Running/walking during a 5k run

Tandis729 Posts: 6 Member
This may seem like a dumb question, but frankly, I'm totally clueless as to the "rules" of a 5k run. :smile: :embarassed:

I'm tempted to sign up for a run that is on August 5th, however I'm only going to be starting week 6 of the C25K, and I don't know if I'm going to be up for running that distance at that time. Is it "allowed" to both walk and run the course, or will I be expect to run the whole time? Especially since there is a shorter walking course also.

Thanks! :happy:


  • JenniferDent_CHC
    JenniferDent_CHC Posts: 35 Member
    Oh wow! I hadn't thought about that. I'm assuming you can walk during a 5K. I mean, the goal is to finish...even if you have to crawl!
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    your question has me worried lol... BUT I have always been under the impression that you can walk/run any race you sign up for, some races have a min/mile limit, like for instance a Half marathon I'm doing in Feb has a 16min/mile (which is fine bc its 3.6 mph and I can walk that easily if I have to walk part of it) But other than that most races arent as restrictive and you can definitely walk it, no one there blames you for wanting to better yourself. :)