I will give it a go!

jenniferm930 Posts: 16 Member
Thanks for starting this. I will give it a go and see what happens. I definitely could use some core work.


  • suzanne_oh
    suzanne_oh Posts: 95 Member
    Same here, I'm in desperate need of this group!
  • JessicaPearl85
    JessicaPearl85 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm glad you could join us! I hope we can all keep each other motivated to do this everyday!
  • reecie1034
    reecie1034 Posts: 58 Member
    Oooooh yyyeeeaahhh.... Definitely excited about this challenge... I'm not familiar with all the exercisesbut I will look them up... I look forward to chatting and tracking over the next 30days :-)
  • hellosara08
    hellosara08 Posts: 140 Member
    Aw I finished up my day already but I will definitely start this tomorrow. Can't wait. ^_^
  • suzanne_oh
    suzanne_oh Posts: 95 Member
    lol, I thought we were starting July 1st! Oops! I will try it tonight after I figure out what some of those exercises are! lol I guess I'm showing how "green" I am. :bigsmile:
  • ana3340
    ana3340 Posts: 13
    gonna start my day 1 tom.... thanks for doing this ... i really needed it :)
  • runsyrun
    runsyrun Posts: 5 Member
    I'm up for a challenge!!!
  • toniarandall
    toniarandall Posts: 111
    I am excited to get started. I am like 2 days late.