Week #2 Weigh In

JL4987 Posts: 35 Member

My day isn't until Sunday but I've seen some people are on the second so post away


  • tiffanygenasia
    tiffanygenasia Posts: 2 Member
    -2 pounds this week
  • GrammaBonnie
    GrammaBonnie Posts: 232 Member
    SW: 175 (March 27)
    Starting Challenge Weight (6/20): 158
    Week 1 (6/25): 159
    CW: 156.6 (Results not typical. I had gone up on 6/25!)
    GW: 129 <-- for end of challenge

    Final goal will be determined later.
    (I'm 58-years-old, and 5'2")
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    Maintained this week. I couldn't exercise for a week due to injury, but I still ate like I was exercising everyday!! Back on schedule this week and looking for a good loss next weigh in.

    Starting challenge weight - 205.5
    This week - 203 (0 from wk 1)

    Total challenge loss - 2.5
  • jcreynolds98
    jcreynolds98 Posts: 35 Member
    Down 1.5 pounds this week for a total of 2 pounds lost for the challenge.

    SW: 206
    wk#1: 205.5
    wk#2: 204
    GW: 130
  • KimL122
    KimL122 Posts: 171 Member
    -2.2 for this week
  • kreuzen
    kreuzen Posts: 188 Member
    down 3.1 lbs this week. :)
  • kacinace
    kacinace Posts: 70 Member
    Challenge SW 196.4
    Week 1: 196
    Week 2/CW: 194.4
    GW (for this challenge) 166.4

    Total Challenge Loss: 2lbs
  • MrsMichel
    MrsMichel Posts: 58 Member
    :drinker: Good Morning everyone!!
    Lost 3.4 lbs this week!!! Hope everybody had a good week! This week was a tough one because I had a lot of errands to run and was out most days (didn't have any home cooked meals prepared) , and I must admit, that having to log every little thing was begining to work on my last nerve. lol. BUT.. it will be worth it in the end!! Lets keep going everyone!!!! ADD me as a friend, we can support each other! :tongue:

    SW for challenge: 277

    Week 1: 273 (-4)

    CW - week 2: 269.6 (-3.4)

    GW for challenge: 247 <-(mini goal- to be under 250 lbs)

    Total loss for challenge: 7.4lbs
  • JL4987
    JL4987 Posts: 35 Member
    Well done everyone :D I swear collectively we must have lost like 50+ in the last 2 weeks at least.

    The scales have been fickle and I couldnt get a set reading today so if I dont get one tomorrow either Im just going to miss out this week because I have had problems with them in the past and dont feel right choosing one when its not just flicking but going all over the place.
  • tishad58
    tishad58 Posts: 110 Member
    initial SW 210.8

    30# challenge SW: 207

    Wk. 1: 206 (-1)
    Wk. 2: 203.6 (-2.4)

    GW: 177
  • KimL122
    KimL122 Posts: 171 Member
    :drinker: Good Morning everyone!!
    Lost 3.4 lbs this week!!! Hope everybody had a good week! This week was a tough one because I had a lot of errands to run and was out most days (didn't have any home cooked meals prepared) , and I must admit, that having to log every little thing was begining to work on my last nerve. lol. BUT.. it will be worth it in the end!! Lets keep going everyone!!!! ADD me as a friend, we can support each other! :tongue:

    SW for challenge: 277

    Week 1: 273 (-4)

    CW - week 2: 269.6 (-3.4)

    GW for challenge: 247 <-(mini goal- to be under 250 lbs)

    Total loss for challenge: 7.4lbs

    Way to go considering you were getting on yourself with eatng out at Olive Garden. You did very good!
  • scott1646
    scott1646 Posts: 110 Member
    7/1/12 Weigh In: 326lbs
    CW: 294lbs
  • kristiealexander76
    kristiealexander76 Posts: 25 Member
    Did not lose anything this week.

    SW - 153
    Week 1 -2.4
    Week 2 -0
    CW 150.6
  • MD1Girl
    MD1Girl Posts: 46 Member
    Week 1-279
    week 2-278

    Keep it up! I got my polar watch in this week and I realize how off the calories burned are on MFP. Hopefully, I'll up the weight loss this week :)
  • lmdoty
    lmdoty Posts: 3 Member
    week 1 151.8
    week 2 149.4
  • betancourta229
    betancourta229 Posts: 171 Member
    SW (for challenge) 230.4 lbs
    Week 1: 226.2 lbs
    CW: 223.3 lbs
    GW 199 lbs

    Lose of 2.9 lbs this week!

    All together on my diet I've lost my first 10lbs! (I started at 233 lbs!)
  • MrsMichel
    MrsMichel Posts: 58 Member
    Excellent progress!!! :smile:
  • amrie81
    amrie81 Posts: 28 Member
    Down 2 pounds this week!! Family keeps laughing at me because I scan EVERYTHING with my phone! They keep giving me random things to scan! Oh well, it's working! I'll be the one laughing when I reach my goal!

    SW 210
    CW 207
    Week #1 (6/25) - 200 (-7)
    Week #2 (7/2) - 198 (-9 Total)
    OCT 7 GW 175
    GW 135
  • sjkcarter
    sjkcarter Posts: 417 Member
    No change from week 1. Just started exercising again, its only been a few days. Hopefully i will start seeing the lbs drop.

    W1: 197.6

    Hope everone else had a good week, and will have continued success.
  • kreuzen
    kreuzen Posts: 188 Member
    Way to stay positive this week. Keep it up! :smile:
    No change from week 1. Just started exercising again, its only been a few days. Hopefully i will start seeing the lbs drop.

    W1: 197.6

    Hope everone else had a good week, and will have continued success.