What types of protein do you use and recommend?

I currently use VEGA products. They are soy-free and gluten-free and are only 100 calories per serving with 11g of complete protein, 1 billion probiotic cultures per serving, and 2 servings of fruits/veggies per serving (and no, they don't pay me and I don't work for them, but I'd love to!).

I have also tried SUN WARRIOR and I highly recommend their products as well. Even higher in protein and lower in cals, and also sor and gluten free.


  • Spacemonkeycommander
    I use true nutrition rice protein. Its good and cheap plus you can add stevia.
  • vegansara
    vegansara Posts: 192 Member
    I use spirutein - I love it, but I don't know how good it is since it's so delicious. I also have some hemp powder but I haven't brought myself to use it yet - I had a bad experience with hemp powder in the past. I also have Jarrow Formulas Brown Rice Vanilla powder, I like it but the taste isn't as delicious as spirutein.
  • zacherybinx
    zacherybinx Posts: 215 Member
    I recommend eating a lot of greens as they're packed with amino acids and will allow your body to make it's own protein rather than having to work its magic with second hand protein.
  • lucienkai
    I've been wondering how good the hemp protein they sell at Trader Joe's is. I currently use "vanilla" sunwarrior protein. It's rice protein I think? It tastes crappy but I use it anyway. Anyone know if the Trader Joe's hemp protein tastes any better?
  • kdlfit
    kdlfit Posts: 14 Member
    Just found this group. I've been mixing pea, rice and hemp protein powder together. Vega and Sun Warrior are expensive and I can 1.2 pounds rice protein for $7.50 from Amazon.com, pea protein in bulk for $9.00 a pound and hemp for $8.00 a pound. That makes the cost only around $25.00 for over 3.2 pounds. I add stevia, cacoa powder and almond butter for my chocolate ones or blueberries, banana's, kale, spinach & green superfoods, maca, nutritional yeast for my green live food ones. Energizing and not chalky tasting at all.
  • madisonbobadison
    I use Vitamin Code's raw protein powder and Protein Plus Flour (made from the protein in peanuts -- so yummy) which I have to order online. Although I do like using protein powders in smoothies and such, I prefer the bulk of my protein to come from whole-food sources such as sprouted beans which contain up to 35% protein, nutritional yeast (tastes cheesy), and sprouted nuts and grains! 8)
  • waisted78
    waisted78 Posts: 22 Member
    This is a good thread. I am looking for products that will supplement my vegan diet. I have some LifteTime Life Body protein. Very chalky and the xylitol they add with the stevia gives it a weird aftertaste. Thanks for the ideas. I'm going to check them out.
  • SuperVegan8
    SuperVegan8 Posts: 78 Member
    I use Nitro Fusion, theres a fairly limited range available in Australia so this one is worth a look.

    Its a multi sourced protein (pea, artichoke and brown rice based proteins) - wheat and soy free.

    It comes in a variety of flavours, the texture is fine and its not particually bitter so i dont add any sugar/sweetner.

    136 cal a serve and 25g of protein. i liked it because its multisourced and i get alot of soy protein in my diet so i think the variety in protein sources is positive.

    Sidenote: The price was way better than other brands and cal/protein ratio is on par as well (if not better).
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    I mainly use Spirutein which is tasty but has a lot of sugar.

    I know that most hemp protein powders taste like @ss but they are a great source of complete protein.
    I have Manitoba Harvest Hemp Pro 70. It is not very tasty but has a lot of protein in it.
  • dmarsh220
    dmarsh220 Posts: 22
    I use Lifetime Life's Basic Plant Protein vanilla flavor. It is made up of hemp,pea,rice,and chia. 22 grams of protein and only 5 grams of carbs in one serving. I usually mix it with 2 cups of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, some ice, and a little agave nectar...very good.
  • Diesel3743
    Diesel3743 Posts: 3 Member
    I use nutiva hemp protein. 90Cal per serving and 15g protein per serving. Good for smoothies. Hemp is the most usable source of protein on the market. I like it better than vega products espically since some of the products contain nightshade vegetables, as I have a sensitivity to them.
  • FITBY30
    FITBY30 Posts: 39 Member
    yum lifetime basics vanilla is the kind i use too, they had it on sale at sunflower market when i picked it up, i use rice milk with it and any frozen fruit i have on hand with ground-up ( uncooked) oatmeal and flaxseed peanut butter:)
  • FITBY30
    FITBY30 Posts: 39 Member
    I use nutiva hemp protein. 90Cal per serving and 15g protein per serving. Good for smoothies. Hemp is the most usable source of protein on the market. I like it better than vega products espically since some of the products contain nightshade vegetables, as I have a sensitivity to them.
    can i ask what your sensitivity is to them? ive read the link with headaches and defiantly found the weeks where i have too many night shades i get small headaches.
  • Diesel3743
    Diesel3743 Posts: 3 Member
    My apologies fit by thirty for not replying sooner. My sensitives to night shades are due to the fact that I was diagnosed with an auto autoimmune disease a few years ago. I did not notice the side effects until I became vegan 4 months ago. I get extremely tired ,stiff in my joints and sometimes experience mild headaches if I eat an excessive amount. Ex two drinking cups of moes salsa.This is due to the fact that all nightshade fruits and vegetables are inflammatory.
  • cocoa_cutie513
    cocoa_cutie513 Posts: 41 Member
    My faves are Manitoba Harvest Hemp 70 and NOW Pea Protein.
  • _granola
    _granola Posts: 326
    I have tried 5 different vegan protein powder brands so far. I like trying new ones, especially when I can just get samples. I think the biggest problem with most vegan protein powders is that you never know exactly how well they are going to mix with water or non-dairy milk. It's either still a little chunky, leaves a chalk-like texture in your mouth, or you'll get lucky and it mixes more smoothly and can taste like a perfect smoothie or even thicker like a pudding.

    So far, my two favorites have been Genuine Health Vegan Proteins+ (Vanilla and Double Chocolate), which is a mix of different protein sources, and Growing Naturals Protein Isolate (supposedly the only rice protein isolate out there, which tends to give you more protein for less calories than other brands). Genuine Health is one that tastes super good, but mixes differently than others. It tends to still be a little chunky when I mix it will almond or soy milk, but the vanilla flavor tastes like cake batter, so it kind of makes up for it. The Growing Naturals mixes the best of any protein I've tried, and the flavor is not too sweet, which I like.

    The other brand I like is Sunwarrior, but it is a bit more expensive than others. The only thing I don't like is that it tends to mix a little weird and leaves sort-of a chalky texture in your mouth, unless you get a good milk to powder ratio. I like both the vanilla and chocolate, but their Warrior Blend is absolutely disgusting.

    I just recently tried the vanilla flavor of PlantFusion, and boy, it made me want to throw up. Horrible taste, and it mixed a little too thick for my liking.

    I also tried two different Vega flavors (I believe a chocolate and berry). I find it doesn't mix well and tastes like crap. And far too expensive for the amount of protein. I felt sick to my stomach immediately after trying it. This has been my least favorite.
  • ohsogoodfitness
    what do you have? I'm going through a period of long term pain and trying to diagnose it.
  • Diesel3743
    Diesel3743 Posts: 3 Member
    I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2000. It put in a wheelchair a few months ago. I have literally eaten my way out of the wheelchair and back into the weightroom as you can see.
  • ickybubble
    ickybubble Posts: 18 Member
  • marijanb
    marijanb Posts: 2 Member
    hemp protein, planet bio