
MCunliffe Posts: 29 Member
Well I am so excited to see how many people are joining our little group. I thought that it might be helpful if we all take a few seconds to introduce ourselves, I'll go first.

Hello My name is Melissa and I am from New Hampshire. I had the RNY (gastric bypass) in Portsmouth on June 20, 2012. I am currently on stage 4 the pureed/blended/ ground protein foods.

I am an avid cook even with my eating restrictions. I think that I will also at some point start a thread for recipes at each stage that people can add to and reference when they are getting sick of the same old same old.

I started this group to get and give support for others who are going through, will be going through, or have gone through this type of surgery. I think that we all need someone to connect with who knows exactly what we are going through. Portsmouth has monthly meeting, but sometimes you need support in between. I know that my husband, family and friends can help me in their own way, but they really don't understand what it's like to actually go through it. That's why I am so grateful for all of you!



  • jlynn473
    jlynn473 Posts: 6
    Hello Everyone!
    My name is Jodie. I'm from Rochester, New York, and had RNY surgery on June 7th, 2012. I think my diet plans are different from your's. I'm on stage 2 (pureed foods), and on the 17th of this month, I will move onto the soft foods. I can't wait until next Tuesday! No more pureed foods! Then by the middle of next month I'll be on my lifestyle plan.

    I've been working out 4-5 times per week, doing mainly cardio - usually the elliptical and stationary bike, and sometimes the treadmill. I just had an appointment today and have been released for full physical activities (well, officially starting on the 17th). I'm going to start weight lifting as well next week, to try to tone up while losing weight.

    I can already see changes in my body - mostly my skin and the way it sits on my body now compared to pre-surgery. As of this past Sunday, I've lost 35 lbs total since June 7th, and a total of 48 lbs total since I started this program.

    I'm loving this journey, and love the support I am finding on here with others going through the same thing, at the same time.
  • Hi All,

    I am new to the site and discussion groups. I have not had my procedure yet. I am still working with my insurance. However the expected date is in September. I am trying to be proactive in researching challenges before the happen. I am learning from all of you! Thank you for sharing!!! :smile:
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Well, let's see. ....I have such a hard time with introductions since my life is pretty dull really! I am Pam, 47 years old and a nurse. I am currently in a master's program to get my nurse practitioner degree. I had RNY on April 4th, 2012. I have had a pretty easy time of it really. Only occasionally do I have what I call "grumpy pouch" days. I did however have to have my gall bladder taken out a couple of weeks ago. Apparently it did not appreciate my efforts my slim my big butt down too fast :tongue: It's been a good thing so far though and I am so happy I did it!
  • MCunliffe
    MCunliffe Posts: 29 Member
    Hi All,

    I am new to the site and discussion groups. I have not had my procedure yet. I am still working with my insurance. However the expected date is in September. I am trying to be proactive in researching challenges before the happen. I am learning from all of you! Thank you for sharing!!! :smile:

    welcome to the group and best of luck with the insurance company if all works out and you have your surgery it will make the hassle worth it!

  • GastricJoy
    GastricJoy Posts: 17
    I feel like cheering......idk

    My name is JoyLynn but everybody call me Joy (exxcept my mom dad and grandmother)
    I am a 29 year old wife and mother of three silly kids.
    I had FNY on June 4 2012. My starting weight was 268 8 am now down to 224.

    I just moved to the Philly area from DC.

    Ummm I still have. A fat girl on my head who says I can eat the other half of that banana. Well lets just say I ate it bit it did not stay down.

    I am trying to be the best RNYr I can be.

    Wish me luck.

    I want to be 200 by August 11, 2012.
  • Darcylaw
    Darcylaw Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone, SO happy to see this support board here! I am moving soon and will be living away from all my regular support so looking forward to posting here....all this change in my life makes me think I can start 'playing' with my food plan and this is not good for me.

    I know I am not a 'newbie' but am looking forward to being reminded daily how important it is to continue to take care of myself through this life changing tool!

    I had gastric bypass about 18 months ago and am down 165 lbs from my top weight of 330lbs! My gallbladder was removed last month, a risk that I was aware of, but of course didn't think it would happen to me :ohwell:

  • jhn57
    jhn57 Posts: 2 Member
    Just introducing myself. New to this site. My name is Jackie. I am located in TN, Chattanooga area. I had the RNY surgery in August 2011. I started the program prior to surgery at 366 lbs. Today in weigh in at around 220.
  • Jill1228
    Jill1228 Posts: 6 Member
    I am Jill. I live in Iowa (moved here 2 years ago from California--DH got a job offer). I just had my pre-op appointment today. My surgery is scheduled at the U of Iowa hospital on August 14th. I am on the 2 week pre-op diet (day 2) and I am taking it one day at a time. Gimme strength
  • Hi everyone! My name is Angie and I had my RNY on July 30, 2012. I am just finishing up Stage 1 pureed foods. It has been okay so far. I have not been sick or anything thus far but, I sure am looking forward to ground chicken and ground turkey in my diet. I am having some difficulty getting my protein shakes to go down so if anyone has any advice I would gladly take it. I am glad to see that there is a support group for this. It helps to have others to talk to. :smile:
  • Hello, I had my surgery Sept 2011 and have lost 138 lbs. Love Myfitnesspal, and enjoy chatting with people that have had the surgery or are thinking about it. I was 53 when I had the surgery and my only regret was not having it 30 years sooner. Hope I can contribute to this forum.
  • knjm4v
    knjm4v Posts: 21 Member
    :bigsmile: Hello! my name is Jackie and I live in Massachusetts. My surgury was September 6 2011 so one year coming up soon! wow it sure went by fast. I have lost 97 lbs and feel fantastic, and have had no major issues from the surgury. Looking forward to chatting and encouraging everyone. Let's be friends on MFP and encourage each other through this. Jackie
  • Hello everyone Im Roger had Gastric Bypass 08/22/2011 have had lots of problems but I'm still here. If anyone has any questions I can probably answer them.
  • Hi everyone...I'm Barb, 53 years old, live in Arizona and am scheduled for RNY on September 25,2012. I start my two week liquid diet tomorrow. I'm excited and scared to death at the same time. I'm looking for any information I can get on what to expect. I've enjoyed reading the posts.
  • Hi all, my name is Meredith and I'm 29yo. I had RNY on 6/11/12 and had my galbladder removed on 7/16/12. I have lost 82lbs from my highest weight of 273.

    I don't know anyone else that has had RNY so I love coming to these boards for support. I love to be creative in the kitchen and have found my new dietary restrictions to be a fun challenge. I would love to see a recipe board that we can all contribute to.
  • I had my RNY done December 13, 2011. My highest weight on a doctor's scale was in March 2009 at 465 lbs. I am positive that I gained a lot more weight after that and was pretty close to (if not over) 500 lbs - I just never weighed myself again after seeing that 465 on the scale. I officially began my weight loss journey in March 2011 at 407 lbs. I saw the nutritionist and family doctor every month until my surgery in December. The day of my surgery I weighed 366 lbs. Now 9 months later I weigh 245 lbs. This surgery literally saved my life. It was the best decision I could have made for myself. I want to be around to see my granddaughter and grandson grow up. I want to be around for my children as they grow up and start their own lives. I want to be healthy for myself.

    My husband had RNY done September 4, 2012. His highest weight was 380ish. He had his 2 week post op appointment today and weighed in at 332 lbs. Yay!
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I posted a separate introduction, but I am glad to be in this group. My surgery is tomorrow (9/27/2012) and I have had a roller coaster ride getting here. I was denied three times by my insurance. First, I have been on disability for several years and want to get off and go back to work! Texas made changes to the medical program and while my surgery was first approved for February, I found out the week before that due to the changes the new provider would not cover the surgery. I appealed and the next date was set for June 7 and was several days into the 7 day pre-surgery diet and got another call that I was denied. I later found out that certain medical records had never been sent in and we got that taken care of, thinking all was good, but a month later another denial came. This one claimed that I had completed a "surgical" nutrition program and needed a "non-surgical" one. My program covered both. It also said that I had no evidence of a psych eval and they did not know whether I was "mentally competent to understand the challenges and changes in diet after said surgery." I had my psych eval and that was not sent in either. I was not going to appeal again and decided to do it on my own. I was urged to appeal again and filled it out and also requested a "fair hearing." I expected another denial and had written this surgery off. I managed to lost 29 pounds on my own in two months. Then one day I got a phone call telling me I was approved and that we could set a surgery date. I had not received my letter from my insurance company, so I still really did not believe. I received the letter a few days later and now have it framed! Tomorrow is a big day for me. Through all the ups and downs and the heartache of the denials, it is a journey well worth the wait. I am very excited to begin my new life and rediscover who I am. She has been lost for so long it should be interesting!
  • Hi, my name is Moniqua and I'm from Pennsylvania. I haven't had my procedure yet but its coming up soon. My target date is end of Oct to the beginning of Nov. I go to my last appointment with the dietitian on the 11th of Oct. Hopefully I will get a firm date then but only if they get there COE (center of excellence) from Medicare.

    Looking for friends to help keep me on track add if you want..Thanks
  • Hello all. I am Nicole from Virginia. I had RNy on 7/18/12. I have been tracking my progress on Lose but recently switched over to fitness pal. So far I like it. I have been trying to increase my fitness and exercise and have been a slow but steady loser. So far I am over 50 lbs down since my pre-op weigh in. I am in this for the long haul so the numbers are not in the forefront of my mind. I am enjoying being a healthier version if me. This journey so far has been exciting and eye opening. I am having the time of my life.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    Hi Nicole! Glad that you are doing well on this journey. I also am very glad that I did this--don't know if I was at first, but it's all good now. I had my surgery on 9/27/12, so I am pretty new to it all too. If you need a friend for support, feel free to add me!
  • Hi! My name is Cindi, I weigh 298 pounds, and I expect to do the surgery in the next 4-6 weeks. I am nervous...I have friends tell me that I can lose it by another method.....but I just want to get it off as quickly as possible and get healthy.

    I have a couple of questions. What is the recovery time really like? How exhausted are you? If you had a desk job, could you work a few hours a day in the first week or so?

    Also....I currently work out and I drink a lot of water. Is it really possible t stay hydrated by sipping water during a workout?

    And how much hair do you really lose?

    I am sorry I am throwing so many questions out in my introduction. I guess I'm looking for reinforcement from folks who have had the surgery instead of the physicians performing the surgery.,

    Do any of you regret having the surgery?
