Important stuff will go here one day.
7 Months and Counting!
Ok ladies 7 months to go to rock this wedding dress, anyone have any tips to help get it together?!
not wearing white just yet
Hello! I am excited to be a part of this group - and not just because of the rock on my left hand! I am currently in a good place with exercising (typically 6-7 days a week), but it's the food that is killing me. I keep it to a decent amount, and then tend to splurge. Short of me posting a brides magazine on my arm so I…
Wedding Day Roll Call
Hi! I am relatively new to this site. I opened an account a few years ago and didn't use it. D'uh! To support each other and help others reach their wedding day goals, I thought I would start a little Get To Know You Thread (GTKY). I'm sure this has been done many times over, but entertain me if you will. When is your…
<New Member>
Hello, my name is Elizabeth and what inspires me is motivating other people, the rush of adrenaline after working out and getting fit for my wedding. I've currently lost 17 lbs since I started my journey on MFP (March 5th, 2012) and tomorrow I am embarking on my newest journey... the Insanity workout. My goal: Ideally, I'd…
Brides On a Mission - Part 1 (official)
I know it's been a few weeks since i last posted to see how everyone was doing! But i'm back, i feel off of the wagon and i think i gained 5 pounds. Good News if i did i lost it! for i'm the same weight i was 2 weeks ago know! And i'm back to my motivation! Let's keep track of everyone's progress! post every time you log…
hi all! i just stumbled upon this group and decided to join. my name is phyllis and i'll be getting married october 12th of this year. i had also started a 2012 Bride to Be Boot Camp group in January. we post weekly challenges and discuss our weight loss and wedding plans. if anyone would like to join please let me know :)
Brides On a Mission - Topic -Biggest..
What has been your biggest challenge so far on planning the wedding and loseing weight?! what so far is your biggest acomplishment on both?! my biggest challenge has been finding time for both with work on top of it all! i'm trying and i'm slowly doing it!~!! biggest accomplishement on losing weight would be coming on here…
Happy New Year Brides!
Hope everyone is having a great start to this year! I started with a 2lb weight loss after Thanksgiving and Christmas! I thought i would have gained sicne i didnt really watch what i ate or even worked out all last month. Man do i feel out of shape now! How was everyones holidays?! What was your biggest challenge of the…
Wedding Dress Shopping Led to BAD Decisions!
I really really messed up over the past 2 days. Wedding dress shopping for the first time (eye opening, and depressing! Couldn't look at anything but my big arms!) and then wine, sushi, more wine with my friend I haven't seen in months....wake up moderately hung over yesterday, then spent all day last minute Christmas…