No Good Choices

Wpbarr Posts: 142 Member
Yesterday, my wife and I went to a (pirate) festival in a small town at the coast. The restaurant we usually go to had a 2 hour wait and I was on the verge of hypoglycemia, which means I get really snarky, grumpy and impatient. It's a small town, so there are very few choices. After trying a few more places, we faced the same waits, so we decided to look elsewhere. The only other place in town just had pizza and burgers. That's it. There were just no good choices.

What have you fellows done in the past when you have been in a similar situation? Just "suck it up, buttercup" and treat it as a one-meal set-back? I must say, I'm certainly paying the price, today.


  • scloyd
    scloyd Posts: 327 Member
    There always seems to be long waits on Saturday nights. Once my wife and I got tired of looking for a restaurant that didn't have an hour wait, so we drove home and ordered Chinese take out.

    In your case, I would of just sucked it up buttercup.
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    A burger is a fantastic choice. If you are worried about the calories just remove all or half the bun. You aren't in prison, you are just changing you lifestyle so that you can get to your correct weight. Unless you are planning to never eat a burger again for the rest of your life you are going to have to figure out how to work them into your lifestyle sometime.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    I do burgers a lot and pizza once a week or so, if you adjust the rest of your day it isn't a problem fitting them in. If hypoglycemia is a frequent problem throw some stable food in the car or carry something small. I'm thinking a protein bar or bag of nuts, but I don't know if those foods are good for your condition.
  • trinitrate
    trinitrate Posts: 219 Member
    Burger joints are great diet places, especially for guys...

    Order a decent sized burged, sub the fries for a side salad, and skip the bun... 300 - 600 calories on the burger depending on size, and 50 - 100 for the salad with dressing kept at reasonable levels.. adds a lot of protein, and 'sits in the gut' for a while, keeping you feeling full..

    Might add a little extra fat in for the day, but you can balance that out a lot easier than the extra 600 calories you would have been taking in with bun and fries.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    I am all about the burger!
    MKLAMAN Posts: 84 Member
    If something like that happens to me at lunch time, then it's a little easier because you can adjust your dinner calories so that everything fits. When it becomes tricky is when it's for dinner and you pretty much only have a certain amount of calories you can fit in. If that were me in the situation, I would have just ordered the smallest burger, no cheese, ala cart. Probalby would get hungry later that night but so be it.
  • coachdave_99
    coachdave_99 Posts: 9 Member
    My 12 yr old son plays travel hockey and travel soccer so I am faced with that choice all the time since I rarely get to suggest the place for the team meal. If I have room in the daily count I don't worry to much about it. However, most of the time I do not have room, so I just try and order the least caloric thing on the menu and try and minimize the damage.

    Remember that this is a journey and not a short term lifestyle. IF you have to go over so be it. Just make sure you get back on the plan the next day and within a few days of eating good you will compensate for the brief overage.
  • Wpbarr
    Wpbarr Posts: 142 Member
    Thank-you for all of the feedback and comments. I just ended up busting my *kitten* at the gym the following morning and sweat it all off of me. Seemed to be a good strategy!
  • GregB76
    GregB76 Posts: 46 Member
    Portion control is key. If I have bad choices, I eat less. Save the rest for the next day. Get a hamburger instead of a cheeseburger , slice of cheese pizza. Not with pepperoni. That's what works for me.
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    I just say screw it, log it, and pray for the best. I mean, I'm going to be doing this for at least another year and a half so...