wheel pushups

For those that have done workout 12, or those that have done wheel push ups elsewhere before, does anyone have any tips how to do them? I managed about 3 and then I seemed to slip down. I had pretty sweaty hands which doesn't help...will they come better with practise? Do I need to work on my form? What do I do? I ended up holding wheel in the end as it just wasn't working for me!


  • formerpyt
    formerpyt Posts: 56
    I'm with you. I'm on the third and final week of this phase, and they have not gotten easier! I feel like my arms are too short or something. I manage four or five, then I'm seriously just resting on my head (which cannot be good for the neck!). Weird exercise - maybe Jillian threw it in there to be edgy and outrageous. I've convinced myself that holding wheel is effective.
  • Padmo
    Padmo Posts: 89 Member
    I experienced the same, I don't even know what she's trying to train with those, lol.
  • klafrankie
    klafrankie Posts: 15 Member
    She's trying to train triceps/biceps, they work both. Basically it is the reverse of the down dog push-ups. If you don't like wheel you can either just hold wheel or do the down dog pushups instead. Don't stress over it, if you don't' like one move just sub in the other!
  • Jennifer_lynn85
    I am no where near workout 12, but even if your only getting a few in make sure they are GOOD form!!
  • FitBrunette
    FitBrunette Posts: 28 Member
    I recommend some good training gloves. I wear Under Armor's CTR training gloves and they're awesome at gripping the hand weights and keeping my hands dry.

    As far as the wheel push ups, I agree they're definitely hard. I am on my last week of BR and I still cannot do them. If you look at Natalie in the back, I basically just do what she does. Not necessarily holding wheel but holding myself up at the top of my shoulders. Just can't do it. Hopefully will be able to do it after I start the program over.
  • klwells08
    klwells08 Posts: 158 Member
    I think back flexibility helps with these. I find the wheel pushups to be easier than most. I push up into the wheel position has high as possible, allowing my hands and feet to be a little closer. This keeps more of body weight over my arms, which actually makes the move a bit easier because I'm not at a weird angle.
  • hiitrocks
    hiitrocks Posts: 100
    Thank you for that tip. I will see if I can do that and see if it helps though I have back issues unfortunately since having kids so we shall see! Thanks for the glove tip too...sounds a great idea