Get to know you quiz



  • furby1
    furby1 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi everyone, hope you're all doing well :)

    1. Where were you born? Morecambe, Lancashire

    2. Where do you live at the moment? Colwall, Hereford & Worcetershire

    3. Where else have you lived? Abergwili in Carmarthenshire (Wales), Appleby in Westmorland, Reading in Berkshire.

    4. What is your current occupation? Retired, and have been due to ill health for many years, but I was an accountant. What is your dream occupation? Researcher or genealogist, actually they are both the same. I just love searching the internet, books etc.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    a) I've just turned 61 but in my head I am still in my 30's.
    b) I have a 14 year old cat Josh, sadly my other cat Maisie who was 12 died a few weeks ago and we're still missing her a lot.
    c) I love reading, and enjoy anything books, films etc to do with sci-fi and the medieval times.
    d) I have Dercums Disease (main problem with it is Fibromyalgia) and chronic sciatica. At the moment I am also having acute femoral nerve pain, so I'm def not at my best! LOL
    e) I have researched my fathers side of the family back about 400 years, but have come stuck with maternal side in the early 1800's and am finding it very frustrating!
  • mikes99mail
    mikes99mail Posts: 318 Member
    1. Where were you born?
    Cambridge, UK

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    still near Cambridge, UK

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Durham, for a bit, then back to cambridge.

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    unemployed at the moment, having walked out of a job when it turned nasty. Hoping to find a similar job (sales director of research company) soon! My dream job is a photographer, and I'm slowly building a portfolio and website (

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    Even though I'm overweight I love exercise and was a fairly good rower, but am mainly cycling at the moment now we live too far from the river.
    I spent 10 years going to India 3 or 4 times a year, absolutely love the place and now cook fantastic Indian food.
    I have almost no will-power and dont let myself buy beer or crisps in the supermarket
    I have a beautiful wife, would love to have kids but we cant because of her health. We've got cats and horses instead (all hers)
    I love mountains and would love to live somewhere more interesting than cambridge, but jobs and family make it difficult. We might buy a second home in Keswick, if I can get my job sorted out enough!
  • Jigglebewie
    Jigglebewie Posts: 344 Member
    1. Where were you born?
    Birmingham, UK

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Bristol, UK

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Cheltenham, UK

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Currently unemployed but studying.
    I want to work in a Zoo and look after the animals OR work in Wildlife Conservation =D

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    - I've never been out of the UK
    - I have arachnophobia
    - I am afriad of heights
    - I love exercise, espeically Zumba and swimming and would like to take up running.
    - I was a vegetarian for 6 years
  • yuliyax
    yuliyax Posts: 288
    1. Where were you born?
    Kherson, Ukraine

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    South Wales - 5 years now.

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Kiev - Ukraine, St. Peterburg -Russia, Paris - France.

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Student, volunteer, min wage part time worker..... dream occupation - Social worker/ Psychologist

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself
    I live on my own.
    My cat's name is ninja
    I've never tried KFC
    I miss living in a huge city and can't wait to get out of Wales (despite it being really beautiful)
    I don't own or want to own a TV.
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    1. Where were you born? Bristol
    2. Where do you live at the moment? Bristol
    3. Where else have you lived? (surprise not ) bristol
    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation? IT admin, Travel writer/photographer or interviewing lots of film stars.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    1)Can quote from most John Hughes '80s movies ditto for episodes of Friends and the Kevin Bacon game
    2)Love love love to travel and meeting new people USA. New Zealand, Europe favorite holiday of all time Kenya Safari
    3) talk WAY to fast - especially if exicted about something, friends have to say "stop breath"
    4) was in NY Battery park when Wil Smith was filiming the last scene in the original Men in Black
    5) Really think helicoper is the best way to travel! (hate traffic)
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    1. Where were you born?

    Craigavon, Co. armagh, Northern Ireland

    2. Where do you live at the moment?

    armagh, Co. Armagh, Northern Ireland

    3. Where else have you lived?

    NI: Armagh, Lurgan, Cookstown
    Further away: Albufeira, New York

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?

    I am a personal secretary for Children and Young People's Services. I'd love to be a forensic scientist!

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    I have a fear of deep water, this is largely due to me almost drowing as a child, and as a result I have never learned how to swim.
    My favourite food is a fish finger sandwich!
    It's always been my dream to visit Alaska
    I always get accused of being dirty minded, but in my defense, it comes with the job!
    I won the egg and spoon race on my P7 Sports day, thanks to my really deep serving spoon!
  • Becka_D89
    Becka_D89 Posts: 60
    1. Where were you born? - Bolton, England (North West)
    2. Where do you live at the moment? - Bolton
    3. Where else have you lived? - no where
    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation? - Currently a full time mother / homemaker, would LOVE to get into criminal Psychiatry
    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :) - I am obsessed with serial killers (sounds creepy, but I'm fascinated with the mind)
    - I Have travelled all over the country watching football.
    - I currently own or have owned at some point every Johnny Depp film ever. (to date)
    - I have a fitness Achilles Heel : Gaming
    - I pretend I'm not a total geek, but I totally am.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    1. Where were you born?


    2. Where do you live at the moment?


    3. Where else have you lived?

    Germany, London

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?

    Psychologist by degree. Now in service commissioning. Dream job: pro photographer.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    a) I am an amateur photographer
    b) I named my dog after Starbuck in the re-imaged Battlestar Gallactica
    c) I once did an Ironman Triathlon
    d) I currently take a photo every day as a chronicle of the year
    e) I love fresias
  • torigj
    torigj Posts: 3 Member
    1. Where were you born?
    Dartford kent

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Stourport Worcestershire

    3.Where else have you lived?
    Chelmsford Essex

    4.Current occupation / dream occupation
    Luxury travel specialist / haven't a clue

    5. Tell us five things about yourself
    - I work part time
    - I love to travel and especially cruising
    - would love to visit every state in the USA and every country in the world (getting there slowly)
    - l am avid supporter of Worcester warriors (rugby ) and Worcester royals (cricket) and Liverpool football club and my national teams in all sports
    - love growing and then cooking my own veg and fruit
  • Kathrynha77
    Kathrynha77 Posts: 103 Member
    1. Where were you born?

    Hanover, Germany (army baby)

    2. Where do you live at the moment?

    Leeds, Yorkshire

    3. Where else have you lived?

    Cyprus, Kenya, Maine, Ormskirk

    4. What is your current occupation?

    Computer programmer

    What is your dream occupation?


    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    - I'm a Guide and Ranger leader (taking them to Switzerland this summer)
    - I'm a total geek and proud of it
    - I love history, and am working on my family trees
    - I have a 6 year old daughter
    - I love camping and fires
  • LydiaA82
    LydiaA82 Posts: 36
    1. Where were you born?


    2. Where do you live at the moment?


    3. Where else have you lived?

    Only Somerset and Bristol lol

    4. What is your current occupation?

    Sales Advisor

    What is your dream occupation?

    Professional Dancer - Too old and too short now :cry:

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    - I have two babies 13 months apart who keep me very busy, we want more
    - I was an extra in Brookside (not sure if anyone remembers it lol)
    - Been engaged for 3 years, really want to lose baby weight then get married
    - I am 1 of 7 siblings
    - I love shoes

    Add me
  • Lisheeloo
    Lisheeloo Posts: 19
    1. Where were you born? Harrow, outskirts of London
    2. Where do you live at the moment? Chester, during term time for uni
    3. Where else have you lived? Just Harrow and Chester!
    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation? I'm a student but aim to be a writer or journalist
    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :

    - I have recently found my love of exercising
    - I would love to be a writer some day, whether that be writing a novel, for a magazine, become a journalist. I've always loved writing, I think I am good at it and would love to do something successful with it.
    - I have a bit of an obsession with 'How I met your mother' and 'Friends'
    - I always wanted to be an actress - but things got in the way!
    - I spend most of my time in Chester at university studying Journalism, with my boyfriend in S.Wales and at home in London. I'm quite lucky to spend a lot of my life in these 3 beautiful places.
  • MoonGazer91
    MoonGazer91 Posts: 18 Member
    1. Where were you born?

    - Wegberg, Germany (but on a British RAF Base, I have had so many people call me German, even knowing that and that both my parents are British, not that I have anything against Germans xD, they're just stating something which isn't correct and that bothers me, especially when they then followed it up with Nazi-related jives because I look like a typical fair-skin/blue eye light-blonde haired ideal "arian race" person =/).

    2. Where do you live at the moment?

    -Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk

    3. Where else have you lived?

    - Grimsby and York

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?

    - Part-time Retail Assistant & Cleaner, I have no idea what I would want to do for my dream occupation though, I dunno, something that involves helping people in some way because that makes me happy seeing that I've made a difference to them in some way, though I haven't a clue what exactly.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    - I am currently trying to take up running, but recurrent injuries are making that more difficult, as is working on my feet so much which seem to exacerbate them, which is a shame because running makes me feel so happy, and then trying to fit it between my 2 part-time jobs.
    - My one major weakness has and will always be chocolate, I absolutely love the stuff...and mints.
    - I used to be in the Cubs when I was younger and then became a Scout as my dad was a Scout Leader at the time, I do wish sometimes that I could somehow get back into all that again, but not really sure how to or how I could make it work with my unpredictable work schedules, which is a shame.
    - I have travelled quite a lot throughout my life at the various stages of it including (but probably not limited to, these are only the ones I can remember) France, Holland, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, most of the Canary Islands and the US (New York).
    - I am a huge fan of The Legend of Zelda game series, closely followed by Spyro, Pokemon and Harvest Moon...just an overall big lover of video games really with a random game of MW3/COD here and there, which I never really used to be into.

    E: For silly typos etc.
  • JacqsP72
    JacqsP72 Posts: 19 Member
    1. Born in Chatham, Kent
    2. Live near Eastbourne, East Sussex
    3. Also lived in south east London
    4. Currently a Business manager. Dream job - midwife!
    5. Five things about me:
    1. Married mum of 2 daughters
    2. Have struggled with my weight for years - doing MFP has been the only thing that has really worked!
    3. I flew to NYC on Concorde
    4. Biggest weakness is Chocolate - LOVE it!
    5. I love shoes and handbags!

    Feel free to add me - could do with the occasional kick up the bum!!!!!

  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    1. Where were you born? Rochdale, Lancs

    2. Where do you live at the moment? No where, I just left my London home and am travelling with work! lol Will be moving to Exeter in two months to start uni!

    3. Where else have you lived? Take a seat, this is going to take a while...: Morecambe, Prestatyn (N.Wales), Doniford Bay (Somerset) St.Neots, Cambridge, London (Crouch End, Streatham, Brockley, Kensal Green, Balham, Tottenham) Orlando (Florida) Stansted Mountfitchet (Essex) and that's it for now.

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?

    Full-time student, part time event steward. I also work in the event control at major UK festivals in the summer months (Glasto, Leeds, Latitude etc.) and LOVE it! That is also my dream job, I would love to work full time as an event manager for festivals. I am however going to study law and will be looking at several law routes upon graduation.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    1. I have two unrelated, odd health conditions; Ehlos-Danlos Syndrome and Exercise Induced Anaphylaxis (allergy to exercise), both of which make it very difficult for me to exercise - but I try anyway!

    2. I have never had a long term relationship - because commitment scares the bejesus out of me. I'm going to hedge a bet and say this is because i've moved around so much (much of it as a youngster) and am not used to forming lasting friendships/relationships.

    3. I spent a year working at Disneyworld in Florida and had the best year of my life!

    4. I have travelled all over the world, much of it alone and have had some truly amazing experiences. Despite being 27, uneducated and without a penny to my name - I don't have a single regret!

    5. I have aspergers. It was only diagnosed a few years ago but explains why I spent most of my life avoiding social situations, and not because of interacting with people, but because I couldn't cope with the sounds, smells and certain sensations (like certain fabrics touching my skin) without completely losing it!
  • ukmikesmith
    Hiya, Im a newbie - have lost over 5 stone already but stumbled across this android app which I just love.

    Good Luck to all fellow dieters

    1. Where were you born?
    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Stourbridge, West Midlands
    3. Where else have you lived?
    Never gone more than 10 miles from where I was born - but would like to
    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Engineering but I'd love to do something like overseas property management - alas I dont have the money to buy the properties in the first place :-(
    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    Usually can be found walking the streets with my music on and my german shepherd at the end of his lead
    That's all, trying to keep it short and sweet for now. :flowerforyou:
  • vancoolie
    Good questions and love the detail some have posted, very interesting stuff.

    1. Where were you born?
    The ever growing Swindon, Wiltshire..

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Lechlade, Glos - moved here last year for a better lifestyle for the kids, and it is beautiful. Spend summers at the river, got the obligatory spaniel to roam in nearby fields, live in an 400yr old pub with a big ol' stone fireplace which when lit in winter is the cosiest thing ever. Thought I'd miss the hustle and bustle of a big town, but haven't felt a twinge yet.

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Just the above...

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Husband runs his own car business and I'm the unpaid dogsbody, happy to do this as he works 24/7 and things are hard in this recession, he needs all the help he can get.

    Dream job? Have several.........artist, singer, chef, furniture restorer, jewellery designer, animation.....used to be a graphic designer but gave up work to raise my children, hoping when the business takes off I will get my opportunity to do something creative with my life.

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)

    1. I sing in a ladies choir which is the most therapeutic thing ever. I can have the worst day ever and know that once I start to sing, my spirits lift. Was inspired to join by the lovely Gareth Malone.

    2. I play the guitar, classical though, I'm not the rock queen I would like to be..

    3. I like to party and have fun, love to have friends over for good food, wine and music...hence having to join this site as tend to over do it all the time.

    4. Love to inspire people and be inspired. That's why this site is perfect for me.

    5. Love driving all the different cars we sell, never have my own car which can be a pain as can never put music or sunglasses or shopping bags in any of them or they disappear the next day, am extremely lucky this week as there is an old 1986 Ferrari 328 GT, it's soooooo gorgeous! Have only driven it once though, it roars like a lion. Beautiful. But next week will probably have an old battered farmers estate car...
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    1. Where were you born?

    2. Where do you live at the moment?

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Small town in Norfolk, Leicester, Melbourne

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    Medical secretary at present. Would love to run a cat shelter/cattery (yep, another aspiring crazy cat lady).

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :
    - I became vegetarian 3.5 years ago after being an omnivore for 26 years and haven't looked back.
    - I love to knit and crochet and have a craft blog
    - I have a biochemistry degree but financial constraints and lack of opporunities in my area mean I've not yet been able to work in the field.
    - I've been dieting most of my life but since discovering MFP, and more importantly the EM2WL group, I've started to work with my body instead of against it and am finally learning to love myself and fuel my body right.
    - I love my bike and wish the UK would respect cyclists as much as they do in the Netherlands. It's such a great way to get around town but is a shame our roads are so dangerous.
  • ahyee1993
    1. Where were you born?

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Carmarthenshire, Wales :)

    3. Where else have you lived?

    4. What is your current occupation? What is your dream occupation?
    I am a waitress. With no dream occupation :)

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself :)
    I have just finished sixth form
    I am part Trinidadian, Chinese, Spanish, English, Irish, and African. Oh, and Welsh&Canadian!
    I can't swim!
    I like travelling but get home sick very easily.
    Younger David Bowie is my man crush :)
  • lori_en
    lori_en Posts: 133 Member
    1. Where were you born?
    Southend, Essex

    2. Where do you live at the moment?
    Epsom, Surrey

    3. Where else have you lived?
    Canvey Island Essex... two houses a few roads from each other, the second house I lived in for 20 years before moving to Epsom with my boyfriend

    4. What is your current occupation?
    Admin Exec in Advertising Dept in a National Newspaper

    What is your dream occupation?
    An archaeologist. I got the degree, just never been able to get a job in the field! :(

    5. Tell us any 5 things about yourself
    I have 7 tattoos
    Pole dancing is my favourite way of keeping fit (if the profile picture doesn't make that obvious!)
    I'm a huge obsessed Lara Croft and Tomb Raider fan; have been since I was 10 years old
    I love music and dance, but I'm rubbish at both!
    I have no self confidence