WHY are you here?

Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
Well? Why did you join this challenge? Me? Oh I joined because October 25th is my 4th wedding anniversary! I thought that was kinda cool that someone made a challenge and it was ON my anniversary... I thought, "Hey, 25lbs is a doable goal by then... I'll join up!!"

So what is your reasoning? Even if it's something as simple as "I just want to lose 25lbs" that's cool, I'm just curious.


  • Cambrendle
    Cambrendle Posts: 104 Member
    I joined because I think it will be another great motivator - I'm aiming to lose around 100 lbs - If I have some people keeping me accountable for exercise etc., then more likely I'll stay motivated - even when the scale is lying it's springs off - people to bolster me and remind me that the measurements and the quality food and how I feel physically is what REALLY counts :flowerforyou:
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    I joined because I have my last 19-26lbs to lose and Im failing I cant find the motivation to get up and lose the last pounds Im hoping a group like this will kick start me :)
  • reneeramirez4christ
    reneeramirez4christ Posts: 112 Member
    awesome reasons! Well I am doing this challenge...and started the group because my friend and I kind of had a set back. We both have a ways to go and I thought this would be a GREAT way to encourage each other but also others who sometimes just need a little motivation. I am also going on a mission trip to Cambodia in October and it is a HOT place! The last time I was there I wasn't in the best physical condition and this time around, I don't want anything to keep me from being able to give my all to ministry.

    So glad you all joined!
  • ARC84
    ARC84 Posts: 10 Member
    Same as Renee... cuz I'm the friend she's talking about. Hahaha! Can't wait to find out if I'm going to Cambodia too!
  • I joined because I think being in a group with others to be accountable to and getting motivation from may be the key to staying with this. I have tried so many times to get fit only to give up. I need to lose 30-40 pounds and keep them off. I just joined the site today....so I figured this was a good way to challenge myself.
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    Hiya, I have just over 30 pounds left to lose and as with everyone else thought this would be a great motivator. I want to be fit by Christmas when our son comes home from Scotland. October 29th is my birthday so it would be an awesome birthday pressie! Good luck to us all.
  • goldnfoxy
    goldnfoxy Posts: 15 Member
    This is a easy answer...going on a cruise October 20th and I want to wear cute and foxy swimwear and attire!:drinker:
  • I have joined because I am sick of being too big for most of my clothes and not being able to keep up with my kids and my dog! I'm finding this a really good way as it is encouraging me to exercise - which is nothing short of a miracle! I started off with 52 pounds to lose and have already managed 7, so - 45 to go. Feels like a long way but I think this group might help.
  • 0400772
    0400772 Posts: 80
    I joined because being on maternity leave has left me piling on the pounds. Before my daughter i works 60+ a hours (up until i was 37 weeks i may add!) and then she was born and i did nothing. she was a great baby so just slept and never made me run about losing my hair! but i got bored and day time tv made me sit and munch.

    so im 175lbs and want to get to 135 (the heaviest i should be according to BMI), once im there ill assess whether im happy or want to lose more! I have a goal "figure" in my mind, the way i was, rather than a weight!

    I know that motivation is a bad thing for me as i have none so by being made accountable it helps. I know i will be sad if someone else loses and i dont so it will motivate me to work harder!

    We can do this :) x
  • Erin_OC
    Erin_OC Posts: 4
    I'm joining because I just feel uncomfortable in my own skin lately. I'm 25 pounds above my "happy" weight, and 10 pounds above my "acceptable" weight. I just feel awful, both in terms of how I look and how I feel, and I need to think that there's a definitive end in sight. This should help me stay on track!
  • Sara20201
    Sara20201 Posts: 5
    I joined because Christmas prom is in December and I want to lose twenty pounds by then
  • inkydnk3
    inkydnk3 Posts: 62 Member
    I joined because I want to take advantage of everything available to me so I can be successful in my weight loss goals.
    I still have about 34 lbs to loose. I want to get there! Can't wait!
  • Dawna_
    Dawna_ Posts: 4
    I installed myfitnesspal a LONG time ago but have been really insconsistent about using it. However, I can only fit into about 20% of my clothes right now and I am just too spendthrift to get a whole new wardrobe!

    Using this program is helping me to SEE just how terrible my current eating habits are. I'm hoping that being part of this group will give me the extra accountability to make some real changes.

    I've gained 50 pounds over the years. My long-term goal is to lose 40 and then judge whether losing the last 10 seems like a healthy choice.
  • LMiller81
    LMiller81 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm joining because I just feel uncomfortable in my own skin lately. I'm 25 pounds above my "happy" weight, and 10 pounds above my "acceptable" weight. I just feel awful, both in terms of how I look and how I feel, and I need to think that there's a definitive end in sight. This should help me stay on track!

    I'm right with you on this! And I like the fact that this seems healthy and doable... If I can do the lb a week thing, I'll get there eventually. The problem is I get frustrated when the scale only moves a bit. If you all are doing it bit by by bit, and we all loose together, I think I'll stay motivated!
  • dixieangeln
    dixieangeln Posts: 26 Member
    I joined because Oct 27th is my birthday and was my original goal date for a good amount of weight loss-- not all 60 pounds of it but a good start...
  • lshabazz
    lshabazz Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, I joined cause I got 20 last pounds to lose and I am simply tired of being over weight and not eating healthy. I am hoping to belong to a group of ppl that have some of the same desires as I do.

    My health really needs the lost pounds. Cholesterol is 300 need I say more. I hope to hear from you and anyone else that would like to chat or share info they find useful and so will I.

    Nice meeting you •.¸ ♥ ..♥.•*
  • arachniagirl
    arachniagirl Posts: 64 Member
    I want to lose 25 lbs. I've only just started participating here and the timing seemed right. I'm hoping that being part of this group will help me to be accountable for my choices and will motivate me to do better and not give up when things get tough.
  • 75yrsyoung
    75yrsyoung Posts: 7 Member
    I have already lost 40 lbs since Jan 2011, but need to lose 20 more to not be considered overweight. I have been at a plateau since Feb and thought this challenge would motivate me. Losing more at this stage is even harder than it was at the beginning and it is easy to become discouraged when you know you are eating right and exercising every day and the scale doesn't budge.
  • autumnsutherland
    autumnsutherland Posts: 10 Member
    I joined this challenge because I need an extra push to lose my last 20 pounds. I have not yet joined a group that had a specific goal in mind. With this group, there's a specific goal right in the title. Some of us want to lose more than 20, but 20 is a good start. :) Right now, I'm at my smallest weight I've been since middle school, and that's not saying a lot. I would like to be 125-130 pounds, which means a 20-25 pound loss would be perfect. I'm ready for this challenge and hope to gain motivation from you all. :)

    And as Tonnina, my anniversary is October 25th as well. It would be awesome to wear a cute, LITTLE anniversary dress. :)
  • SIMBA7860
    SIMBA7860 Posts: 25
    my target was to lose the 10kg by 4th october which is my birthday. so since this is for october i thought why not take the challenge