 2!), and I can't get it off. What in the world am I doing wrong??!!!!


  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    If you scroll down in all of these threads, you will see that I posted this several times throughout my Turbo Fire journey :) It is sad while you are going through it, I know because you are working so hard and making good choices...Here are some suggestions that may help:
    ~Try eating more. What do you have you calories set to? 1200 is DEFINITELY not enough for a TF workout! I have had to raise up my calories twice during the program because my scale was not moving and also I was STARVING!
    ~Only go on the scale once a week because everyday, your weight fluctuates and if you are like me, a bad weigh-in can ruin your day
    ~ Are you drinking enough water?
    ~The only other thing that I can tell you is that I just finished this program and I did the 20 week program, I only lost 11 lbs throughout the whole thing...however, look at how your body is changing. I have never gotten so many compliments on my arms before...take pictures and measurements because it is working.

    The other thing (and I don't want to scare you) is that I would usually stay at the same weight for 3 weeks and then lose a pound again. It takes time to adjust your eating and find what works-for you.

    I am so glad that you LOVE turbo Fire and that is the most important thing. Chalene says in her videos to think about how you feel when you complete one of the workouts and focus on that, not on the number on the scale. Sometimes, I want to punch her but I know that she is right. I think that your scale will change KEEP PRESSING PLAY!
  • bcuthill
    bcuthill Posts: 3
    Thank you so much for the advice! I'm so glad to find someone else having gone through the same thing. My calories are set to 1450. And I usually get pretty close to the 64 oz of water a day. My sister just keeps telling me to be patient. But it's hard to be patient when it's already been this long. I'm almost done with the Prep Schedule, and will be starting the 20 week schedule soon. I almost condisered switching to Insanity, but I don't want to give up TF.

    Thanks again for the advice. I will keep at it. I have noticed improvements in back pain, my arms are starting to show definition, and I have enough energy to get through the 55 class. Big improvements for me! I will try and focus on that. I stay away from the scale because I really just want to lose the inches.

    Any more advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :happy:
  • maranatha777
    maranatha777 Posts: 145
    I don't know how tall you are or anything but I would still say that 1450 is too low for calorie intake. I average between 1500 to 1800 (eating back my exercise calories). I'm 5'6 and weigh 147 currently. I hit plateaus rather often :grumble: but keep on going. It's hard when you don't see the scale move but it's not just about your weight. It's about getting healthy and feeling better. Also, take lots of pictures and try on new clothes once in awhile. I noticed that I could still wear my size 16 jeans (slightly baggy) even though I'm in a size 10 now. Jeans tend to "shrink" down with you. Keep up the good work and keep up with what you will stick with! Turbo Fire is the only work out that I have been able to stick with also!
  • bcuthill
    bcuthill Posts: 3
    Thats where I get confused. How many calories I should be eating. I'm 5'4" currently 165. I set up here with MFP and it calculated for me the 1450. Sometimes I do have a hard time staying under that. Especially when I want to eat healthy, but my children say otherwise. They won't eat half of the stuff I make for myself. So should I go higher on my calories? I don't think I will ever understand this nutrition stuff. Shouldn't be this complicated.
  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    I understand how you feel... and when it happens to me, I jump back to square 1 - diet. Sometimes I need to shock my system a little, then I'll get back to my regular routine. For me, the Fat Smash Diet 9-Day detox does the trick. 9 days of yogurt, fruits, veggies, brown rice ... (basically no meat, alcohol, candy, bread for 9 days) ... and my system is reset (and the scale is lower by a few lbs). I was stuck on a 4 months plateau once, and it was beyond frustrating, and I agree with the posts above... keep pushing play!!

    I've been doing TurboFire since February 2012 and I love it! Keeps my heart rate exactly where it needs to be to burn fat efficiently.
  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    Oh yeah... there are times I toss my scale in the closet, and I let my clothes and measurements track my success.
  • myblckizbeautiful03
    myblckizbeautiful03 Posts: 24 Member
    Dont let it frustrate you, dont you know your doing great by pressing play. Don't watch the scale take measurements, I'm pretty sure you've notice how differently your clothes are fitting you. Try to balance your food intake out if your not doing so. for example eat 300 breakfast, 200 snack, 400 lunch, 400 dinner and 200 snack (1600 cal intake). Watch your sodium and sugar intake to that turns into fat and water. Also everyone body is different, trust me just be patient.
  • Healthymom207
    Healthymom207 Posts: 67 Member
    Dont let it frustrate you, dont you know your doing great by pressing play. Don't watch the scale take measurements, I'm pretty sure you've notice how differently your clothes are fitting you. Try to balance your food intake out if your not doing so. for example eat 300 breakfast, 200 snack, 400 lunch, 400 dinner and 200 snack (1600 cal intake). Watch your sodium and sugar intake to that turns into fat and water. Also everyone body is different, trust me just be patient.

    Great info. on eating small meals, vs. 3 large meals. Your body will only take in so much at one sitting and if you eat some big huge meal it can store some of that as fat, so keeping it eating 5-6 small meals a day keeps it overwhelming it's system and it's constantly digesting which helps your metabolism and burns calories.
  • maranatha777
    maranatha777 Posts: 145
    Thats where I get confused. How many calories I should be eating. I'm 5'4" currently 165. I set up here with MFP and it calculated for me the 1450. Sometimes I do have a hard time staying under that. Especially when I want to eat healthy, but my children say otherwise. They won't eat half of the stuff I make for myself. So should I go higher on my calories? I don't think I will ever understand this nutrition stuff. Shouldn't be this complicated.

    I went to this website and figured out my BMR (estimate) which is what the calories that you would need to function if you were basically in a coma. This is your base. For me, my BMR is 1467 so I set my calories at 1500 and always eat back my exercise calories. This has worked for me so far. You might need to tweak it a bit to see what works for you though. Hope this helps!