Macronutrient Ratio Help!

kwunder4 Posts: 4 Member
Hi all - I'm very new to the idea of EM2WL and have been trying to find more information on what macronutrient ratios are best. I've been working on doing a mixture of cardio and strength training, and am very confused as to what ratios to eat if I'm just looking to be healthier in general (not necessarily drop a ton of weight quickly or become a professional body builder). I've read that a lot of people use the 40/30/30 ratio, but also heard that it's not very helpful if you don't eat the ratio in each meal. Can anyone clarify this a bit for me? Thanks!


  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I think it would be rather hard to get that ration into every meal.
    Important is that you hit your protein levels. That should be your priority. Fats and Carbs will usually fall into place if you take care of your proteins first.
    I have not heard about the fact, that you should eat 40/30/30 in every meal
    But maybe somebody else can give some more info about it
  • melry77
    melry77 Posts: 43 Member
    I met with a nutritionist regularly when I was pregnant due to gestational diabetes and the diet plan I was on stressed the importance of balancing all 3 macros with every meal and snack. I think the protein and fat help to delay the breaking down of the carbs into sugars in your blood stream too quickly. And if I didn't have enough protein in a meal my blood sugar readings were high and I didn't feel very good. I think you will drive yourself nuts trying to precisely divide your macros every time you eat, just try to get SOME of each and then tweak as you get more comfortable with the process. And listen to your body, especially if you notice you get tired after eating a certain meal, could be "sugar"/carb crash. I personally aim for about 100gm protein, 40/30/30 was really stressing me out.