


  • cerwin17
    cerwin17 Posts: 69 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Cecilia. I'm 22 years old, from Mount Pleasant, MI. I'm a fifth-year senior at Central Michigan University, going for my bachelor's in online journalism and creative writing. I'm excited about joining this group because among my friends and family, I've had a hard time trying to find a really good motivation buddy. I just joined this site yesterday, because I am now at the heaviest weight I've ever been, 228.4 lbs. I want to lose 100 lbs, and keep it off for good! I've lost weight in the past, but never the full amount I wanted to, and I've always gained it back after I got back to "normal" eating habits...I guess my biggest challenge after losing all the weight is going to be maintaining it so I don't gain again. My weigh-in day is going to be on Mondays.
  • ashleeejade
    Hey Cecilia! You've definitely come to the right place :) I'm the same as you, managed to lose weight in the past but never the full amount and have always put it back on. I'm at 105kg (231.5lbs) as of my weigh in this morning and we're aiming to lose the same amount of weight so that's cool! We can totally do it :bigsmile:
  • bSlUuNe
    bSlUuNe Posts: 12 Member
    Hi all,

    My name is Morgan and I am 24 years old. I just recently graduated from college and started a full time job as an engineer in the cooperate world where i sit for 40 hours a week in front of a computer. Even though I've been working full time for a year now, I'm still having trouble transitioning into "the real world" and the lack of activity that comes with a sedentary job. I have never had good control over my eating and could never obtain the goal weight that I have had in mind for years. For the longest time, my weight seemed like it was something that i could not control and I would go through periods where I would gradually gain weight over years or loose some weight randomly over a few months and have no clue as to what I was doing to differently.

    In January, I decided that i wanted to learn how to control my diet so I wouldn't stress about my "uncontrollable" weight anymore and so i would have more confidence in myself. I took a Introduction to Nutrition class at a local community college (which i HIGHLY recommend) and i downloaded the myfitnesspal app on my phone a couple months ago. I started dieting when i downloaded the app, and I started out well, but I have stopped progressing and am having much more trouble starting to loose weight again.

    SW: 138 lbs (62.6kg)
    CW: 131 lbs (59.4kg)
    GW: 115 lbs (52.2kg)
  • Amy110488
    Amy110488 Posts: 2

    Scoreboard continued...

    Ashlee: 2.3kg
    Amy: 0.7kg

    My weigh in day is on a Wednesday morning as well... Ashlee any chance you were once a 12WBTer? I was, and the weigh in day for that was a Wednesday morning as well. Loved the program, just couldn't afford it this round (so I'm on here... but its pretty much the same).

    Should we start a new topic for the scoreboard?

  • MandyG4557
    MandyG4557 Posts: 42 Member
    Hello Everyone, I'm Mandy.

    I'm almost 21 years old. I am married with no children just my adorable pets living on a farm with my husband.
    I currently weigh 186 and would like to weigh 140-130. I am a size 12/10 and would like to be a size 6/4. I am 5'6 in height.
    I want to lose weight so that I'm healthier, and in good shape. I use to be very active in high school with figure skating, soccer and basketball but once high school over my sports were too. I am currently doing Chalean Extreme and using my elliptical. I now down two pounds and some inches. I live in Canada.

    Thanks and good luck everyone on your fitness goals. :)
  • crystalmgonzales
    Hello Pretty Ladies :)

    My name is crystal, i am 20 feel like im going on 40. :) i have two girls under 2! they keep me so busy that for the past 3 years i havnt taken care of my self as much as i need to. i have gained SO much weight that i started feeling sluggish and very uncomfortable.

    last friday i started working out at the ymca.
    ive been going everyday and hope to stay like that.
    been changing my eating habits and drinking only water.
    which is very diffrent for me but imloving it.

    i did a Body pump class yesterday (1st time EVER) it was hard but after i felt so good! today im sore all over but im lovin it!

    today i will try out a Zumba class! yay!

    SW: 282
    CW: 278
    GW: 170

    really wanna get outta the 2's :(
  • ashleeejade
    So we've now got 22 introductions from some beautiful women, I'm so glad you all decided to join the group and introduce yourselves :smile:

    I really want to get to know you all to the best of my ability, I think we'll all have the best results if we have bonds with people who have the same goals and that way we can all boost each other up and motivate each other!

    That being said, this is what I've gathered from each of you so far:

    Angie, you're 20 from California, America and are studying Anthropology and other classes as you are an aspiring vet. Your current weight is 87.5kg/192.9lbs and your goal is to lose 5.9-8.2kg/13-18lbs, ultimately 21.8kg/48lbs

    Angel, you're 20 turning 21 soon from California, America and you're studying at a vocational college halfway through your LVN program. You currently weigh 97.5kg/215lbs and want to lose 24.9kg/55lbs.

    Sarah, you're 20 from Kentucky, America and you are in your third year of Uni. You currently weigh 76kg/168lbs. How much would you like to lose?

    Amy, you're 24 from Newcastle, Australia. You're at the end of your primary school studies and you start teaching after the school holidays (Exciting! Congrats :)) You currently weigh 61.3kg/135lbs and want to lose 4.3kg/9.5lbs.

    Roison, you're 22 from Ireland. You're studying midwifery in Dublin and will be qualified in September (Another congratulations in order!). You currently weigh 71.1kg/156.7lbs and want to lose 11.1kg/24.4lbs.

    Liberty, you're 23 from Indiana, America and you work part time as a youth professional. You currently weigh 95.6kg/211lbs and want to lose 5kg/11lbs by September and 16.3/36lbs by Christmas.

    Heather, you're 22 from New York, America. You currently weigh 74.8kg/165lbs and want to lose 11.3-13.6kg/25-30lbs (4.5kg/10lbs over the next month as you're going to Vegas on the 4th of August!) Are you currently working/studying?

    Rachel, you're 22 from Ohio and you're studying voice peformance, specifically opera in college. You're currently weighing in at 73.9kg/163lbs and want to lose 6.3-8.7kg/14-23lbs.

    Sammy, you're 22 turning 23 soon and you're from Essex, UK working as an early years practitioner. How much would you like to lose?

    Megan, you're 21 from Michigan, America and you are about to take your state exam to beome a certified nursing assistant and possible go back to school to become a nurse but you're still unsure :smile: You currently weigh 103.3kg/228lbs and want to lose 38.5kg/85lbs.

    Bri, you're 21 and a criminal justice major in college. You currently weigh 81.6kg/180lbs and would like to lose 24.9-27.2kg/50-55lbs. Where abouts are you from?

    April, you're 23 from Pennysylvania, America. You hold a bachelor's degree and are going back for your masters in the Spring (Australian Autumn) You currently weigh 112kg/247lbs and want to lose 44kg/97lbs by next April.

    Nikole, you're 21 from Florida, America and you work full-time at a phone shop although you're planning on going back to school sometime within the next seven months to possibly study paralegal. You currently weigh 83.9kg/185lbs and want to lose 18.2-20.4kg/140-145lbs.

    Molly, you're 20 from Washington, America and you're between colleges at the moment. You currently weigh 64.7kg/142.6 and would like to lose 17.1kg/37.6lbs.

    Tatiana, you're 22 from Miama, America. You currently weigh in at 74.8kg/165lbs and would like to lose 13.6kg/30lbs. Do you work or are you currently studying?

    Tess, you're 20 from Utah, America and you're currently studying fashion design. You weigh 62.6kg/138lbs and would like to lose 9.1kg/20lbs.

    Kaitlyn, you're 19 from Illinois, America and you're currently studying at Roosevelt Uni. You currently weigh 93kg/205lbs and would like to lose 29.5kg/65lbs.

    Cecilia, you're 22 from Michigan, America and you're a fifth year senior at Central Michigan University going for your bachelor's in online journalism and creative writing. You currently weigh 103.6kg/228.4lbs and would like to lose 45.3kg/100lbs.

    Morgan, you're 24 and recently graduated from college and started a full-time job as an engineer in the corporate world. You currently weigh 59.4kg/131lbs and would like to lose 7.2kg/16lbs. Where abouts are you from?

    Mandy, you're 21 from Canada. You currently weigh 84.3kg/186lbs and would like to lose 20.8-25.3kg/46-56lbs. Do you currently work or are you studying?

    Crystal, you're 20. You currently weigh 126kg/278lbs and would like to lose 48.9kg/108lbs. Where are you from? Do you currently work or are you studying?

    Hopefully I didn't accidentally leave anyone out and I'm sorry if I got any info wrong, just trying to remember each and every one of you so I can get to know you all better :smile:
  • angel823
    angel823 Posts: 190 Member
    Im from California. Central california. IN a tiny town where the State prison on the outskirts of town makes most of our population. I call it The twon where ppl go retire.
  • crystalmgonzales
    lol ashley i didnt disappear! :smile:
    i am in school for medical billing and coding i have 3 months left! so stoked! lol so graduations in febuary i really want to look good then! and maaaaaan 126kg thats alot! lol :frown: nice to meet u!
  • SammyW89
    SammyW89 Posts: 15 Member
    I want to lose about 12-15kgs (33lbs ish) get down to my happy weight eventually of about 65kg (goal at the mo is 68kg)

    I have found it much easier to not worry about dieting at work (school), it's just when im home 2 hrs earlier than my partner and the non-diet food is calling me.

    It's the last week of term next week and my birthday and i just know it's going to be a bad week... i'm going to try to be good but i want to enjoy the cake and goodies...

    any suggestions on not stuffing my face with chocolate and sweeties and cookies and cake in celebration.

    I've just been offered a new position for next yr with more responsibility and wanted to celebrate so my boyfriend and i shared a small cake and a weak wine spritzer with fizzy water.
  • amberntay20
    amberntay20 Posts: 28 Member
    Hey ladies!
    *My name is Amber
    *live in Omaha
    *mommy to Gavin who is 2 and Paisley who is 6 months
    *25 years old goal to loose my weight before my 26th birthday

    Starting weight: 138.0
    Current weight: 127.0
    Goal weight : 110.0
  • blmiles89
    blmiles89 Posts: 13
    My name is Brittany and I live in Tennessee. I am 23 and married. I have my Associate's degree for medical billing and coding but as of now I am not working in the field because I have to save up some money to take the certification test. I currently work from home as an Avon Rep which I have been doing for 3 yrs.

    I just joined MFP yesterday so I'm really excited! The reasons for my weight: My husband is an aspiring chef so I have a habit of eating way too much of his amazing dishes! Being that I work from home, I haven't been active enough either. I would like to get back to the weight I was at 19. That's when I was the smallest and happiest with my body. I currently weigh 170 lbs (77 kg) and my goal is 130 lbs (59 kg). I would like to reach my goal at least by the end of the yr but hopefully sooner. I will probably be weighing in on Sundays. :smile:
  • CourtneyDB18
    Hey everyone! Im Courtney, Im 18 and currently live in Jacksonville, Fl.
    My husband is in the Navy and is deployed!
    I have a 2 year old son who keeps me super busy! I still have some baby fat that i want to loose. I want to look like a diffrent person when my husband sees me for the first time in 8 months!
    I just joined MFP today so im really new to this but so far i like it.
    I weigh 159 right now and I want to loose at least 10 pounds.
    I love meeting new people and would love to hear any tips that you might have!
  • Xarina
    Xarina Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all, my name is Anna and I'm from Sweden, currently living in Indiana, US. Moved here and got married recently. I'm 24 year's old and currently a housewife, since I don't have authorization to work yet. Hoping to lose weight faster when I can finally work. I got a bachelor's degree in politics and economics and hope to put it to good use.

    I currently weigh 269 lbs and want to get down to 165 within a year or two. I've lost weight before but gained it all back. Never gone over 280 lbs though, thankfully. This time I aim to keep it down and not get lazy.

    SW: 269
    GW: 165

    Is there anyone still active in this group?
  • MegsHutch90
    MegsHutch90 Posts: 72 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Cecilia. I'm 22 years old, from Mount Pleasant, MI. I'm a fifth-year senior at Central Michigan University, going for my bachelor's in online journalism and creative writing. I'm excited about joining this group because among my friends and family, I've had a hard time trying to find a really good motivation buddy. I just joined this site yesterday, because I am now at the heaviest weight I've ever been, 228.4 lbs. I want to lose 100 lbs, and keep it off for good! I've lost weight in the past, but never the full amount I wanted to, and I've always gained it back after I got back to "normal" eating habits...I guess my biggest challenge after losing all the weight is going to be maintaining it so I don't gain again. My weigh-in day is going to be on Mondays.

    Hello! I am also a 5th year senior at CMU... Still looking for that motivation buddy? I could use one myself!
  • kyyliejohnson
    kyyliejohnson Posts: 8 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I'm Kylie. I live in Tucson, AZ. I am an interior design student and work at a four star resort. Since I am out of school for the summer I plan on spending most of my free time working out. I hit a rough patch the past few months and I need to get back into shape! I joined this because my best friend uses it and loves it! Feel free to add me, the more the merrier!
