Sweet tooth



  • emmah1212
    emmah1212 Posts: 4
    I have a horrible sweet tooth too, and also tried the few pieces of dark chocolate a day - i found it was fine most days, but on a bad day, i would eat the whole lot. So now i try not to have it in the house. One thing i find really good for sweet cravings is cinnamon, i often make a huge pot of popcorn, with very little oil, and put on a bunch of cinnamon and a wee bit of icing sugar, mix it up and put it in to little zip lock baggies to grab when i need them - feels like i am having a treat but really u can have a lot of popcorn for not many calories. And without the icing sugar it would be even less - but i usually try not to eat much sugar at all so I allow myself that! Or if i am really feeling like something sweet and desserty, I cut an apple in to small pieces, add some cinnamon and a little honey or brown sugar, and microwave for a minute or two until it gets soft - so good! This is also good with a bit of oatmeal to make sort of an apple crumble :)