Anyone else out there HYPERthyroid?

1LRoy Posts: 95 Member
I see so many posts in this group from people who are hypothyroid. I think that more people are hypo than hyper just in general. Is there anyone else out here who's HYPERthyroid like I am? I'd like to make a couple more friends who can understand the particular dieting challenges that this end of the spectrum creates.


  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    I am :smile:

    (and I'm very proud to have you on my friends list :flowerforyou: )

    If there is anyone else out there like us please feel free to add me too, I'd love to have more people on my friends who understand so we can all help and support each other
  • 1LRoy
    1LRoy Posts: 95 Member
    I am :smile:

    (and I'm very proud to have you on my friends list :flowerforyou: )

    If there is anyone else out there like us please feel free to add me too, I'd love to have more people on my friends who understand so we can all help and support each other

    Aw, thanks! :smile:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I'm in a tricky situation where no one quite matches me (I'm hypothyroid as a rule because I had a complete thyroidectomy, but have suffered from "hyper" symptoms for the past year or so because of overmedication).

    I'm interested in what "dietary" things you've tackled. I've had every hyper symptom (including constant bowel movements!) but no weight loss, and in fact, weight gain (which might be adrenal).
  • midcoast_mommy
    midcoast_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    I have Graves, which is hyper, but I've had RAI so now it's all about maintaining levels. Add me if you'd like!
  • 1LRoy
    1LRoy Posts: 95 Member
    I think my biggest frustration is the weight gain I experienced after they started treating me. I'd never had to diet before. I still haven't lost all the weight, and I keep wanting to lower my medication to help but then I go back to being hyperthyroid.

    What's been the biggest frustration for you?
  • shamr0ck
    shamr0ck Posts: 296 Member
    I'm in a tricky situation where no one quite matches me (I'm hypothyroid as a rule because I had a complete thyroidectomy, but have suffered from "hyper" symptoms for the past year or so because of overmedication).

    I'm interested in what "dietary" things you've tackled. I've had every hyper symptom (including constant bowel movements!) but no weight loss, and in fact, weight gain (which might be adrenal).

    You could be me. :D

    I lost my thyroid to cancer a few years back. While i have managed to lose weight while being kept hyperthyroid on meds, it's been a struggle, and it seems the more hyper i get, the harder it is to lose. My endo just cut back my synthroid dosage, and i am so hoping that helps in my weight loss quest.

    definitely interested in what has worked for others.
  • summaiyahhyder
    I also have hyperthyroid (because of Graves Disease) -- was diagnosed a few months ago in February 2012 after being sick since September 2011.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I'm in a tricky situation where no one quite matches me (I'm hypothyroid as a rule because I had a complete thyroidectomy, but have suffered from "hyper" symptoms for the past year or so because of overmedication).

    I'm interested in what "dietary" things you've tackled. I've had every hyper symptom (including constant bowel movements!) but no weight loss, and in fact, weight gain (which might be adrenal).

    You could be me. :D

    I lost my thyroid to cancer a few years back. While i have managed to lose weight while being kept hyperthyroid on meds, it's been a struggle, and it seems the more hyper i get, the harder it is to lose. My endo just cut back my synthroid dosage, and i am so hoping that helps in my weight loss quest.

    definitely interested in what has worked for others.

    I think you're one of the first people I've wanted to friend on here! It's so hard to find people in our situation!!
  • AUNique24
    AUNique24 Posts: 52 Member
    I also have Graves' disease/hyperthyroidism...I was diagnosed in August 2011 and my thyroid levels have been okay since January...please add me if you'd like!
  • shvits
    shvits Posts: 249 Member
    I was hyper until I had 1/2 of my thyroid removed (could not take radio active iodine and am very glad had surgery instead). I could NEVER loose weight. I was hungry ALL of the time and I gained a lot of weight. I was tired and irritable. I think for some it is very difficult to loose when you are hyper or hypo, but for different reasons.
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    hyper.. Graves been in remission for over 5 years.. but not feeling well lately.. they are rechecking levels this week.. :(

    did not have it removed or radiated. so still in tact.

    i am having a heck of a time losing weight.. which i always found annoying since one of the side effects of being hyper is to lose weight.. i never got that one!!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    As someone that wasn't technically hyper, but had "hyper" symptoms for nearly two years from medication (I had a complete thyroidectomy nearly a decade ago), I also never got the "lose weight symptom." I literally got every crazy, weird hyper symptom BUT the weight loss, which many doctors joked about with me.

    I'm starting to feel that losing weight isn't really as common a hyper symptom as it appears--I feel like thyroid problem = weight problem.
  • hkandiko
    hkandiko Posts: 34 Member
    I am also hyperthyroid and Graves disease. I was checked 6 weeks ago when I started this program and my TSH was 0.015, I got re-checked this past week and it was exactly the same even though my dose of Levothyroxine was decreased. I just decreased the dosage again. I am really frustrated with not losing my baby weight. Over the last 7 weeks I have lost 3 pounds. I am working out 6 days a week for 45-60 minutes at a time. I am watching my calorie intake which is about 1700 per day. I recently decreased it to 1500 per day because I am so frustrated over the numbers. My genereal practitioner said my weight has nothing to do with my thyroid, I beg to differ.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I am also hyperthyroid and Graves disease. I was checked 6 weeks ago when I started this program and my TSH was 0.015, I got re-checked this past week and it was exactly the same even though my dose of Levothyroxine was decreased. I just decreased the dosage again. I am really frustrated with not losing my baby weight. Over the last 7 weeks I have lost 3 pounds. I am working out 6 days a week for 45-60 minutes at a time. I am watching my calorie intake which is about 1700 per day. I recently decreased it to 1500 per day because I am so frustrated over the numbers. My genereal practitioner said my weight has nothing to do with my thyroid, I beg to differ.

    In regards to your issue, I'd def. try and go to an endocronologist. There is no way a GP/Internist is equipped to help someone with real thyroid issues (I can't believe people stay at GPs for years once they're diagnosed!). Plus, something seems up if your TSH is that low and still isn't budging--hyperthyroid generally recorrects much faster, which means your dose isn't being changed enough, your medication needs to be changed, or perhaps radioactive iodine/thyroidectomy could be in order.

    For your weight issues, though--I looked at your food diary, and it looks like you eat quite a bit of processed foods, and your carbs seem very high. Even though your exercising and limiting your calories, you might have to limit THOSE things to see any gains (thyroid issues and carbs just don't get along).
  • leilatwo
    leilatwo Posts: 4 Member
    Would love to join this group. 54 years old and had a total thyroidectomy due to goiter and hyperthyrodism. I suffer quite a lot with overmediction and Endo having to constantly adjust my medications. I'm currently in hyper mode with no weight loss and currently started to gain back weight. I'm on 1200 calories and I exercise about 60-90 minutes a day. Last year I lost 30 lbs without knowing it but then gained it all back within 2 months with just regular eating. I would appreciate any advice or help anyone could provide. Currently, I am a walker and cyclist. Blood sugar is in the borderline area so I'm cutting back on carbs.
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    I've finally had mine confirmed as Graves last month. I had my check up yesterday and Dr said she is very happy for me that I have maintained my weight since being on meds. I think its just plain frustrating though...I strength train 3 times a week and stay around 1700 calories a day. I've basically lost about a pound since the end of April.

    But I just have to keep remembering that as long as I'm not gaining any then I'm on the right track. Makes me wonder how much I could have gained though if I stayed eating the amount I was before and without the exercise....
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    I'm HYPER and 4 weeks post a SECOND RAI treatment. Seems I have a thyroid that likes to stay hyper.

  • TBoom915
    TBoom915 Posts: 115 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2007 and was on Synthroid to treat that and was able to get off the meds in 2010. Well during my physical in 2011 my doctor noticed my levels had increased so she referred me to an endocrinologist and through them i had the thryoid scan done and yup i went from being hypo to hyper. I am currently taking methamizole and it has been a rough journey for me, I gained 16 lbs during the first 2 weeks of taking it, my doctor lowered my dosage and it has been under control and since then I have lost 37 lbs, but that was a hard 37 lbs to lose. This has definitely been a struggle, but I will not let it defeat me. Please friend me!
  • KimmieSue2011
    KimmieSue2011 Posts: 117 Member
    I've also got Graves, also on methimizole. After starting on it, I promptly gained 10 lbs and it has been a struggle since then. I'm currently 5 down (got up to 160, trying to get back to 150; I am 5'9'' and 42). Other than the weight gain, the methimizole has been fine. I don't really want to do the radioactive iodine if I can help it. I guess I am hoping for remission, or hoping my endo will let me stay on the methimizole. Happy to be friends with any other Graves sufferers -- but note that in friend request please!
  • zestyzaftig
    zestyzaftig Posts: 103 Member
    My last blood test showed my TSH was .004, so I guess I get to join the Hyper club! :wink: I've had thyroid cancer multiple times, and the docs try to keep me at a "therapeutic" dose of replacement thyroid hormones. Basically, the glut of excess hormones that causes hyperthyroidism keeps the TSH levels down, which works as a suppression system for any lingering cancer cells. When I can go for a full five years with clean annual cancer scans, the docs will finally let me

    The ten years of hyperthyroidism has taken a toll on my body. It's damaged my heart and central nervous system, and made it very difficult to lose weight since my blood sugar bottoms out super-fast if I don't constantly have calories coming in. It's ironic that the excess weight was caused by severe HYPOthyroidism, brought on by the many cumulative months of cancer treatment.

    I'd be tickled to connect with anyone out there who shares my experiences. I'm new here and would be appreciative of friendship and support. :smile: