Day 1 Week one *Redo*

Hi Guys, so I kind of went a little hiking crazy last week and did that in place of the c25k, I was soo sore by Sunday I decided to let myself rest and than start over again today soo, I will be doing Day 1 Week 1 again today and do this program Mon, Wed, Fri. Im going to try with everything in me to get up in the AM early enough to knock this out but I'm sooo not a morning person lol and I already have to get up at 6am to be to work by 7 so that would mean getting up by 5 but I am gonna try lol anyway happy running thanks for the motivation :-) Cant wait to get out there and see what I can do (again hehe)


  • drotarthebarbarian
    drotarthebarbarian Posts: 39 Member
    I'm with you. A stomach virus got me good, so I'm restarting today. Good luck!
  • TinaA72
    TinaA72 Posts: 27 Member
    Well After getting off to a good start w/ C25K I may have to "redo" baby is not feeling well and neither am I, so may have to make a trip to the doctor's for both of us tomorrow...we will see what the morning brings...
  • evansproudmama
    I'm with you. A stomach virus got me good, so I'm restarting today. Good luck!

    Oh no glad your feeling better :-) Let us know how it goes!!
  • evansproudmama
    Well After getting off to a good start w/ C25K I may have to "redo" baby is not feeling well and neither am I, so may have to make a trip to the doctor's for both of us tomorrow...we will see what the morning brings...

    Boo! Im sorry I know how hard it is when the kids get sick and your not feeling well :-( Sending positive thoughts for quick healing to you both
  • lilylight
    lilylight Posts: 128 Member
    Good to hear I'm not the only one starting over! I overdid it with other exercise last week and just couldn't make myself finish Week 1, so I started over this week... At least it seems easier!