Hi, just joined this group

2 weeks in and 9 lbs down.
Do you guys enter your healthy fat and condiments or do you included it in your lean and green (that is the only time I really use them)


  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    Hey hun welcome Ive been OP a little over 10 months...I mostly use condiments with lean and green and I eat the light baby bell cheese for my healthy fat usually as a snack:) I track it all when I remember haha:)
  • jsoders
    jsoders Posts: 8
    Hello I have been on program for almost three months and I usually eat my healthy fats with my lean and green, and I log it. Condiments depend on how much I use. If it is a dash of something I dont log it, but if its a teaspoon or tablespoon then I will log it with my food.
  • nicolelara
    nicolelara Posts: 22
    mmm never thought about using a baby bell or a healthy fat as a snack. Good idea, as long as I only have the one. Still in the new stage, so I will stick to nothing by medifast shakes and bars and the one lean and green. Better for me to NOT eat in case I go astray!
  • nicolelara
    nicolelara Posts: 22
    sounds good. I know logging it makes a huge difference to the weight loss results, so I will continue to do so.
    I have been eating too many calories and carbs/fat when eating out, so will have to look at ways to shave fat etc off for example TGI salads, they come in pretty high!!