How do you keep motivated through pain?

khaosstar Posts: 26 Member
I've had a constant migraine and fibro flare for the last couple of days and have to force myself up to clean the house - the last thing on my mind is exercise. Do you try to work through pain, or do you give yourself time to rest?

I feel pretty demotivated right now but know it's only a phase and that things will look up soon enough, but am wondering if any of you have any tips for staying motivated even through your worst days.


  • kitkatkmt
    kitkatkmt Posts: 178 Member
    The humidity really hurts my joints, so I really have a hard time getting moving during the summer (of course, that's when it's the easiest/best to get outside and DO things). But honestly, try to at least walk a little bit every day, even if it's just around the house or up and down the driveway a couple times. That way you are still moving, and doing something.

    Best of luck to you!
  • lhulewsky
    lhulewsky Posts: 50
    cleaning the house can count as exercise. Don't give up. I usually try to push through the pain but there are times when I just can't. It's a fine balance knowing when to push and when to rest. I agree with the previous poster that you should try to at the very least get a walk in everyday. moving causes pain but not moving is even worse. At least that's been my experience. Best of luck to you...
  • officegirl27
    officegirl27 Posts: 33 Member
    My joints also hurt with the weather have you tried swimming! It does help me!! And I also agree sometime just walking up and down the driveway helps. I also try to just push throught the pain some days are harder than others..Best of luck and don't give up!
  • khaosstar
    khaosstar Posts: 26 Member
    Yeah, I'm slow to respond, sorry. I do love to swim but have no means. We're broke as hell and my husband takes our one car to work, so memberships just aren't feasible.

    Even on the worst days, though, I wrestle and tickle-fight with the kids. Hang em upside-down, swing them around, all that. It can really be a workout and we all love it. I just can't make myself do the boring 'real' exercises.
  • twiztc
    twiztc Posts: 135
    Its sometimes so very hard.

    I'm still in the grips of a now 3 week flare up but I think its finally subsiding. not as bad today as say this time last week.

    I have a desk job but every hour I go out and walk to the other end of the car park and back. its not all that far but enough to get me moving.

    I try to work out more on my days off which is weekends and wednesdays. Even if its doing a spastic jig to my MP3 player.

    Housework- I've become a bit lazy. I just cant stand the constant stretching and bending, hubby has to help out a bit more these days but i try to push to do somethings.

    But i know there is a better time coming and i'll be back up to my more normal speed. till the next bump ;)

    Sometimes working through the pain is good for you but in moderation, Im still learning whats good and whats too much and we FMS types seem to be stubborn buggers so nearly always go too far and end up stopped all together from time to time.

    The trick is to not let it get to you and do what you can when you can
  • Tall_E
    Tall_E Posts: 182 Member
    I'm sorry you are in the chronic pain club with the rest of us. How wonderful that you do things like housework - which is exercise - even when the pain is high!

    I agree that balance can be a tricky thing but it's what I strive for each day. It's a continual learning process for me.

    My biggest motivation comes from my relationship with God. Meditation and prayer help me tremendously every day. This is one of my favorite prayers:

    "O God! Refresh and gladden my spirit. Purify my heart. Illumine my powers. I lay all my affairs in Thy hand. Thou art my Guide and my Refuge. I will no longer be sorrowful and grieved; I will be a happy and joyful being. O God! I will no longer be full of anxiety, nor will I let trouble harass me. I will not dwell on the unpleasant things of life.

    O God! Thou art more friend to me than I am to myself. I dedicate myself to Thee, O Lord." ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

    I also get motivation from anything beautiful - beautiful scenery, music, poetry, films, etc. These things lift my spirits and that eases the pain so moving becomes a lighter effort. Fortunately, the internet is full of free beauty and inspiration if you look for it. For example, check out this You Tube video: I never get tired of watching it and feel like I can peacefully move the world afterwards! Treat yourself to it and other things like it.

    I also motivate myself with mini goals on the way to my big goals. I'll choose something I want to accomplish - sometimes something as small as getting out of bed or something as large as losing a certain number of pounds - and then break it down into small steps to get it done. It's like the riddle, "How do you eat an elephant?" Answer: "One bite at a time!" For instance, when getting out of bed is hard, I break it down to a breath, then stretching my feet, then another breath and stretching my calves, then another breath, etc. Before long, I'm out of bed, breathing and stretching some more and then, before too long, I'm walking... And so it goes. My big goals for this month are to lose five pounds and do it while having as much raw food in my diet as possible. I'm choosing raw food because it helps reduce inflammation in the body and that helps reduce chronic pain and promotes healing.

    I'm also motivated by my friends. My MFP pals have been terrific and I know their support has helped me get this far.

    Hang in there! There really is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You just have to learn to enjoy the rain because you can't have rainbows without it.

  • VickyFine
    I have arthritis and chronic back pain. I have to adjust my exercise to the way I feel. I have tried to exercise though the pain but I can't. So when I have good days I try to do a little more so it balances out. The main thing I think is that you move as much as your body will let you. Keep on moving! Best of luck too you.
  • squankmuffin
    squankmuffin Posts: 130 Member
    I have a motivational playlist that gets me going. I used to be obsessed with my dance mat, but jumping isn't really an option anymore. I just have to remind myself that something is better than nothing, and have a bit of a dance. And I agree with all the people who are walking. I slap on my factor 50+ and try to find reasons to go for walks. The building I work in is really dark, so going out is always appreciated.
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    Tall E, I love your attitude, and so agree. Having Faith is so important, meditation is very special and very healing. I take several small walks with my dogs everyday, usually 5 or 6 for 15 minutes each. It does not help me to baby myself, I only get worse. Music is very important to me, weather I am just listening or doing some crazy dance, it makes me feel better. I had a vitamin B 12 shot 2 weeks ago, and that has helped with the energy, I really can tell the difference. I have also cut out Gluten from my diet, only 21/2 weeks ago, but I think it has also made a difference.It is a very hard thing to do tho,I have to admit. Good luck to everyone.
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    I've had a constant migraine and fibro flare for the last couple of days and have to force myself up to clean the house - the last thing on my mind is exercise. Do you try to work through pain, or do you give yourself time to rest?

    I feel pretty demotivated right now but know it's only a phase and that things will look up soon enough, but am wondering if any of you have any tips for staying motivated even through your worst days.

    Gosh, I know nothing about fibro pain except that it is intense. The last six month arthirtis has plagued my knees and today, for the first time, my neck! Could hardly move. I know, however, from dealing with my knees that for arthritis anyway movement is one of the best things to get rid of and keep the pain away. Movement, and eliminating all refined sugar and any foods to which one is allergic. We had company this week and although I cooked all the meals, we had ice cream every night. That "little" indulgence cost me today with my neck. In three more days, it should be flushed from my system. Meantime, I'm moving moving moving the best I can.

    Glad this group is here. Hope to meet some fellow endurers and provide support.

  • Stagemom77
    I'm new here and I find that I hurt more if I don't exercise at least some. I did find a workout that really helps my pain. It's called t-tapp. Anyone else tried it?
  • AlexandraLynch
    It depends on the pain.

    The fibro pain is one thing, and I know if I move and go through the yoga pose sequence I'll feel better. And since I have had days where I didn't wanna and it worked, that's proof that it will again.

    I don't try to work out through the pain of arthritis or the damaged ankle ligaments. Those get something done about the pain and inflammation, and then I'll exercise when I don't hurt so much.

    Often I think about what doing the exercise gives me. That gives me the purpose to get through.

    I also break my exercise up throughout the day. Five minutes here and there counts too, and it really makes a difference in how my body feels.
  • officegirl27
    officegirl27 Posts: 33 Member
    Stagemom what is T-Tap??
  • Daydreams406
    Daydreams406 Posts: 249 Member
    Stagemom what is T-Tap??

    I looked it up (love google) and it looks interesting and it has some free online workouts you can try...but I am not impressed with the price...but I suppose if worse came to worse...I don't know maybe not. hahaha
  • karyzma99
    I totally understand, I've been trying to exercise all week and just today I finally did 15 minutes of zumba...WOW a full 15 minutes lol..It can be very discouraging when you want & need to excercise but the pain just won't let you. Just remember everyday is a new chance & if you get that lil break take it & excercise even if it's just a few minutes at a steps
  • NinjaBeth90
    I have EDS and Osteo Arthritis so sometimes i find it hard to do anything at all where pains concerned. But i just try and remember that anything is better than nothing. So I'll try walks, even if it means stopping along the way. My partner is a huge support for me and always keeps me going. We got a puppy a few months ago too so he's been acting a physio when we take him for his walks. He deffinately keeps me on my toes. Proper rest and relaxation between helps a lot. I like to listen to music.
  • teddihocker
    What is EDS? I have multiple epiphyseal dysplagia. I was wondering if that is the same. I also have osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. I do not have a lot of motivation for exercising thru pain. Hopefully I will find it here.
  • HollyLayman
    HollyLayman Posts: 39 Member
    I had back surgery in February--so I still have a lot of pain in my lower back. When my back hurts...exercise isn't really the best option. I tend to not be hungry though, when I'm in pain. Food is DEF not on my mind...getting the pain under control is. I normally just say a little prayer, lay down for a while until it subsides...and then know that the following day will be better. For me--Zumba, and anything Jumping NOT an option. Nothing that is too bendy back and forth trying to "tone abs"-ish either...some of those videos...they are just doing too much. I mean...I can do crunches and stuff.. I actually did those in Physical Therapy--but in alot of Aerobics DVDS---I find that they get messy and it actually causes back pain--so just watch out--it may cause the same problems for you. I avoid those kinds of things at all costs now...from past experience.

    Just know though... You will get there... this won't hold you back if you don't let it.
    In March, I couldn't even walk--- and now...I'm back to working fulltime! :D
    I have pain from time to time, sure. But I try my best not to let it get in my way if I can help it. Losing this weight has helped me...more than you can even know! With every seems like there is less pain. So if you have back pain...let THAT be your motivation! It was mine! My doctor told me I HAD to get down to 120 lbs or I would have to have even another surgery. He told me that in May...after just having surgery in February... talk about someone who was already trying to lose weight...KICKING IT IN HIGH GEAR!!!! That was THIS GIRL!!!! :D
    Y'all have a blessed day!!
  • bkesecker
    bkesecker Posts: 163 Member
    Ugh, the constant pain. There is nothing more defeating. However, I continue to think about how much better I will feel with 30 pounds less putting pressure on my joints. That's one thing that keeps me going. The other is the support from my hubby. He is amazing and reminds me daily the changes he sees in me so I continue to fight through the pain. Finally, the help from people on here. Every single one of my friends are positive forces to keep me going. They tell me its okay when I can only do 20 minutes of slow walking.
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    I have chronic back pain and fibro. I have to do what I can on the good days....and sometimes it is moment by moment. I have been trying to walk around the block twice a day. I started Monday and walked around the block once. Tuesday I did it twice. This morning I started out of here and didn't make it far cause my back was hurting. Laid down for a bit and then took my walk and managed to go around the whole block. I know if I go for a walk wihen I first get up in the morning...I can usually manage. But lesson learned today...just cause I can't do this moment...try again later.