Weights and a fighting sport



  • mariaj1979
    mariaj1979 Posts: 31
    people tell me that my boxing regime is rubbish and it doesn't help you loose weight like "lifting"

    MENTAL! Sorry but the cardio that goes into boxing will help you to lose weight.

    If you starve yourself and do high cardio it will affect your results and a lot of people are focused on high protein diets and developing muscle for a better body, at the moment it seems to be a trend. I do actually agree with the principles of this but I think you probably get a lot of broscience rather than hard facts when you try and talk about this on other forums.

    It's different for everyone, If you're skinny with little muscles then yeah working on them will increase your power, because duh you are stronger and fitter. BUT like you said if you keep going towards the body builder look you will be stiff it affects your performance so there is clearly a happy medium.

    Big biceps do not equal better punches.

    Thats the advice I was given by my two friends who are heavily into fitness. I have been on a happy medium of kettle bells and cardio weights. I used to train with guy who looked like he should be in muscle and fitness magazine and his foot work is awful, he moves like cold grease on a cold day running down a hill and he doesnt have the staminia when it comes to the cardio side of things.
  • mariaj1979
    mariaj1979 Posts: 31
    I read a lot of hype on "heavy lifting" people go on about it like its something special. I have asked my current boxing instructor and a professional strong man, they both say that weight lifting is counter productive to our sport. Although light weights or even kettlebells is more productive to the sport. I was also told by my professional strong man friend that people who pump iron too much aren't as strong as they look its all glamor and not much else. What does every one think of this?

    Though somewhat true, that statement is somewhat misguided. People who "bodybuild" tend to focus on "looking good" instead of "performing well at a particular sport."

    Muscle is a very dense tissue, and a lot of muscle is a lot of very dense tissue. And generally speaking, a lot of dense tissue slows you down. It's basic physics.

    With martial arts, speed is key. And despite all the "whining and crying" that I'm sure my post with evoke by meatheads with really hurt feelings, big meaty people are generally not as fast a limber and quick as smaller, less massive people.

    On a more fundamental basis, I promise you that "curling a dumbbell" is basically worthless when it comes to "not getting your *kitten* kicked."

    In fairness, "Tae Bo" and "Cardio Kickboxing" also fall into that category.

    I speak from experience, as I am a 24 year martial artist and combatives instructor who also happens to be a 6'3, 270 pound meathead.

    When I told people I have taken boxing they got a little jealous so rubbishing me and making me think lifting weights was the only thing in the world to help loose weight. I think from seeing the comments I dont have to feel bad for not trying to be a body builder type, to be fair since i have taken up boxing I look a hell of alot leaner, I can move gracefully and I know that on my weekely weigh ins I have good losses. LOL before I tookup boxing I did use the Tae bo system but found it a bit lacking.

    Hats off to you for being and instructor and a meathead :)
  • mariaj1979
    mariaj1979 Posts: 31
    I have always lifted weights and now I do basically P90X to keep me in shape. Since P90X builds muscle and explosive power, it has only made me a better martial artist. I am stronger,faster and have stamina that even the kids can't keep up with. I lift heavy and have built some good muscle mass....I am also super flexible. Th most flexible in all my school despite being one of the oldest. :smile:

    I have looked into the P90X and it looks good. I may have to try that if it can give me explosive power and staminia. Although I dont have the obvious muscle mass because of excess skin, however I have been told on occasion by the assistant boxig instructor at my gym I have good strong hits when we do pad work.
  • mariaj1979
    mariaj1979 Posts: 31
    You NEED to weight train if you are in a "fighting sport" - yes NEED to!

    I think what they were referring to is building BULK muscle. You def do NOT need bulk. Bulk slows you down and makes you less successful in the "ring."

    So, I think they were trying to make a point that didn't come out right.

    Weight train for increased strength. (No more than 3 times a week.)

    I do kettlebells or cardio weights 3 times a week. I have been telling people that if I bulked up I would get slow and not perform to my fullest potental they dont actually believe me. They find ways of telling me that the boxing regime is rubbish and wont give me the body I want and I wont loose as much weight as they would. Well from reading all these comments I know I can hold my head up high and tell them they know nothing about a fighting sport and the benefits it can give you especially if you are in a tight spot with somene trying to knock you out or rob you. I cant see that lifting weights will help them out.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    1stly, People who lift because it's their sport lift more than people who lift for a sport. You must modify your lifting for your sport. Weighted punches are definitely a good way to go. But you do need to build up the supporting muscles as well to avoid injury, This is what compound lifts are for. Lifting heavy will get you strength and speed once you start getting in the range for your size you can change it up by going with explosive moves like jumping with weights like the basketball players do. And true big biceps don't do anything for your punches, but big lats will!

    If you look at men's mma the heavy weights are slower than the feather weights, however, they have something you don't, testosterone! You cannot bulk. Having said that you can over work. And more muscle does help you lose weight faster. Frequency I have absolutely no idea about, but I'm certain doing deads, bench, overhead press, pendlay rows and squats as in the stronglifts program will help. enhance your sport. At your activity level you probably don't need to do weights for weight loss only performance enhancement.

    thats's about all I have. If you were a guy then yeah you have to be careful how much muscle you add but I don't think its true for women.
  • mariaj1979
    mariaj1979 Posts: 31
    1stly, People who lift because it's their sport lift more than people who lift for a sport. You must modify your lifting for your sport. Weighted punches are definitely a good way to go. But you do need to build up the supporting muscles as well to avoid injury, This is what compound lifts are for. Lifting heavy will get you strength and speed once you start getting in the range for your size you can change it up by going with explosive moves like jumping with weights like the basketball players do. And true big biceps don't do anything for your punches, but big lats will!

    If you look at men's mma the heavy weights are slower than the feather weights, however, they have something you don't, testosterone! You cannot bulk. Having said that you can over work. And more muscle does help you lose weight faster. Frequency I have absolutely no idea about, but I'm certain doing deads, bench, overhead press, pendlay rows and squats as in the stronglifts program will help. enhance your sport. At your activity level you probably don't need to do weights for weight loss only performance enhancement.

    thats's about all I have. If you were a guy then yeah you have to be careful how much muscle you add but I don't think its true for women.

    The only reason why I had made this post was because people Im dieting with always have nothing nice to say to me when I tell them about my boxing. They seem to think that lifting is the magic bullet for weight loss. Knowing what I have been told I dont think I need to use heavy lifting. Because I know that heavy lifting wont help me out although I do use kettlebells and I do weighted punches also. To be honest Im hitting my goals and Im improving with out lifting heavy.
  • JMPerlin
    JMPerlin Posts: 287 Member
    For our sport, martial arts in general, heavy lifting IMHO is a waste of good practice time. With that said, weight training / strength training as others have pointed out is very good for what we do. My art is both karate and jujitsu, and strength training is essential. However you do not need to lift heavy to accomplish what you need. Bruce Lee never lifted heavy, he stuck to weights that would push him but not too heavy that would sacrifice form. Most people on this site haven't a clue about it.

    Now my personal preference these days is body weight exercises and circuit training. If I am not being pushed enough then I add a weight vest. My goal is for functional fitness not a large but useless muscle. Remember F = M x A. Most people here focus on the mass whereas good martial artist, and boxers, focus on the acceleration and the mass. That is where the rubber meets the road for us.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I don't know what you're talking about. Bruce lee lifted so heavy (A good morning that approached his body weight) that he put his *kitten* in the hospital for a long time.

    He was very much into weight lifting. He could bench press nearly twice his body weight, which is pretty damn heavy. People get the idea that he wasn't much of a weight lifter because he was so 'skinny...' but he just simply didn't eat enough/trained too much to really get 'swole,' despite all the legal-at-the-time supplements he was taking.

    Obviously he didn't have a power lifting physique, or compete in those types of events, if that's what you're getting at. But any martial artist would benefit from at least being able to squat their own body weight on a bar. No one is suggesting that training like Andy Bolton is the answer. Just that challenging yourself is.