A surprise...and flying higher than a kite!

Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
Today I ran for 30 minutes straight. yeay me!! :) I've been floating on that cloud a bit today and didn't even think about what the distance was. I figured it was around 2.75 or less miles. I decided to map it on walkjogrun.com and found out that I did actually run a full THREE (Yes that's 3) MILES this morning! In 30 minutes! I can't believe it. I'm flying higher than a kite right now.

Who would have thought that 6 weeks ago, when the 90 second runs were killing me, that I could run for 30 minutes straight and for 3 miles?? Thank you SO much c25k and MFP!!!


  • KGTraxler
    KGTraxler Posts: 144
    CONGRATULATIONS! OMG THAT IS AMAZING! Seriously, your post is so inspirational; now I feel like I can get there, too. Keep up the FANTASTIC work!
  • jporte
    jporte Posts: 164 Member
    Congrats! that is awesome, you should be proud of yourself. I can't wait until I can do that.
  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
    AWESOME!!! :drinker:
  • lkarinal
    lkarinal Posts: 107
    That's awsome Congrats!! After our 25min run this morning with my Father, we were praising C25K and how far we have made it. 30 mins runs here I come!!!!!
  • sheismith
    sheismith Posts: 111 Member
    How awesome! Congrats!
  • darkling_glory
    darkling_glory Posts: 239 Member
    YES! Congrats!
  • yogibella
    yogibella Posts: 321 Member
    so awesome!! it's amazing how this program really gets you running isn't it? congrats!! :happy:
  • nightnurse2
    nightnurse2 Posts: 37 Member
    That's great! What a high you must be on!
  • bradybugsmom
    That's fantastic, congrats! I wish you would have blogged about it so I could read through your 90 second struggles... that's where I'm at right now!
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Honestly I did start blogging...but just didn't really keep up with it unfortunately. I'm a writer, but a technical writer. Not much of a blogger/story writer...