Success Stories

LReneeWalker Posts: 213 Member
I wonder if yall would be willing to share your success stories from doing Atkins. I use to do it with my hubby. He lost alot and fast. I rarely every lose much (because of meds) so I get fed up and quit. This time on my weightloss journey I am measuring. I am still losing weight slowly but inches are coming off nicely. I am currently doing the 17 dd and seriously thinking of trying Atkins again. I am diabetic and doctors are conflicted on the Atkins plan (but I dont think they really know how a person should eat). I would love to hear from or see pics of those who are having success at this. Also do you count calories as well as the carbs? Thanks!


  • goal2B140
    goal2B140 Posts: 29
    Hi, Im still relativiely new to atkins, I still count calories and keep an eye on fat grams.. i know they say you don't have to but i think its just habit.. I do 1200 calories a day and about 50-60 fat grams.
  • ThiRS
    ThiRS Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! I have done Atkins several times in the past and lost significant weight each time. I would say the first time I did it (roughly 8 years ago) before the Atkins craze was my most successful! I was a size 22/24 and at my heaviest. After 4.5 months of Atkins I lost 75+lbs (lost track because I became pregnant) and went from thy size 22/24 to a size 15! It was incredible. Unfortunitally after getting pregnant with my daughter and gaining (50lbs ugh!) I have had spurts of doing Atkins with good results but have gotten pregnant a few times since and have not been able to maintain my losses. I dont plan on getting pregnant again so I plan on losing a good amount of weight soon! I have been doing Atkins since Feb and have been having great success again! Good luck with your goals! I love Atkins and know it can be successful!
    P.s. I count carbs only - staying at 20 or under. I don't think counting calories matters but since I have been doing the myfitnesspal app I have been keeping my eye on that as well. With Atkins there will be weeks where you won't lose but the inches will fall off! :)
  • glenner
    glenner Posts: 160 Member
    I had done well with Atkins in the past so I am going to try again. I am having trouble losing weight no matter what I do (menopause is killing me) so I decided to try Atkins again. I am diabetic too- my dr. said he thinks Atkins is actually good for diabetics because you are cutting out starches. I found the fat came off my stomach really well unlike some diets.
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    I lost 75 lbs on it and have gained back 30. If you DO NOT stick to the plan you will gain weght back and very quickly for some reason. Seriously when I do atkins if I splurges and have a bad meal I will see the results on the scale. I am prediabetic and it is recommended by my doctor. I am on day 2 of induction and I feel great already.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    2 years ago i lost 40 pounds in 6 months.

    3 pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight, and i got comfortable. gained it all back in a year. (i wasn't exercising)

    on it now, lost 23 pounds since january (low carb since may 21, lost 8 inches!)

    if you quit before 2 weeks then its easy to say - oh it isn't for me. but STICK WITH IT.
    it works. i'm proof. i have severe carb addiction, and the only way to get feeling better is cold turkey.
  • tami6543
    tami6543 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm 52 & post menopausal & Atkins is the ONLY way I can lose weight. It's definitely harder than when I was young, but the best part of Atkins is your not hungry after a while.

    I'm down 7 lbs in 3 weeks of induction.

    AHHFIT Posts: 4
    So far so great down nine pounds since Monday !!
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    My before pics are in my profile feel free to add me
  • LaJaunaF
    LaJaunaF Posts: 112 Member
    Hi, Im still relativiely new to atkins, I still count calories and keep an eye on fat grams.. i know they say you don't have to but i think its just habit.. I do 1200 calories a day and about 50-60 fat grams.

    If you go to my home>goals>set goals>custom you can set the food diary to reflect an Atkins ratio! Atkins is based on 5% carbohydrate, 25% protein and 70% healthy fats. If you have your numbers set in this manor you will soon see that the numbers will fall into place without you having to obsess about grams.