All new to this - trying to heal myself!

Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
After a 5-month plateau of not losing weight and trying many things, I decided that it had to be my thyroid - I have hypothyroidism since 9 months post partum with my 1st child.

I have taken matters into my own hands, since my Dr. just prescribes meds and sayd good bye. After reading up on it, it seems as though clean, back to our roots kind of eating is the best for me - to heal my thyroid and help me feel like a human again!! Also, to lose some of this weight !!

I've been only doing this for 4 days - still getting used to the parameters but learning as I go - and have added coconut oil to my diet, and I feel so much better! I am not hungry between meals, I am not thinking about what I am going to eat next (most of the time :wink:), and have more energy.

Looking forward to learning more from everyone!! :)


  • tsavisky
    tsavisky Posts: 78 Member
    I'm new to this too. Just read the Primal 21 Day Transformation and I'm just getting started on the primal way of eating. So good luck to us! :)
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Read "It Starts With Food" by Melissa & Dallas Hartwig
    Bunch of free downloads here
    Book is great ... explains stuff in plain language.

    Good luck with eating healthy!
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I'm new to this too. Just read the Primal 21 Day Transformation and I'm just getting started on the primal way of eating. So good luck to us! :)

    Good luck to us, is right! :) I have to read that, I guess! :)
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Read "It Starts With Food" by Melissa & Dallas Hartwig
    Bunch of free downloads here
    Book is great ... explains stuff in plain language.

    Good luck with eating healthy!

    Thank you so much for the info! It is greatly appreciated! :smile:
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    Check with your calories if you are trying to lose some of weights. I gained weight from eating cashew too much.
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Thank you - I have and am staying under my limits. Weighing and measuring everything!
  • Cerebrus189
    Cerebrus189 Posts: 315 Member
    Hi Elizabeth,

    I, too, have thyroid issues (Hashi's) and take synthetic thyroid to supplement. Since dropping over 30 lbs while doing Primal, my thyroid is out of whack and the dosage amount is a guessing game at this point. It definitely needs to be lower, but how much lower, my doctor isn't sure. Paleo/Primal is definitely the best way to eat for people like us who have autoimmune issues. You should read up on how nightshade vegetables can be problematic as well.

    Medium Chain Triglycerides like coconut oil do amazing things for immunity as well as boost your metabolism. Keep up your work on following your plan, and you'll feel better each week you follow it.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. One blog I follow is, as the owner/writer also has thyroid issues and follows the Paleo/Primal lifestyle. She also maintains a PaleoThyroid Google group found here:!forum/paleothyroid.