Who follows 40/30/30 for macros?

Joanne_8595 Posts: 64 Member
Ok, here it is, I am struggling with the 30 grams of protein (I do great on getting more than enough carbs and fat), and I am wondering how many of you really get that much protein on a regular basis? I know that I feel better when I do, not near as much energy otherwise, but I noticed that most diary's I see use a protein shake to accomplish this. Frankly that seems so expensive and I always hate using things that are premade /processed. I have upped my protein by eating cottage cheese, and extra eggs in the morning, but really am wondering how many people follow that or if they are like me and get about 20 grams? Is this macro breakdown more for those who exercise a LOT?


  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I have mine set to 30% and I believe it equates to 188grams a day. I am close to hitting and usually get within about 20 grams on a normal day.. No you do not have to be an exercise fiend for this 40/30/30 set up. It is what is recommended for everyone.

    I do have protein shakes and bars because its the only way I can get my amounts in. There are tones of cheap protein powder options out there, but they definitely arent for everyone..

    Concentrate on getting in more meat, fish, dairy.. things like greek yogurt, edamame beans, nuts are all good protein sources.
  • emgel9
    emgel9 Posts: 218 Member
    Yea, if I read your post correctly you said you are aiming for "30 grams" of protein per day, the 40/30/30 refers to the % of your food intake - so 30% of your diet is protein which is way above 30 grams. I aim to hit at LEAST 95 g of protein per day (that is 1 g of protein per my lean body mass). To get more protein try: cottage cheese, eggs or egg whites (actually if you put some cottage cheese in eggs with some veggies and cheese and bake at 325 it is DELICIOUS), greek yogurt, tuna fish or any seafood, chicken, or even protein powder. I start everyday with a smoothie with protein powder in it which is 24g of protein right there!
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    I concentrate quite closely on hitting my macros (especially the protein). I find that the closer my macros are to being on target, the better I feel and the less water/weight swing I get the next day. Also, I find that if I get my protein on target (I need 165 g/day) the rest of my macros tend to line up not too badly (although I tend to be short fat....still working on that)

    In order to meet my protein requirements I have protein at almost every meal/snack. And I have a protein shake first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Otherwise I'd never get in enough!
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I don't follow that, but my protein is at a higher level than carbs and my fat is the lowest macro... getting carbs and fat are easy the protein is challenging and requires eating some foods normally not eaten by alot of people in everyday meals... Protein powder can be expensive, you can also find 5lbs of it for $25, just depends what you all want in it and its a quick way to get protein.. however eating foods with protein is better than the powder but requires you to get creative.. chicken, fish, meat are big ones.. chicken/tuna salad for lunch on a bread that contains protein for lunch, eggs in the morning, or turkey bacon or something.. just try to get protein in at every meal of the day... Most of our diary's are open so you can see what we are all eating.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    It is 30% of your calories not 30 grams of protein. I don't hit it a lot. I try and I make sure to get real close if I'm lifting but if I can break 100 most days I'm proud and keep under the other macros.

    Costco has a great protein shake that tastes the best I've had so far (Premier Nutrition High Protein) and it has 30 grams of protein for 160 calories!!!!
  • Joanne_8595
    Joanne_8595 Posts: 64 Member
    The 20 grams is a typo, I meant percent. My diary is open also, and I think I am reaching about 20% every day without the protein shake. I am wondering, the actual grams of protein I am getting is close to 100 grams a day, with the protein shake subtracted. I just don't see how I am going to raise my protein levels without it costing a lot of money. I also don't eat soy products because they mess with my hormone levels, which is not fun. I know they are cheaper than the whey based products, but just not worth it to me.

    I noticed also that when I do eat the 30% protein that my other numbers do line up pretty well. I also feel so much better. Life is hard sometimes.
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    The 20 grams is a typo, I meant percent. My diary is open also, and I think I am reaching about 20% every day without the protein shake. I am wondering, the actual grams of protein I am getting is close to 100 grams a day, with the protein shake subtracted. I just don't see how I am going to raise my protein levels without it costing a lot of money. I also don't eat soy products because they mess with my hormone levels, which is not fun. I know they are cheaper than the whey based products, but just not worth it to me.

    I noticed also that when I do eat the 30% protein that my other numbers do line up pretty well. I also feel so much better. Life is hard sometimes.

    Tuna is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to get a lot of protein in one meal without a ton of cals (although, not that cals are a huge issue in this forum! lol)
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    I know what you mean about having a hard time hitting 30%. I'm usually pretty close but it's difficult. I aim to include some protein in every meal/snack as well as plan my meals around the protein I plan to eat to make it happen. Making your own protein shakes isn't actually that expensive unless you're using expensive protein powder. I use Aria Women's protein powder. Women don't need a 'special' protein powder--protein is protein and men and women process it the same, but this brand is also a meal replacement shake mix so it has more calcium and folic acid. I only eat this on the days I lift weights otherwise I get all my protein from food. This mix is cheap--about $14 for a can--and tastes fine. I mix it with unsweetened almond milk, frozen berries or peanut butter, and a half a cup of Greek yogurt to add even more protein. I just made a shake--31 grams so about 1/4 of what I need to eat today.
  • mturgeon05
    mturgeon05 Posts: 204
    I am pretty good about hitting my macros. To be honest, the only way I can do it consistently is with protein powder. I eat protein at every meal, but I have no desire to eat 150 grams of lean meat in a day. My nightly protein shake/smoothie is a great treat and ensures that I hit my macros :smile:
  • DaysFlyBy
    DaysFlyBy Posts: 243 Member
    I have mine set up 50/30/20, that's just where I'm happiest and historically I've always been fine on it. I can hit my 30% protein macro pretty easily but I have to make it my main focus at ever meal. Carbs and fat easily take care of themselves if I just concentrate on getting my protein. I do eat high protein bars, drink whey isolate, I love Greek yogurt, nuts and after years of barely eating meat, I'm eating meat almost daily now.
  • Joanne_8595
    Joanne_8595 Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks for your replies! I will look into the greek yogurt, and look through your diaries to see if I can spot anything else that would help with my numbers. I just was told last night that continuing to buy the protein powder when our budget is tight is really not an option. My husband usually has a real hard time saying no to me, so I know that it is because money is tight and not because he wants to deprive me of something. The last few years have decreased our income substantially, and next year even looks worse. If things don't improve it might be mac n cheese, ramen, and hot dogs like we did when we were young.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    If you like fish and seafood, that's an awesome way to get some protein in! Same with chicken! Eat a bigger piece than you normally would, like maybe 6-8 oz if you can. Not only will it increase your protein substantially but, with fish, you'll get the added bonus of healthy fats!

    Quinoa is also an excellent source of protein! Beans and nuts, too. You can make an excellent and delicious quinoa salad using beans. Oh and I make this amazing chicken and cannellini bean salad with greek dressing that is out of this world and loaded with protein!

    There are plenty of ways to do raise your protein in a clean manner....you just gotta be creative and think outside the box sometimes!!
  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    4oz chicken breast 20G
    can of tuna 20G
    salmon burger 21G
    protein powder 20-30G (brands vary)
    1oz almonds 6G

    These are some of the easy on the stomach high in the protein things that I eat to help me, and I need to get almost 250G's a day! And loving every minute trying to reach it LOL :laugh:

    SFC Q
  • Joanne_8595
    Joanne_8595 Posts: 64 Member
    @jquijas my husband loves trying to reach his too, and always has tons of meat in his diet! :) Thanks for the breakdown, that is really something to think about. I am usually the one eating 2 oz of meat, cuz that's just about all I can handle at a sitting. I do have chickens, and just told my husband that he's going to have to deal with me eating more of the eggs he sells for mad money. I know they have tons of cholesterol, but I just can't deal with the idea of not having that extra protein each day. Hopefully that will push me over the top without raising my grocery bill to much!

    Thanks again for all your replies, they are helping and I will be looking closer at what I eat for the meat portion of my meals. Maybe I could up them slightly, along with the other suggestion, maybe I can do this without to much trouble.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I follow 40/30/30 and do not drink shakes, I think they're gross. Most days I eat a protein bar but they are only 15 grams of protein so not really much and I eat them because I like them, tastes like a chocolate bar.

    I do my best to meet those macros but they are never perfect. Today I am pretty bang on though. Most days my protein is at 100 grams minimum but I am for between 120-150.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Today I had 2 turkey pepperonis for 100 calories and 12 grams of protein, so there's an idea.
  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    I agree with Twinmom that beans are an excellent source of protein and fiber. You can buy a bag of dried beans that would be very inexpensive and cut down on the sodium. Tuna is also a great protein source that is not too costly. I was not a big protein eater myself. Had to start slowly. Instead of 3 oz of protein I would increase to 4 oz. of protein.
  • Mistymath
    Mistymath Posts: 146 Member
    One quick suggestion just from looking at your diary for today: Consider subbing turkey bacon/sausage for your pork products. Your fat and calorie intake will be lower, but your protein will be the same or higher than with pork products.
  • jquijas
    jquijas Posts: 222 Member
    @jquijas my husband loves trying to reach his too, and always has tons of meat in his diet! :) Thanks for the breakdown, that is really something to think about. I am usually the one eating 2 oz of meat, cuz that's just about all I can handle at a sitting. I do have chickens, and just told my husband that he's going to have to deal with me eating more of the eggs he sells for mad money. I know they have tons of cholesterol, but I just can't deal with the idea of not having that extra protein each day. Hopefully that will push me over the top without raising my grocery bill to much!

    Thanks again for all your replies, they are helping and I will be looking closer at what I eat for the meat portion of my meals. Maybe I could up them slightly, along with the other suggestion, maybe I can do this without to much trouble.

    In regards to the cholesterol just eat the egg whites, cuts all that cholesterol right out and only costs you around 1G of protein per egg.
  • Joanne_8595
    Joanne_8595 Posts: 64 Member
    I do like black beans, and always make them from dry beans rather than canned so I can control what's in them. Turkey bacon here in the middle of nowhere is extremely expensive, but when I use pork bacon I drain all the fat off and dry the bacon with a paper towel, and I like it really crisp so that helps too. I also alternate breakfast meats, between bacon, turkey spam, and ham. This is actually a major accomplishment for me, because I used to get up and maybe have a couple pieces of toast and coffee, but I NEVER ate meat or eggs for breakfast. My hubby on the other hand eats it every day!

    It looks like no matter what I add to my diet my food bill will go up if I want to maintain my protein levels. Black beans is something I definitely can add to my meal plans, and some of the other beans too. I like bean dip real well, especially home made, so thats something I will definitely be adding. There's this certain point that I reach, if I buy a can of tuna and it costs nearly a dollar, then isn't it cheaper to buy the Optimum Nutrition whey powder for 66 cents a scoop? and don't I get more bang for my buck? and then I go back with, but isn't tuna a natural food rather than a premade product? then my mind argues, but if you don't have the protein powder you will probably not drink any milk, which is good for you.

    I will definitely try to up my portion size on meats, include beans more in my diet, and try to make sure I have at least 100 grams of protein each day. I hate the thought of throwing out the yolk on an excellent organic free range chicken egg, so not sure I have the courage to do that! I will try though... Maybe the next time I am in the big city (6 hours round trip) I will see if I can bring home turkey bacon for a reasonable price. Hmmm, turkey pepperoni, I sure love pepperoni! The turkey pepperoni that is pre sliced is really good on whole wheat pizza! Nummy.... that's tomorrow night!

    Thanks for so many good responses, they are really helping and I appreciate all of them! You guys are awesome!