Lack of support

Hi all,

Help! I need some words of encouragement!

I've been trying the EMTWL thing for a few weeks now. I havent weighed myself since I started as I don't want to be discouraged by a gain this early on, but I do feel pretty bloated and chubby. I know that is normal, but last night I was out with some friends, one of whom uses MFP and is eating 1200 calories per day. When I told her that the low calorie thing didn't work for me [I put 3llbs on in the first few weeks of trying it, and felt rubbish] she said that clearly I was kidding myself, that i hadnt been keeping track of everything I was eating.

As you can imagine I was a bit annoyed. Everyone sat there telling me that it "is impossible not to lose weight" eating 1200. I didn't want to get into it, but here I am, feeling fat and bloated, trying to eat loads more than I would normally and it's getting me down today.

I'm getting married soon and have a dress fitting coming up in 8 weeks. Please tell me that I'm doing the right thing!



  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    You are doing the right thing!

    I refrain from discussing weight loss with other people for this reason, unless I am specifically asked what I have done to lose the weight.
  • Thanks - she was showing off her 12llb in 6 weeks loss and I rose to the bait. It is scary to start off with when you've been conditioned to eat less all your life. I think that, because I'm on a dress fitting deadline, I'm getting myself a little wound up about it...
  • josephinabonetto
    josephinabonetto Posts: 253 Member
    Your friend is probably miserable from starvation so you can pretty much discount everything she says.

    I am eating at 15% cut and gained 1.5 lb in week 1, lost 1.5 lb in week 2 and lost 0.5 lb in week 3.

    I have just adjusted my calories as I think I underestimated my activity levels and changed my method to take into account body fat %. I will probably increase my calories every two weeks if my weight fluctuations continue to follow the same pattern, because that is how I prefer to handle things.

    The way I see it, why would anyone choose to lose weight by eating less, when they can lose weight by eating more? I stopped eating low fat/diet foods a long time ago and like having my treats.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    If I were you, since you have the dress fitting coming up, I would stick with the 15% cut and eat as cleanly as possible for that time.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I have a friend like that too.. Since Jan we have been losing weight "together", her with the extreme low cal plan, me originally with WW, and then on here.. She has dropped 40+ pounds.. I have lost basically nothing.
    I have to listen to her whine and complain about how she cant have an extra serving of chicken at dinner because we were going out with friends... how she had such a "good week" but the scale has gone up..and to add insult to injury, she is borrowing my summer clothes, and I have to borrow her larger ones.. Sigh..

    BUt I do that 6 months from now I am likely to be the one still losing, and she will have likely stopped losing, or gaining back (as horrible as that sounds)
    It sucks beyond belief now and I hate how I look and feel right now, but I know that it wont matter in a few months. And I will never have to starve myself to live again