Day 9 - How Are We All Doing?

Fattack Posts: 666 Member
Today's chapter in my 100 Day Challenge book has a quiz that we're to give to loved ones. As I can't really share that task with you all, I figured I'd ask how everybody is doing!

What are the biggest challenges you've faced this week? How did you overcome this (if you did!)?
What have you done that's made you feel proud of yourself?

Your answers don't need to be diet related!

The spreadsheet may be up later today, alternatively it will be up tomorrow. They will be up almost religiously every Monday, just this week is a little difficult as my sister is visiting from England and I have an entire house to clean (not to mention myself) in the next 3 hours O_O I'm a bit worried about seeing her, as I last saw her last September, before I emigrated, when I was in great shape, and I know she'll be sad - not because she's ashamed of me or anything, but because she knows how difficult it was for me to lose weight the first time and she will feel empathy towards me because my weight is really upsetting me.


  • katicasi82
    katicasi82 Posts: 121 Member
    Sisters are great, that biological link buttressed by shared experience creates a relationship stronger than any other...she will empathise, and be proud that you are strong enough to pick up the pieces and start again :) Enjoy your time with her.
  • healermoon
    healermoon Posts: 74 Member
    I am waiting on my insurance cards...I want to talk to my doctor about Fibromyalgia, and to at the very least get back on ambien. So I can sleep, and hopefully get into a more even keel, and can get into better habits...and burn nearly 1000 calories a day instead of .... just over 1000 a week. :)
  • kimannabella
    kimannabella Posts: 31 Member
    I am delighted that I managed to loose 10lbs since starting my fitness plan, I am not counting the first 8lbs in your challenge though, because it was in the 4-5 days before it. The same 8lbs I have been yo-yoing on and off all year without dipping down below. There's still the part of me that thinks "yeah, you lost 10lbs but..." because I am not as slender or as fit as I was this time last year, I was that wistful for it I got out my old dance and gym timetable and felt sad. I have another 1st 10lbs to get to where I was before my back injury. And even at that, I wasn't at my goal.

    My challenge this week is to not lament the past so much, I guess.

    In other news, I have a decorate in fixing up my kitchen, 4 paintings to finish for an increasingly closer exhibition, and leaving on 16th for a wedding with my partner, shall be away for 2 weeks, but we have all his packing to do, and to tidy up his flat during that time, then I have a talk to write when we get home. Busy times ahead.
  • Bola17
    Bola17 Posts: 120 Member
    One of my challenges this week has been running. I have a goal of 3 times a week and have gotten thru the first week. It was hard for me to fit in all three days because of a busy holiday schedule. But I did it!
    I'm also very proud of going up into a 7 meter tower with open steps at A turist attraction yesterday. I'm very afraid of heights and could see down between the boards....I sure got a few deep breaths in on the way up and again walked down really slow. But I did it :happy:
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    Trying to avoid chocolate!! Epic fail even though I'm still under cals today. Grrrrr!
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Had a family outing over the weekend - took items I could eat and allowed for a taste of treats - I stuck with just a bite not a whole piece!
  • Oh_Cat
    Oh_Cat Posts: 59 Member
    A little late to this, but I'm doing good! I've got to that happy stage where I wake up in the morning, jump up out of bed and feel a bit slimmer each day :blushing:

    Was really happy with my loss last week (3lbs) so will be sticking to my crazy exercise program - but also enjoying the occasional treat meal (such as tonight - lasagne and a glass or two wine, I have folks coming for dinner!) I'm definitely feeling more toned in my legs - need to work on my tummy and arms a lot more though!

    A few low points - some spontaneous nutella munching (just threw it out in the end - total waste but better just not to have it in the house!) and quite a bit of white bread in an egg sandwich at my parents house at the weekend (should have just waited and had dinner at home, but it was homemade and smelled so delicious!)

    I was also unable to take my progess pics yesterday (no full length mirror at home!) so need to go over to mum's to take those asap, I think they'll be a great motivator...

    Really enjoying this challenge - thanks again Fa!