Getting discouraged/frustrated

ldg323 Posts: 101 Member
Hello All

I have been on the site for almost 2 months. I started the C25K program and just finished week 5. I am doing great on that and today ran for 20 minutes straight. I would have never thought I would be able to do that. Another surprise is that I'm kind of enjoying the runs. On most of the off days, I either walk or do some other type of exercise. I do pretty well on my food intake. Some days better than others, but all in all, I'm eating much better than I did before. Most days I am around 1400 calories plus my exercise calories.

I went to the Dr a couple of weeks ago and she said I'm doing great. My BG is running good when I exercise and eat right. When I don't I can really tell. She told me not to worry about the weight just concentrate on my BG levels. She said the weight will come off eventually. I know what she told me is correct, it is just so frustrating to be working this hard and not see any difference in my weight or my clothes size. I have heard that when you are on insulin losing weight is next to impossible, but I'm not sure if that's true.

Last week I actually gained weight and this week isn't looking much better.....


  • poodlelaise
    poodlelaise Posts: 149 Member
    I know its supposed to be more difficult to lose weight on insulin, but I also know its possible. I was on 98 units of Lantus per day. Then my doctor prescribed Victoza, right about the same time I joined MFP. The Victoza, along with the diet and exercise has allowed me to drop my insulin down to 42 units per day at this point. It is also supposed to act as an appetite suppresant. I have been losing weight at a steady pace since starting MFP and changing my medications.

    I am also starting to run, although not really following c25k. I have been doing intervals watching my heart rate monitor, trying not to exceed 90% of my maximum heart rate, and trying to stay high enough between runs to still be in the aerobic range. It sounds like you are doing great with your running. I can't run anywhere near as long as you can yet.

    I guess the main point of all of this is to feel better and be healthier. It sounds like this part of it is happening for you, just not the weight loss. I know its frustrating, but hang in there! If nothing else, the diet and exercise may allow you to decrease insulin, which should in turn help with the weight loss eventually.
  • Gbelk1
    Gbelk1 Posts: 32 Member
    HI, your doctor give you good advice. Remember if you are exercising you are gaining muscle and muscle is heavier than fat. Do not worry about the weight, worry about eating right and staying with your exercise program. You are doing great just keep on track and keep a smile on your face. Remember it also takes more muscles to smile than to frown.
    Have an outstanding day.
  • dot1212
    dot1212 Posts: 74 Member
    Don't be discouraged. You are doing great. The only advice I would give is watch those carbs. Try and keep them around whatever the MFP program says you should have or even a few less. The carbs somehow affect the blood glucose and weight loss. There is a web site called that has some useful information as well as healthy recipes. You are doing great.
  • amarige55
    amarige55 Posts: 6 Member
    My doctor tells me the same thing. She tells me I am the post child for type 2 diabetes....thickly built, hard to lose weight. She has advised the meds I take, insulin, byetta, actos and metformin will work together to slow down weight loss. I don't give up, but I do get discouraged. Just keep on fightin' the battle. You will be victorious in the end!!
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    @amarige55, most people in this group can identify with the frustration of slow or no apparent weight loss. We are conditioned by society to expect almost instant solutions for everything. Experience however tells us that we are engaged in lifestyle change and continuous warfare of the trench warfare variety. Your greatest weapon is persistence and patience. If you stick honestly with the programme you will see results. It takes time but even when progress is imperceptible it is there. Keep at it.
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    You have achieved a great deal and are healthier as a result of your efforts. Assuming you are adjusting your targets as you lose weight, you just need to be patient. Have you tried adjusting the proportion of your micronutrients to possible gradually reduce your carbs?We are all different as you know but the consensus view seems to be that a reasonable target to aim for is around 45 net carbs per meal with up to 15 for snacks.
  • ldg323
    ldg323 Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks everyone. I know in my head I'm doing great. I just don't feel like it. But I will just have to get over that. Thanks for the suggestions. I do try to keep my meals at 45 carbs or lower and snacks below 30. That is what my dr had said, but maybe lowering them more may help. I'm up to trying it!

    Thans Tszani - the problem with that is I lost those 6 in my first two weeks!! Nothing after that. But over all you are right. I'm doing well.

    I guess I was just having a bit of a pitty party.........
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    I also have lost little weight although I have lost a lot of inches. That has stalled too though. I think some of it is the diabetes and some is my unresolved thyroid issues. So there is nothing I can do but keep going on. I mostly concern myself with exercise and BG and try to eat well. I'm also trying to figure out how many cals are maintenance for me. I don't see how I can figure out how much to eat to lose when I don't know how much to eat when I maintain. At most, I only have about 10 lbs to lose so I don't even think it is critical to my health.

    You look great and feel great so just keep on going. Eventually, some of that weight will come off and very likely some of it will be replaced with muscle hence no lb loss.
  • omereking
    omereking Posts: 1
    I was diagnosed with diabetes about 5 years ago. The doc immediately put me on 5 needles per day (insulin). After several years I found a book, 30 Day Diabetes Cure. It kind of scared me straight. I started focusing on eating right and in a few months I was off of all insulin. Later the doc didn't like my A1C so he put me on metformin. When I started concentrating on eating healthy instead of losing weight the weight started coming off. Over the last year I have lost about 40lbs. I guess that's better than losing it fast and gaining it all back as I have done before. Went to see a dietician today because I want to keep my glucose levels more consistent. Success to you!! Diabetes won't kill you - not taking care of it WILL!