How do you know how many calories you are burning during these INSANITY work outs?? I'm on day 3, how to I translate the crazy stuff I'm doing onto this page in Exercise? Thanks! Good day, Good workout, Good tomorrow!


  • Nutrition1st
    Nutrition1st Posts: 216 Member
    Best way to always calculate your burned calories is a heart rate monitor.
  • superpapa16
    superpapa16 Posts: 244 Member
    Best way to always calculate your burned calories is a heart rate monitor.

    ^ This. That said I'm still don't have a HRM. I just used one of the generic MFP exercises (aerobic I think) to get a rough estimation of calories burned then created my own "exercises" for each of the Insanity workouts. It's not as optimal as a HRM, but it will do for now.
  • Best way to always calculate your burned calories is a heart rate monitor.
    I'm ballin' on a budget... how do i figure it out in the mean time?
  • momar74
    momar74 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi - I got my HRM early this week and I am on week 4 of insanity. I was using "High Impact Aerobics" for all of the workouts and it was an OK approximation, not great. After wearing the HRM, I got a pretty accurate result. For example, when I did the plyo circuit and used high impact aerobics, I got 430 calories burned from MFP, when I used the HRM, I got 598, so the difference is ~ 170 calories or about 30-35%, though it varies with each workout, but close to 30% at least.

    I think where the difference between high impact aerobics and insanity is that you are working hard most of the time with the intervals and pushing when your muscles are already spent (like they say in the infomercial).

    If an HRM is not in your plans, continue to use whatever is available on MFP, knowing that you are burning a lot more. Good luck!!!