I am new to this, need encouragement!

Hi all!! I've been on MFP since April, but just now used it from the computer so can access message boards. I've heard of C25K before but never had the energy to do it. I'm very interested in it and just need encouragement from others. Does it help? I used to run 2 miles in 15 minutes but then I had 2 kids (1 a c-section) so I stopped running. I ran 1 mile a month ago and it took 12 minutes :(. I would just like to hear your stories, it will help me get motivated! Thanks so much for helping!


  • buckeyegirl0103
    buckeyegirl0103 Posts: 194 Member
    Your times are awesome! I am slower than slow- the thing with C25K (I'm starting Week 5 tomorrow) is you can do it at your pace. If you can run a mile already- you are way ahead of the game. C25K mixes walking with running. I downloaded the ap for my iPhone from zen labs. I can play my music behind it and still hear the "dings to tell me when to run and when to walk. Plus I can run the Nike+GPS to find the distance and time. You can do it. Once you get started you will become addicted. :smile:
  • bozmo
    bozmo Posts: 177 Member
    It really is designed for just about anyone. You'll most likely fly through the first few weeks. I run with an ipod an there are several podcasts that I use. I just finished week 2 and was disappointed when I woke up that it wasn't a "running" day for. me.
  • tikab89
    tikab89 Posts: 29
    I didn't know there was an app! That would help so much! I kept thinking to myself like how the heck am I going to know when to run/walk again. I'm getting very excited to start this journey. I'm going out to run 1 mile today to see if Insanity has helped me at all. I plan to start C25K tomorrow.
  • buckeyegirl0103
    buckeyegirl0103 Posts: 194 Member
    :smile: You will love it!
  • i am a mom of two and had two c-sections. never really was a runner on a schedule, but didn't mind the exercise. Never ever thought I would be able to jog for 8 minutes.....twice. did it yesterday :) totally do-able. and you can jog when the kids are sleeping so you don't have to worry about the gym being open. I really really enjoy it :) but def get some good running shoes. makes a huge difference. i learned the painful way that that is true. Good luck!
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    C25K is a great program, you will be glad you did it! You can totally do this. I started at 248 pounds. Now I am on week 7, down 10 more pounds and can run for 25 minutes straight. When I first started, I could barely run 30 seconds. I LOVE it! I signed up for my first 5K at the end of August. I can't wait!
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    I love it, Im about to repeat W2 as I had a week off ill, and I'm doubling it pretty much at the moment, I downloaded Run Double to my Android phone, and have music playing in the background