not wearing white just yet


I am excited to be a part of this group - and not just because of the rock on my left hand! I am currently in a good place with exercising (typically 6-7 days a week), but it's the food that is killing me. I keep it to a decent amount, and then tend to splurge. Short of me posting a brides magazine on my arm so I can remember 24/7 to keep my wedding goal in mind, any recommendations for eating right that doesn't cost a lot? I love weight watchers, but currently can't afford it as all the extra pennies are going to the wedding in October!

Thanks, and have a great day!


  • xlovemehalwaiyzx
    Hey Courtney!

    Congrats on the up coming wedding! you must be so excited it's coming soon.

    I've been doing a lot of light yogurt (90 cal) with a mixture of fresh fruit for smoothies, recently bought some frozen fruit to save some money. with this it'll be cold and don't need milk or ice (so it doesn't get watered down.) sometiems i use it for breakfast for do a smaller portion for a snack right before a work out. yoplait around where i am is usually on sale. i recently bought 20 different flavors for 10$. should last me a few weeks!

    hope that helps.

    Happy wedding!