Anyone else Hypothyroid?

Hi, was just curious if anyone around here had Hypothyroid disease and how they coped whilst doing the reset. I was wondering if you cut your calories to make up for a naturally slow metabolism, or if you still ate at your TDEE, regardless.

How did it work out for you? Are you seeing success? I'm coming from a seriously LCD (750 calories a day) and while I could lose on that little of calories, I absolutely couldn't stand not being able to eat any longer. So I'm just finishing up my first week of the reset, slowly increasing my calories. I'll admit to being scared that my thyroid issues will make me gain more than intended. :/

I'm just curious if people who have this disease had good results? Thanks so much to anyone who responds. I'm really concerned as to what I should do regarding this.


  • Settuccini
    Settuccini Posts: 44
    Hm. No one? Guess I'll just figure it out in a few months, then!
  • himel13
    himel13 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm getting my thyroid tested as I feel really weak and tired all the time and have difficulty in losing weight. My endocrinologist will let me know the verdict on Wednesday and then I'll know for sure..I'll ask her about calories and all then and i'll let you know!
  • Settuccini
    Settuccini Posts: 44
    Thank you so, so much. That's very kind of you! Unfortunately, I don't have insurance so I can't see a specialist. I plan on asking my doctor questions but, as most people with thyroid issues know, this disease is very confusing- even for the doctors! My appointment's not until the end of this month, however, so I'll have to wait to ask.

    I do believe that if your thyroid is "normalized" through medication, then you should lose/gain weight just as easily as a person with a normal functioning thyroid. But who knows! I usually don't have trouble losing, but I blamed that on my super low calories. D;

    Now I'm just rambling. Thank you again! :D
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Hi there,
    I've been hypothyroid for 12 years, and started eating at TDEE-15% about 2 months ago.
    I haven't lost anything yet, but I don't want to blame my thyroid 'cause I just had my levels checked and everything looks just fine. I have to say, though, that I went from eating 1600 calories/day (and starving) to eating 2300 and have been gaining and losing the same lb ever since, so I'm just giving my body time (since I feel full of energy and never hungry).
    I know there are others here with the same condition, so I hope they'll share their experience as well.
    Good luck!
  • Betta2
    Betta2 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi---I have had a medically diagnosed non-functioning thryoid (severely-hypo) for over 40 years, and have been receiving treatment (medications) throughout that time. I can tell you that for me, taking the daily medication just to keep my thryoid in the 'normal' range has not helped me in losing weight. It has always been extremely difficult for me to lose without dropping to 800-900 calories or far less. I do not, however suggest that---it is not a healthy way to live and does other very negative and destructive things to the body and psyche.

    It is important to see a doctor who understands this odd little gland and all the ramifications of its conditions. The proper tests must be given, not just the stock test, so often an endicrinologist can be your best bet, but a GP/Internist who is aware and truly versed in the thyroid gland and its issues is as good. Just do some research on your own and ask questions.

    Even if the weight doesn't fly off once you get your thyroid regulated, just know that by eating properly and eating better quality foods to raise your caloric intake, you are treating your body well in all regards and it will be better for it. Body health is not just one gland, but the whole package, and they are all inter-connected, so hang in there and good luck with your thyroid and your health goals.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi there!

    I am on thyroid meds, due to Hashimotos disease.
    And I am doing the reset. I am in for my 6th week and I have gained 10lbs.
    If your thyroid meds are checked regularly there should not be any issues
  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    I have hashi's as well and starting my 3rd week of reset. I take a low dose of levoxyl everyday and have not had any problems losing weight until February when I stalled. Just had my thyroid tested again last month and everything was ok. Since being on my reset I am up about 4 lbs from my lowest recorded weight, so not too bad. Have one more week of reset and then will cut by 15%. Hope this helps....
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    I am Hypo. On medication and get it checked every 6 months. Even though I am testing normal now on the medication it did not mean weight just started falling off. I just stayed the same. What I have found out is that I have to count every calorie and exercise at least 50 minutes a day min. Very jealous of the people that can do 10 minute work outs and get results or the 30 day shred that is only 30 minutes. When I started seeing the weight fall off is when I started P90X and Turbo Fire. Hard core 58 minute work outs 6 days a week. I never eat under 1200 a day. MFP has me set at 1200 but I use a fitbit and a HRM to calculate my calorie burn. I eat back almost all my work out calories. Leave just a few hundred in case of over calculation etc... Now 21 pounds later I can say I found what worked for me. Eating 1200 or less I never lost anything and felt like I had no energy to get through workouts. Hope this helps! Good Luck!
  • Settuccini
    Settuccini Posts: 44
    Thanks to all of you for replying! Any experience helps to better get an idea of how this goes. I try not to blame my thyroid for weight gain/loss, however I know how much of the body it does effect and so I'd like to learn from others and what helps them!

    @Papillon22: I'm curious, by upping your calories to 2300, did you only gain a single pound that keeps coming and going? Or did you gain excess weight in addition to that pound? One pound isn't bad at all for such a large calorie increase! Also, do you workout? If so, what and how long? Also, have you lost inches anywhere? Muscle weighs more than fat! Of course, these questions are optional. Just curious! Keep up the hard work! Hopefully that pound will budge!

    @Betta2: Hi. I'm familiar with losing weight at a super low-calorie diet, having been there myself (650-750 calories a day, got down to 97 lbs). However, I found that by doing this, I only lost -muscle-, and it made me weak, tired, exhausted, moody, and overall just depressed. I was feeling faint all the time! To get a good idea of how weak I was: I couldn't even lift a gallon of milk into the fridge without using two arms! It was a disaster, and I would never recommend anyone go through this. Yeah, I was thin, but I was NOT in shape. And my unclothed body (possibly TMI) wasn't something to strive for. I still looked like I had fat all over my body.

    @Noor13: I've seen your posts around this forums; just wanted to say you are always very helpful and good luck to you on the rest of your journey!

    @DoubleE615312: Four pounds isn't so bad. That's reassuring. Are you coming from a low-calorie diet, or just a plateau? As always, any bit of information is helpful to me, so thanks for replying! Good luck to you.

    @tryinghard71: Firstly, is that your dog in the picture? It's so adorable. :D Back on subject: I'm glad you found something that works for you. I don't think I could ever be as dedicated as you and work out for so long. You're awesome. I'm starting out slow for now, doing weight-lifting 30 minutes, four days out of the week in 10 minute intervals. In just ten minutes, my heart rate gets up to 130-140 BPM! I was shocked. Weight lifting is tough. Haha. A question or two: On average, how many calories do you eat in a given day? Do you find you gain muscle easily/aren't too exhausted half-way through a workout? My body is likely adjusting, but I find I get very exhausted if I attempt a 30+ minute workout (or maybe I just despise working out, hmm... Lol). Also, congratulations on the weight loss! Seriously! 21 pounds is really, really awesome. Thanks for all the information you gave!
  • DoubleE615312
    DoubleE615312 Posts: 173 Member
    @DoubleE615312: Four pounds isn't so bad. That's reassuring. Are you coming from a low-calorie diet, or just a plateau? As always, any bit of information is helpful to me, so thanks for replying! Good luck to you.

    I started MFP (March 2011) eating between 1200-1500 calories a day and exercise (cardio only) about 4-5 a week. In July 2011 started working with a trainer 2x a week doing boot camp type of exercises and continuing cardio 4-5 a week. Once I hit my stalled weight in February I upped my calories to around 1500-2000 and my workouts now are 2 days of strength training (using body weight & free weights) 30 minutes each day and 2-3 days of cardio (around 30-45 minutes). I have not lost any weight since February, but I have gone down 2 pants sizes. Had my thyroid tested again in May to make sure everything was ok, because I was starting to feel rundown. Not sure what the problem was as my test came back fine and today I feel better. Just maybe a little overloaded...

    I started my reset 3 weeks ago after eating around 2000-2100 calories consistently for a month with no change on the scale. So I decided to do reset to see if it works for me. Once I am done with the rest I will drop to TDEE-15% which is roughly around 1900. Will try again for a month and if it doesn't work this time, will try the zigzag method.

    There are lots of people with hypothyroidism that lose weight, it just takes time figuring what works best for you and your body.
  • braggsalot
    braggsalot Posts: 41 Member
    I was diagnosed in April with hypothyroid. I started my weight loss journey in January and I was getting very frustrated as I was working out 6 days a week for 1-1.5 hours each time and eating no more than 1650 calories a day and I did not eat my exercise calories back and my weight loss started off great but then I stalled for a while.

    Fast forward to when I started medication and started the EM2WL concept beginning of May. I did not do the reset either. I increased my calories to where I have to eat at least 1866 calories and I have been able to eat this amount about 75% of the time. I have had a few days since May that I have been over but not a lot. I did not lose for almost a month and I was getting very frustrated. I read on here about the diet for people with hypothyroid and I started researching what I should not eat. What stuck out to me was raw spinach, something that I started eating the beginning of May as well, I was consuming 1-1.5 cups of raw spinach a day, I guess it can hinder your thyroid function. This was the middle of June when I read about the foods that should avoid and I stopped eating spinach and since then I have consistently lost 1-2 pounds a week. I have not changed anything else besides this.

    I am not sure if food can really mess with your thyroid but my timing of things sure seems to make me wonder. I am going to purchase the Hypothyroid diet book too.

    My doctor and Endo were not much help in regards to diet, just gave me the pills and told me to get tested every 6 months and sent me home.