BodyMedia (aka Bodybugg) and HRM?

Ivythorn Posts: 11 Member
So I am thinking about getting a BodyMedia fit device (aka- bodybugg) to get a better idea of what my fitness level is and what my intake should be? Any advice from current users?

I also may want to get a heart rate monitor (HRM) that is small and waterproof- any recommendations would be appreciated.

Hoping the technology will help me loose, motivate me to be more active as I eat pretty darn healthy, and just can't seem to budge the weight on the scale, and keep my energy up.



  • kathers01
    kathers01 Posts: 164 Member
    I am interested in this too. I have been thinking about getting a bodymedia for awhile now but always change my mind after reading reviews. From what I have read they are not very accurate unless your only forms of exercise are walking and running. I do a lot of circuit training so I don't want to buy one if the calories burned will not be accurate. But I would love to hear input from others.
  • Ivythorn
    Ivythorn Posts: 11 Member
    Since my original post I purchased a polar heart rate monitor but still thinking I want something to tell me my actual metabolic rate, and calories needed for day to day life.
