What is the wierdest thing your Fitbit has said to you?



  • Mine finally spoke to me today....it said, "Rock on"....I was so excited especially after an hour of Zumba! chris
  • paulkucz
    paulkucz Posts: 10 Member
    "Let's Go Fatass"

    Guess I shouldn't have named my fitbit Fatass. I find it funny.
  • madstarr
    madstarr Posts: 7 Member
    Ha-Ha; I needed a good laugh and you gave me one.
  • coolrunnins
    coolrunnins Posts: 2 Member
    Seems as if I can get it to say things simply by setting it down for a few seconds (like 20 or so) then picking it up. I seems to rotate through 3 different sayings a day, yesterday it told me it loved me. Today its saying "faster", "I'm ready", "move it". I've seen it say "I like you", and several others.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Mine seems to be stuck telling me "Woot!" "Vamos!" and "Stepgeek.". We've only been together for one week so maybe in time it will grow to love me.
  • lollypop_ginger
    lollypop_ginger Posts: 69 Member
    I've been called a stepgeek. I wasn't sure how to take it :-/
  • simplysassi
    simplysassi Posts: 137 Member
    I changed the name on my FitBit to "B-UTIFUL". The other day as I was getting ready for bed it said , "I'm Ready, B-UTIFUL"

    Amazing how this little thing can make you smile. =)
  • This morning it said "Woot" for the first time :). Last week was my first week with Fitbit and it said "I love you". Yesterday it said "I like you". Not sure what I've done to drop down to "like" status.
  • falewis
    falewis Posts: 10
    The wierdest...it called me a "stepgeek"
  • wingsabr
    wingsabr Posts: 10 Member
    I tried it....mine said "LOVE YA" :)

    I <3 you too Fitbit
  • jallison12
    jallison12 Posts: 83
    I've changed the setting from my name to "Darling".
    Now it says "Lets go Darling", "You Rock Darling". I dunno, it is still making me smile :laugh:
  • SueMizZou
    SueMizZou Posts: 146 Member
    Woot. What the hell does that mean?
  • Brinasacat
    Brinasacat Posts: 505 Member
    Right now mine is saying: walk me, hug me, and howdy.
  • meljofield
    meljofield Posts: 79
    "Let's Go Fatass"

    Guess I shouldn't have named my fitbit Fatass. I find it funny.

    LOL! When you hit your goal are you changing it to skinnyass? maybe Greatass?
  • sjackson902
    sjackson902 Posts: 154 Member
    I've never seen "I love you," just "I like you." Guess we're not close enough for love.

    So who knows how this little miracle gets these phrases?
  • tena_moran
    tena_moran Posts: 7 Member
    I am feeling bummed, mine has never stated its feelings to me.... no "I love you" or even " I like you" MUST BE A MALE fitbit, lol
  • ering
    ering Posts: 183 Member
    "Goooaal!" Haha like I'm playing soccer or something. It tells me it loves me sometimes, but not very often :(
  • debabebai
    debabebai Posts: 13 Member
    I loved it when I got a "High 5" at the end of a workout.
  • mama2shi
    mama2shi Posts: 300 Member
    Mine said "Hold Me" this morning...I was holding it, but maybe it wanted a little more lol
  • JenniferRT66
    JenniferRT66 Posts: 16 Member
    For me it's GOOOOOOOAL JENNIFER! Not sure what that means. I don't play soccer, does it want me to score a goal? Does it want me to achieve my fitness goals? If so, just elongating the word goal instead of making an affirmative command seems odd! If it said GOOOOOOOO JENNIFER! that would make more sense. But it's definitely got the "AL" at the end. In any event, some of the others are cute and funny. I love my Fitbit. I was crushed one day when I left for work without it! LOL