Feeling pretty good.

Had my first check in today at the gym, wasn't really expecting anything too brilliant as I started off really well but have had fair share of events, night shifts and just a few blah days here and there but am on the upwards track - feel really good when i go to the gym and starting to find i get a bit antsy and grouchy if i don't for a couple of days..

Was quite happy with the progress:

from 21 May, to today I have lost...

weight: 71kg - 68.7 (-2.3kg/5.06lb)
Chest: 102.5 cm - 97cm (5.5cm) Darn it.. the one place I wouldn't have minded keeping it!!
Waist: 86.5 - 86cm (would like to lose more off here instead of the chest)
Hips: 106cm - 93cm (13cm!!!)
bottom: 108cm - 106cm (2cm)
thigh: 62.5cm to 61.5cm (1cm)

Feeling pretty happy - lost 22cm from around my body in one month. It's definately spurred me on. Having a happy day.:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:


  • Lea_8D
    Lea_8D Posts: 106 Member
    Great job! That's a healthy rate of weight loss and great change in measurements!
  • ccpowers
    ccpowers Posts: 203 Member
    Those are awesome results...Congratulations!
  • GIAngel222
    GIAngel222 Posts: 227 Member
    WTG!!! That is great!!! Keep it up and you will be at your goal in no time!
  • mum2paris
    mum2paris Posts: 25
    Thanks ladies. I think of the times that I've had slip ups and all that and thought "wow, imagine if I actually stuck to things even better".. one part of me thinks that, the other wonders if maybe having a small occasional treat is actually whats helping me stick to this better that if I went cold turkey.. who knows.. we'll see I guess.
  • ccpowers
    ccpowers Posts: 203 Member
    I am totally the same right now with thinking where I could be if I had not always kept stating and stopping. It is frustrating knowing you have been at this point before (even though it was so long ago now I don't remember it) and that now it seems like starting over. This time, we will get through and beyond!