
BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
since I was out of commission this past weekend - watched a lot of TV/movies
(If you haven't watched Leverage - it's like a modern day A-Team - was kinda digging it in all its cheesmono)

I watched Insidious - wasn't bad, couple of unexpected jumps - which was good.
Now the reason I'm bringing it up - the guy who plays in the movie (Patrick Wilson) - every time I see him I instantly go to the movie Hard Candy - which was a great movie if you haven't seen it. So even if he plays a non-douchy character, I still think him kinda douchy.


  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    He reminds me of Cole Hauser. In fact, until I actually looked it up, I thought it was him in Dazed and Confused.

    I like Insidious until the last 20-30 min. When they showed the demon, it got crappy. Kind of like Jeepers Creepers. I loved the first 30-45 minutes of that movie, then they showed the Creeper and it was all downhill from there.
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    I know! I think it was more creepy not seeing the demon - it was just a guy in grease paint - COME ON!
    I actually didn't see Jeepers Creepers for some reason -should I put this in my Q?
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I cant really tell when the movie went down hill for me.. I think in the first house, it was very creepy very scary. But... slowly it started devolving into nothing but a silly, not-scary fest. To me the film lost crediblity when they played that "living in the sunlight, loving in the moonlight, having a wonderful tiiiime" song by Tiny Tim I lost it. Especially since it was the demon's favorite song or something, since he was playing it on repeat in the ghost world. That song ONLY reminds me of the pilot episode of SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS. I actually laughed at it and couldnt take the movie seriously after. The whole ghost world portion was creepy enough, until they went in the house and that family that held still and would move really fast randomly just wasnt making it scary.

    From the Darth Maul demon, to Tiny Tim's childish soundtrack... it just didnt do it.

    Neither did Chernobyl Diaries, but thats a different story.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Insidious was pretty meh to me. It started out alright, went downhill with the comic relief ghost hunters team and then went right off the rails in the last act.

    I would say definitely put Jeepers Creepers on your list. It's well worth a watch, the first act in particular is truly scary.

    If you like the haunting style movies like Insidious, get outside of the hollywood norm and you find some really great ones - Lake Mungo, Skjult (hidden), Saint Ange, Noroi: The Curse etc.
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    oh come on - admit it - you loved it when they brought out the view master!
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    Jeepers Creepers is definitely worth a look.
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Insidious was pretty meh to me. It started out alright, went downhill with the comic relief ghost hunters team and then went right off the rails in the last act.

    I would say definitely put Jeepers Creepers on your list. It's well worth a watch, the first act in particular is truly scary.

    If you like the haunting style movies like Insidious, get outside of the hollywood norm and you find some really great ones - Lake Mungo, Skjult (hidden), Saint Ange, Noroi: The Curse etc.

    woah, I'm a ghost movie lover and I havent heard of any of these... where could I find them? Netflix?
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    oh come on - admit it - you loved it when they brought out the view master!

    That was hilarious.
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    oh come on - admit it - you loved it when they brought out the view master!

    That was hilarious.

    I dont...know what you're talking about :( what scene was that?
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    oh come on - admit it - you loved it when they brought out the view master!

    That was hilarious.

    I dont...know what you're talking about :( what scene was that?

    The ghost hunters had various equipment, one of them either looked like a view master, or was a modified view master.
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    Exactly, how do you NOT think of Hard Candy when Patrick Wilson is on screen, LOL, no matter how much of a nice guy character he plays. The damage simply can't be undone.

    I have mixed feeling towards Insidious. I wanted to love it but it didn't live up to my expectations and yes I agree with others they should have left the demon appearing out. Somewhere halfway was where is went down hill prolly close to the same scene mentioned already with the ghost running around to the song :(

    Jeepers Creepers is definitely worth a look even if just for Justin Long's performance.

    I have actually seen Lake Mungo and was bored with it, giving it a Netflix 2 star rating. Also I have watched Saint Ange and must have enjoyed it more than Lake Mungo with a 3 star rating but have no memory of this movie what-so ever. I have Hidden in my queue already :) so now must bump it up.
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    Insidious was pretty meh to me. It started out alright, went downhill with the comic relief ghost hunters team and then went right off the rails in the last act.

    I would say definitely put Jeepers Creepers on your list. It's well worth a watch, the first act in particular is truly scary.

    If you like the haunting style movies like Insidious, get outside of the hollywood norm and you find some really great ones - Lake Mungo, Skjult (hidden), Saint Ange, Noroi: The Curse etc.

    woah, I'm a ghost movie lover and I havent heard of any of these... where could I find them? Netflix?

    On streaming, I was only able to find Saint Ange.