bloating after starting cut

ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
anyone else experience bloating after doing their cut? I did cut very slow....still not all the way at cut b/c I am still hungry LOL but I'm experiencing a lot of bloat the past 2 weeks. My pants are so tight. I seriously want to cry.


  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    typically it's the opposite..most people deflate rapidly in the first week or two :frown:
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    Mannnn!!!! :( I feel like a mutant
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    did you do the reset first?

    are you coming off a day or so of lifting?
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    yep. did reset for roughly 8 weeks. I started heavy lifting about 3.5 weeks ago so that COULD be what's causing all my drama. I avoided jeans up until last week. I was fine until I put jeans on LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ughhhhhhh
  • techmom29
    techmom29 Posts: 103
    I had that, too. :/ I didn't really bloat during reset. Weird, huh? Guess we're mutants together.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    anyone else experience bloating after doing their cut? I did cut very slow....still not all the way at cut b/c I am still hungry LOL but I'm experiencing a lot of bloat the past 2 weeks. My pants are so tight. I seriously want to cry.

    Are you drinking enough water?
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    how has your sodium intake been? most my bloat comes from high-sodium foods. hopefully it subsides soon!!
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    at least I have a mutant friend. LOL

    yes, I drink over a gallon of water a day.

    as far as sodium..I normally keep it under 2000 g but there were a few days this week when I drank beer and ate pizza one night to celebrate a friends birthday. I was MUCH more swollen around those days but the bloat from that has gone and I'm still left feeling like a whale. I eat a clean diet (minus the occasional pizza or beer night maybe once a month). I just don't get it.
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    I didn't put on really ANY weight from resent until week 6, which is when I felt myself inflate big time. weird indeed.
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Many people bloat from dairy (milk, cheese, even yogurt). I changed over to almond milk and limit cheese, and haven't had a problem with bloating on the reset (week 8).
  • sistasledge101
    I just started this and I'm working my way up to my cut. and WOW. I am so bloated also. I feel like a big disgusting thing the past few days.
    I so feel your pain
  • kiwilass
    kiwilass Posts: 49 Member
    Me too > Ive just started EMTWL and this is day three on increasing cals. I feel so bloated and disgusting