Week 1 Mini Challenge



  • kfran8182
    kfran8182 Posts: 2 Member
    I think the idea of burning 3500 calories or more in one week is a really good one!! Keeps everyone moving and makes it that much easier to take the weight off!!
  • lamadre1
    lamadre1 Posts: 11 Member
    The 4th is going to be a challenge for me, lots of company and picnics. I'm going to strictly track my calories and be sure and drink my water, something that's hard for me.
  • albaker5
    albaker5 Posts: 3
    Hi everyone! New to the site and this group and really looking forward to making progress! I really like the idea of reaching the suggested servings for water everyday. Is 64 ounces still the recommended?
  • S, do we know what the challenge is going to be yet? I've decided to do that 4% weight loss...or basically 6-pounds. What is the actual challenge for July though? Any idea yet anyone???? Since July starts in a few hours...


  • SRitzy
    SRitzy Posts: 79 Member
    I like the challenge of walking at least half an hour, 5 out of the 7 days for the first week.

    Drinking just water for a week sounds like a fun challenge too. I love my diet Pepsi. However, with the 4th of July holiday in the middle of this week, I already have my calories figured out so I can include one or two beers into my diet for the day. That would be a great mini challenge for week two.
  • katrinkap
    katrinkap Posts: 443 Member
    I think the 4000 calorie burn sounds awesome BUT also add in drink 1/2 oz of water as you weigh... For example, I weigh 169, so then I have to drink 84.5 oz a day... My cousin is a fitness guru and is a walking miracle because of working out and following this "simple" drinking water rule. It's a challenge for sure he says! When will you let all of us know what the challenge is???
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    i like the 3500-4000 calories burned
    drink water only
    stay under calorie goal ( would think with 4000 calories burned then I should stay under : ) - dont want to eat more just 'cause i exercise more : ))
  • Carani
    Carani Posts: 24
    It seems like the 3500 cal exercise challenge is the favorite, right? I think that would be a great motivator!
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    Do we know what the mini challenge is yet?
  • illroc
    illroc Posts: 7 Member
    Let the challenge begin! Good luck everybody.
  • holley75
    holley75 Posts: 44 Member
    This is the challenge i am planing on doing. I am inherently lazy and need a boost on working out. Another friend of mine and I are both doing the 300-3500 calories burned for 6 days of woking out.
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    This is the challenge i am planing on doing. I am inherently lazy and need a boost on working out. Another friend of mine and I are both doing the 300-3500 calories burned for 6 days of woking out.

    Oh! I thought we were all supposed to work on the same challenge, whatever our fearless leader has decided will be the week 1 challenge!
  • danyeld619
    danyeld619 Posts: 39 Member
    This is the challenge i am planing on doing. I am inherently lazy and need a boost on working out. Another friend of mine and I are both doing the 300-3500 calories burned for 6 days of woking out.

    Oh! I thought we were all supposed to work on the same challenge, whatever our fearless leader has decided will be the week 1 challenge!

    That's how I understood it too. That the most popular one will be chosen and announced today.
  • Carani,
    This is the challenge i am planing on doing. I am inherently lazy and need a boost on working out. Another friend of mine and I are both doing the 300-3500 calories burned for 6 days of woking out.

    Oh! I thought we were all supposed to work on the same challenge, whatever our fearless leader has decided will be the week 1 challenge!

    That's how I understood it too. That the most popular one will be chosen and announced today.

    Seems to me that you misunderstood and think that holley misunderstood. I undrestood also that we all have same challenge but no one ever said that we can't put any extra-challenges for ourselves right? :) I personally going to work with whatever challenge is chosen but I'm going to do also veggies + fruits challenge which someone suggested earlier because I hardly ever eat enough those.
  • holley75
    holley75 Posts: 44 Member
    I am game for what the group decides. I can use all the success and tips and help I can get. I will staty tuned to the final result.
  • katrinkap
    katrinkap Posts: 443 Member
    What is the challenge then??????? :) Anyone know???? Please message me if you do!!!!!
  • CowgirlKimi
    CowgirlKimi Posts: 107 Member
    Calorie Burn!!!! :-)
    JIGGLYbellyPUFF Posts: 81 Member
    I'm totally down for this calorie burn challenge since that seems to be the most popular...but...one question for you all so I can at least have a shot of doing it:

    What activities do you guys do that have you burning 3500-4000 in one week?? I can go jogging for two miles 3x a week (6 miles total) and only burn 1000ish! Teach me your ways oh fit ones!
  • lottieloves85
    lottieloves85 Posts: 73 Member
    Morning Challengers!!!
    Sorry I didn't announce this week's challenge earlier, couldn't access the group from my phone :(
    The Week 1 Challenge is.....

    We've all got to aim for a total calorie burn of 3500 this week - which is the equivalent to a pound! So make sure you log every workout so you can tot it up come the end of the week.

    Some high burn workout suggestions are:

    Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred - a high intensity 30 minute workout that burns about 250 cals
    Zumba - lots of fun and melts about 500 cals an hour
    Kettlercise - strength and cardio are a winning combo, resulting in a whopping 800 cals an hour!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Go get it guys! x