How long is the reset supposed to last?

I can't find info on how long I am supposed to eat at the reset level before doing a drop off. I want to do this right but I do not want to eat this high forever....I am constantly stuffed these few days I have been trying to eat like is not a pleasant feeling.


  • I'm a little surprised that I am not getting any info....It's kind of worrying. If no one knows what the minimum length of time to eat at TDEE is then how do I know I have done it long enough and can start cutting back a little?
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    i think it depends on how much damaged your metabolism is. the longer you've been on a VLCD or been yoyo dieting, the longer your reset should be.

    i think most people reset for 4-8 weeks. the important part is consistency and giving your body a sufficient amount of time to recover from years of "abuse".

    my reset is actually gonna end up being around 6 weeks. i start my cut on sunday.

    i hope this helps!
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    When you do a proper reset is for 8 full weeks. After the 8 weeks you can drop into your 15% cut. Some do mini-resets that are shorter than 8 weeks which can work for some, but it's not the recommended length of time.
  • I have never dieted. I have increased exercise and stopped eating sugary foods. For a while I dropped all soda and lost 20 lbs. I got depressed and started drinking pop again. Went and got back about 4lbs. I do not diet, I make life changes. I found this site and decided I needed to track my food. I found out I was starving myself but I felt full. I ate extremely filling meals today and am netting around 700 calories. I don't know what to do... I am 5'3 30 years old and 194 lbs. I put on 1 lb since I began this (3 days) though my measurements have changed a little. Got a touch bigger here but smaller there no change over there. I do not see how I can eat all the food it calls for! I refuse to eat junk but I am almost always full now!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    First of all, Welcome to MFP and to the Group!!! :smile:

    Believe me, everyone feels this way in the beginning...Especially those of us who were not eating properly in the beginning b/c our body is not used to having sufficient amounts of food and now that we are getting it we feel so full...This last for a few days and then when your metabolism starts firing up again you will be starving...It's a process...Just keep at it and the KEY is to be CONSISTENT like Julie said above...Eat at TDEE on a daily basis even on rest days and if you happen to NET below BMR make sure that you eat enough to get up to BMR at least...I hope this helps you out...Just have patience and it will work for you!! :)

    Here is a link on the stages of what you may feel during this process...But remember everyone is different:

    ETA: One thing I eat to help get my protein up is protein shakes (and this helps with calories as well) Also, my favorite snack is Nuts b/c they are dense in calories and full of good fats....This should help out a lot with your calories...It does for me.