Wedding Day Roll Call

Hi! I am relatively new to this site. I opened an account a few years ago and didn't use it. D'uh!

To support each other and help others reach their wedding day goals, I thought I would start a little Get To Know You Thread (GTKY). I'm sure this has been done many times over, but entertain me if you will.

When is your wedding date?

How are your wedding day plans coming together?

Do you have a theme?

How weight are planning on losing for your big day?

What are you doing to get to that goal weight?

In closing, any brides that want to add me for inspiration or to inspire me, don't hesitate to shoot me a friend request.

Happy wedding planning!


  • My wedding date - September 22, 2012

    Plans are coming together, slowly but surely right now. Struggling with centerpiece items at the moment. They will get figured out eventually.

    The wedding day theme, unplanned, is Key to my Heart and a few other things, but primarily Key to my Heart. Our colours are silver/red/black (sorry forgot to ask that in the original post).

    I'm planning on losing 25lbs. I will be happy with 15-20, but ultimately 25 would put me over the moon happy.

    I am getting to the gym more often and trying to clean up my eating. Oh, how I love chocolate and bread (carb queen), so trying to limit that!
  • kayci5288
    kayci5288 Posts: 22 Member
    My wedding date - November 10, 2012

    Plans are going along smoothly, for now lol. We've already booked the venue, photographer, and catering. I've got a budget planner, and a timeline planner so it helps out alot.Also I am going this Saturday to try on dresses!!

    My theme is Falling In Love which include; fall colors, pumpkins, goards, fall leaves, acorns, hay, lanterns etc.

    I am wanting to lose about 65 lbs before the big day :)

    I've been dieting for 8 weeks and exercising for 7 weeks. I started at 275lbs and the last time I weighed myself (3 weeks ago) I weighed 265 lbs. I allow myself 1460 calories a day, 8 bottles of water or more. I do about 45 mins of cardio at the gym 4-5 times a week plus weightlifting and lots of abs to get rid of my stubborn belly fat. I mainly take in only clear or light colored fluids, water, crystal light lemonaid, and carbonated flavored water. I have 2 cups of coffee a day with 2 packets of splenda, no creamer. Unsweeted tea with splenda (occationally). Its been working pretty well for me so far!!

    Welcome to MFP!!!
  • My wedding date is August.18th, 2012

    Plans are going together quite well but a lot to do. Just found the website that lets you set up a free webpage for guest to RSVP, request music, look up venue details so I thought that was pretty helpful. Our theme is rustic love birds so our centerpieces are 18 inch vases with branches coming out of the top for half and the other half our 18 inch vases with water and 2 lillies with a floating candle on the top. Our colors are green, brown and turquoise. I cannot believe how fast its come up and now only 6 months away!!!

    I am wanting to lose as much as it takes to fit into my dress!! I ordered the dress when I was pregnant so had to sort of guess on the measurements and now its a tad bit to small.... eeek! 20 pounds I think would do but the more the better :)

    I plan on drinking my 8+ glasses of water, continue my journey to eat better and make exercise a priority.
  • I am using Project Wedding to plan and organinze my thoughts. It is a fabulously supportive and inspiring website.

    Great job so far, ladies!

    Again, congratulations!
  • Kayci, my wedding day is also November 10th AND I'm trying on dresses this Saturday too! Apparently we are working on the same timeline!!! Lol. Have you sent your save the dates yet? I was planning on sending mine out in a few weeks.

    Anywho, my wedding planning is going great so far. The only thing I have left is wedding dress and cake.

    We don't have a theme, but our color palette is purple and gray.

    I would like to lose at least 45 pounds.

    I am eating right and tracking it through MFP and also running 3 times a week (doing couch to 5K) and trying to do 2 other days of cardio
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    wedding date- July 24th, 2012

    Wedding plans are very stressful. Feels like the closer the day comes the more the stress. We are having a destination wedding so I have a planner in Jamaica who is taking care of most things, however my family can be very opinionated at times and it seems although nothing i say, do, or decide on is right. (I hope there is someone here who can relate)

    Do not really have a theme- destination wedding on the beach, the bridesmaids are wearing turquoise dresses which they were able to choose themselves, groom and groomsmen are wearing beige linen pants and button down shirts.

    My goal weight would be somewhere around 125. I am doing Jillian Michaels dvds at least 5 times a week and really focusing on portion control and trying to stick to my 1200 calories a day, making healthy choices.
  • Hi all.

    My wedding date is 11/3/12. Planning is moving along. We have our venue, catering and photographer. We've met with a DJ and will probably sign with him this week.

    We don't really have a theme just fall colors and accents. Colors are orange, gray and cream.

    I'm going dress shopping on Sat too! What a coincidence!

    I've lost about 20 punds so far, and I'd like to lose another 40. I've been doing well on staying with my calorie goals and working out 5-6 days per week, but I'm sick right now, so taking a break from exercising.
  • Hey! I'm Ayla.

    My wedding date is April 8, 2012. Only 45 days to go! I'm so excited to spend forever with my best friend!

    The plans are slowly falling into place. I've been working full-time our entire (6-month) engagement, so haven't had much time to plan. Thank goodness I have my mom and my future-mother-in-law! Only 3 days of work left though and then I'll have a month off to work on wedding stuff.

    Our theme is Rustic Chic. Our colours are moss green and black with white accents.

    Ultimately, I'd like to lose 15 lbs, but I'll be good with 10. Haven't had time to work out lately since I'm packing to move and working long hours, plus I'm sick right now, but I'll be starting Jillian Michaels' Six-Week Six-Pack and Killer Buns & Thighs next week. I'm also planning on running at least 3-4 km per day.
  • Hi all! I just joined this group to surround myself with other brides-to-be who understand the added pressure of having a specific date they'd like to meet their fitness goals by.

    When is your wedding date? I will be getting married on August 4, 2012.

    How are your wedding day plans coming together? After a ton of stressful planning, I finally feel like things are coming together. I'm planning a wedding over a thousand miles away, so there's been a number of intense weekends where I fly home, have 10-15 meetings set up in a 3-4 day time period, but come home feeling accomplished. All the major stuff (venue, food, cake, flowers, DJ, dress, bridesmaids dresses and photographer) are taken care of, I'm now concertrating on smaller things.

    Do you have a theme? No theme - we're getting married in a renovated 1920s ballroom, which kind of does most of the work for us. If I did have a theme, it would be "Awesome party for everyone we love!"

    How weight are planning on losing for your big day? My goal is somewhere between 13-18 pounds total (I know those are odd numbers, but they are linked to specific round numbers I hope to acheive). I've lost about 5 already, and hope to have shedded another 5-8 by early summer, so the final months can be focused on toning up.

    What are you doing to get to that goal weight? Right now, I'm working out 6 days a week. I alternate between Couch to 5K (MWF) and the 30 Day Shred/walking my dog (TThSat). I give myself Sundays off, though I usually go skiing then anyway.

    Good luck to everyone, both with your fitness goals and in planning your big day!
  • Hi everyone! I am a newbie in the group, but I'm excited that I found ya'll!

    When is your wedding date? November 10, 2012

    How are your wedding day plans coming together? Planning has been fabulous as of yet! Most of the big decisions have been made (and paid for) and now my biggest problem is that the dress that I bought is now too big :)

    Do you have a theme? Our theme is kind of a vintage celebration of our town's mill past/the river that made it all happen. The colors are a mixture of blues (anything from seafoam to navy), light grey, and cream. We want it to be kind of mismatched. We are going for a really laid back and fun celebration. The mantra for the wedding is "Anyone can be passionate, but it takes a real lover to be silly."

    How weight are planning on losing for your big day? I am planning to lose 45 pounds total, and that should be accomplished in the next 9 months, but I really just want to get back in fighting form for my amazing hubby to be!

    What are you doing to get to that goal weight? (This is where my family thinks I am crazy except for my equally health minded mom) I am eating clean. Completely one hundred percent cooking every single meal from raw ingredients. We use no preservatives in anything, and I have also taken all chemicals out of my house. We use only organic and chemical free products from produce to shampoo. It costs a fortune, but it is worth it because of how much better we feel! I am also going to be back in the gym soon (I've been out due to injury for a few months) and I can't wait to start kicking *kitten* again!
  • Hi everyone! I am a newbie in the group, but I'm excited that I found ya'll!

    When is your wedding date? November 10, 2012

    How are your wedding day plans coming together? Planning has been fabulous as of yet! Most of the big decisions have been made (and paid for) and now my biggest problem is that the dress that I bought is now too big :)

    Do you have a theme? Our theme is kind of a vintage celebration of our town's mill past/the river that made it all happen. The colors are a mixture of blues (anything from seafoam to navy), light grey, and cream. We want it to be kind of mismatched. We are going for a really laid back and fun celebration. The mantra for the wedding is "Anyone can be passionate, but it takes a real lover to be silly."

    How weight are planning on losing for your big day? I am planning to lose 45 pounds total, and that should be accomplished in the next 9 months, but I really just want to get back in fighting form for my amazing hubby to be!

    What are you doing to get to that goal weight? (This is where my family thinks I am crazy except for my equally health minded mom) I am eating clean. Completely one hundred percent cooking every single meal from raw ingredients. We use no preservatives in anything, and I have also taken all chemicals out of my house. We use only organic and chemical free products from produce to shampoo. It costs a fortune, but it is worth it because of how much better we feel! I am also going to be back in the gym soon (I've been out due to injury for a few months) and I can't wait to start kicking *kitten* again!

    I have played around in my head for years about eating clean. I'm a big chicken. I buy Eat Clean Magazine and Oxygen religiously, but I just haven't taken the plunge yet.

    I commend you for the dedication!
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    When is your wedding date? 07-12-2012

    How are your wedding day plans coming together? Almost done! Yipee!!!!

    Do you have a theme? Rustic country-ish

    How weight are planning on losing for your big day? 1 to 2 more pounds!

    What are you doing to get to that goal weight? watching calories and staying active

    Happy wedding planning!
  • jamlace
    jamlace Posts: 3 Member
    Congrats! My wedding date is 9/22/12 too!
  • misslariss84
    misslariss84 Posts: 20 Member
    My wedding is 9/22/12 too!

    Wedding plans: Picking out food and linens this week (eek for the diet!); cake, flowers, and invitation design coming up next month. Everything else (dress, entertainment, venue, wedding party, etc.) is set!

    Theme: "Casually elegant." Colors are navy and soft pink.

    Total weight to lose: 20 lbs

    Game plan: Doing the 30DS right now (on level 2, almost half way through--whew) 6 days/week. I also do a mix of classes at the gym (spin, kickboxing, yoga, pilates) 4-5 days/week. Once the weather gets nicer, I'll replace some of my gym classes with riding my bike. My biggest challenge is limiting my food intake, but tracking what I eat really helps me control myself.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Fluttrby
    Fluttrby Posts: 1
    I am a late starter to the weight-loss, but good as time as any. I have been on my weight-loss journey for 7 weeks now. I am getting married August 18th, in Barbados!
    I had to lose weight because over the winter after buying my dress, I had gained weight. Up until today I was fearful I wouldn't fit into my dress.
    I am back at the weight I was, but that doesn't include the weight that doesn't show on the scale because of muscle weighing more than fat. So I am guessing my 6lbs lost is closer to 12lbs.

    My long term goal is to be down to atleast 140.
    Short term goal is to lose another 5-10 lbs by August.

    I have cut out sodas and sweet drinks (rarely ill have an adult drinky so I have something sweet to treat myself)
    no fast food
    staying close to 1200 calories per day
    cardio for an hour per day (m-f...usually pretty busy during the weekends)
    3 days a week I weight train with my personal trainer.
  • When is your wedding date? September 28, 2013

    How are your wedding day plans coming together? Church booked, photographer booked, reception hall soon-to-be booked, wedding dress order.

    Do you have a theme? Two hearts, One love.

    How much weight are planning on losing for your big day? 20 pounds

    What are you doing to get to that goal weight? Burn 500 calories or more each day (lose a pound a week) and stop drinking soda!
  • Rydell86
    Rydell86 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone. I've been part of this group for a while, but haven't really had enough info to share to post before. But here I go.

    When is your wedding date? April 6, 2013

    How are your wedding day plans coming together? Just about done. Just need to organise my centrepieces and talk my mother-in-law out of changing my bouquets and I'm good.

    Do you have a theme? I don't really have a theme. Colours are purple (eggplant), with some white, black and baby pink thrown in for fun.

    How weight are planning on losing for your big day? I'll basically take what I can get. I would love to lose enough to feel comfortable in a bikini on the honeymoon, but am realistic enough to realise it probably won't happen. However I need to lose three inches from my waist to fit the dress I've ordered, so I'm aiming to do that by Christmas.

    What are you doing to get to that goal weight? Currently nothing. Oops. Been a bit wonky lately. However I'm in the process of converting our spare bedroom into a workout area for me that way I can do it without disturbing my man. I intend to do zumba at least three times a week (more if I can motivate myself), plus I'm hoping to clean up my diet a bit. I have already stopped eating Maccas (almost two months now!) and I gave up KFC and Pizza Hut about a month ago. Just need to get off the pasta/chips/soft drink and I should get there.
  • Myiesha_W
    Myiesha_W Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! My name is Myiesha and I'm getting married May 4, 2013. Wedding plans are moving slowly and will continue to do so until I lock down a venue. We're planning a destination wedding with a beach theme. I plan to lose a total of 30lbs. before my wedding. My plan is to visit the gym 4 times a week and am off to a good start. I also have started run/walking and am working towards running a half-marathon!

  • tiffing
    tiffing Posts: 5
    Hey everyone,

    Congrats to all of you! I'm really loving finding out about all of the awesome brides who are with me on this weight-loss, getting-healthy journey!

    I'm getting married June 29, 2013. My wedding plans are going great - I'm way ahead of the schedule somehow - I have a venue with food, and we're doing the ceremony there. I have a dress and an officiant. I sent out save-the-dates (see my profile pic!), and now I'm starting to put together all of the little pieces, like colours, flowers, etc.

    Our theme is Vintage Books and Vintage Movies - we're both big culture buffs, and I'm loving the vintage weddings I'm seeing. I'm kind of calling it a vintage glam wedding.

    I'm planning on losing at least 20 lbs, possibly 30 if I can. My dress is just a little snug right now, so if I lose at least 10 lbs, I'm sure it will fit - but I'm hoping to lose even more and feel amazing in a bikini for the honeymoon, too!

    I'm pretty much just limiting portions, eating healthier (with small indulgences) and working out like a fiend to get there. I'm doing a lot of yoga, some serious arm work, and 30 Day Shred. =)
  • easternNCchick
    easternNCchick Posts: 198 Member
    When is your wedding date?
    -October 19th, 2013

    How are your wedding day plans coming together?
    -Slow....making a guest list now (rough draft) so we can book location and know how many we need to accommodate.

    Do you have a theme?
    -rustic/outdoors. NO PUMPKINS!

    How much weight are planning on losing for your big day?

    What are you doing to get to that goal weight?
    -Low Calories, running and kettlebell