Important stuff will go here one day.
What horror books would you like to see made into movies?
A couple Steve Alten books I like are Meg and The Loch. A Dean Koontz novel I read called Tick Tock was pretty awesome till a little past half way through if they changed it up from there out it would be pretty awesome.
Has anyone seen a movie called A Serbian Film
A friend and I were talking about this - and I guess it's really hard to get a hold of - anyone seen it?
Curse of Chucky
So, I decided to give this a try this weekend. I've only seen about 20 min of Bride of Chucky and haven't seen anything of Seed of Chucky, thought this was a remake, but it turned out to be a continuation. They've changed his face and it moves more now, but it's just disorienting because he ends up not looking like he did…
The Cabin in the Woods
My wife and I were rewatching this a few days ago, when I had a realization...(spoilers..maybe?) The old guy at the gas station, Mordecai, the harbinger, he is there to warn them that they will die. If they ignore his warning, they are fair game...What happens a few scenes later? The harbinger calls the company and warns…
Halloween costume
I'm excited, I finally got my Nurse Ratched costume together- now to figure out how to do that hair
October movie watching
So is anyone watching anything special this month or having any special marathons for Halloween? Because of my work hours I usually try to fit in movies when I can, or since I can watch tv at work, will see what's on there at night.
We Are What We Are, has anyone seen it?
It's a new movie in the theaters, if you see the trailer it looks like a cannibal movie, I saw that the wife was suffering from Kuru Disease, I looked it up and yup, it's a disease transmitted because of cannibalism. I don't know what to make of it, or if it's worth going to see. Has anyone else seen it?…
So.... Insidious is back for round 2... While we're at it, what did you guys think about the first one? I know it was discussed (somewhere) in this group, but as far as the movie goes I didn't like it. The fact that there is a sequel kinda makes me sad. Not to mention that *SPOILERS* at the end, the father ended up…
So guys, I'm really excited for the new remake of Carrie, is there anyone else who feels this way? I loved the book and the original version of the movie (wasn't so keen on the first remake) but the trailers for this new one look pretty damn good.
The Collection
I hear it's by the guys that did the Saw movies - any thoughts? I might be able to get an advanced screening