Learned something this weekend...

irunsf85 Posts: 74 Member
I was really off track with my calories and exercise this weekend. Had a social gathering every day Friday - Sunday and was pretty much sedentary all three of those days. I had a lot of simple carbs, salt, and sweets resulting in 8 pounds of bloat.. Or so I hope it's just all bloat and not any fat!

I normally do my long runs on Saturdays but because of my schedule, I had to move it to Sunday. Well, with all the horrible eating the previous two days, I felt like the goodyear blimp. I set out for my run and I could barely make it a mile without feeling completely out of breath and my legs felt like lead. I also felt incredibly sore all over from all the pressure the bloat was causing. Needless to say, I didn't accomplish my 13 mile run like I had planned. After a mile, I had to turn around and head back to my car.

So.. If there's anything I've learned, it's to STOP putting crap food into my body. Eat more calories, sure.. but definitely stop eating white bread, sugary treats, and decrease salt intake. I've had this happen once to me before a couple of weekends ago. I don't know why I didn't learn from it.. But after this second reoccurrence, I think this will serve as a reminder.

Oh, and TOM is also due this week.. Argh... Not feeling good at the moment.


  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    I have had those days and I usually just quit too, not worth the agony.
    I am sure a lot of it is what you ate/drank, but I never have any energy the week before TOM so I think you just had a double whammy effect, hormones and junkfood=no energy.
    Hope you next run is wonderful!
  • irunsf85
    irunsf85 Posts: 74 Member
    I have had those days and I usually just quit too, not worth the agony.
    I am sure a lot of it is what you ate/drank, but I never have any energy the week before TOM so I think you just had a double whammy effect, hormones and junkfood=no energy.
    Hope you next run is wonderful!

    Thanks. Yeah, I definitely am lacking energy. I was supposed to get up at 4am this morning for a run like I usually do but didn't actually get out of bed till 6:30. I'm hoping I'll find the energy and run during lunch.