
Lets introduce ourselves here...even though we all post on BBC together, I dont think many of us actually KNOW each other.....

I am 28, from UT. I have been married for 6 years, and we just had our first little boy April 19th via C-Section. I have struggled with weight my whole life. Before I got pregnant I was well on my way to a healthy lifestyle. I had lost 50lb. Well I fell off track during my pregnancy, and I want to get back on the wagon now. I have alot to lose!


  • Hi. I am 26, in NY. Been married for almost 8 years. Have three children. The first, a boy November 2007. Another boy, June 2010. Third, a April 2012 baby! All three were c-sections. I've struggled with my weight since I broke my hips in the Army back in 2004-2005. I'm actually below my pre-pregnancy weight, but I worry about gaining it back and I really want to lose more!

    Love that we can join together on not only parenting but this battle as well!
  • LC2281
    LC2281 Posts: 8
    Hello! I'm 30 years old and been married to DH for 9.5 years. I'm a Mommy of 2 beautiful kids. A girl born August 2009 and a boy born April 2012. I've always had issues with my weight. When I hit college I began to gain more and more weight. I gained 40 lbs from my HS weight. My goal is to get down to 120, which was where I was at in the beginning of college. I also want to get toned. Something I have never been. I'm almost halfway done with the Insanity program and eating very healthy. I'm just starting to see the weight come off. I'm so excited to continue with this journey! 28 lbs. to go!
  • I'm just starting to see the weight come off. I'm so excited to continue with this journey! 28 lbs. to go!
    It starts to feel SOOOO amazing when you see results..I miss that feeling and can't wait to experience it again! Awesome job!!!
  • LC2281
    LC2281 Posts: 8
    Most definitely! Thanks! Before kids, I had lost soooo much weight and then fell off the wagon. I want to feel what I felt back then and even more.
  • Hfmn07
    Hfmn07 Posts: 2
    Hi! I'm 29 years old and live on OK. I've been married for 5.5 years and have two amazing kids. My daughter, Taylor is 5. My son, Waylon is my April baby. I've always struggled with my weight as well. My highest point was when I was pregnant with DS and I do not plan get back there!! I lost 30 lb overnight it seemed after he was born. Lately I'm creeping back up which makes me disappointed in myself. :0(

    I look forward to motivating and working with you ladies so we can all reach our goals!! :0)
  • marinal26
    marinal26 Posts: 8
    I'm 35 from PA. (Am I the oldest in this group?) I haven't been thin since childhood. Weight has always been struggle for me, but I never been really really fat. (The BMI scale would say otherwise.) I've been married to DH for almost 4 years and our April SO is our first. The summer before I met DH I peaked at the highest I had ever weighed before and decided to do something about it. I started eating right and went to the resevoir everyday to walk or jog, sometimes up to 10 miles. I kept that up while we dated too and even joined a Curves for a year. My eating habits definitely slipped when we started going out. When we married we moved to the suburbs and I stopped going to the resevoir. Soon after we were married, I remember people asking me if I was pregnant. My weight gain was obvious and I continued to hit new weight gain highs, eventually crossing the 200 lb threshold. When I hit 205 and could not fit into my size 16 pants, I told myself that was it, and started working out on and off until my pants started fitting again. I'm short; size 16 is the biggest size offered in some petite brands. I look ridiculous in most regular length big sizes and don't want to pay to have my clothes altered. Right before I got pregnant with my son, I found my workout groove. I lost almost 15 pounds by that point. Eventhhough it doesn't seem like a lot, my clothes told a different story. When I went back to work in the fall (I'm a teacher) everyone noticed the change in me. I didn't gain much during my pregnancy until the last 2 months (about 20 lbs total), but I did stop working out. It has been so hard to get back into that groove and I so want to go back to work feeling strong and confident about my body. I want my son to have a mommy he is proud of.

    This is a new thing for me. I'm hoping posting on this site will keep me motivated and hold me accountable.

  • This is a new thing for me. I'm hoping posting on this site will keep me motivated and hold me accountable.
    Thats what I am hoping too. I just dont want to get stuck in a rut and gain even MORE! We can do this!
  • moelv2000
    moelv2000 Posts: 1
    Hey, my name is Monica. i live in Texas. I have an 11 year old and my YDD was born in April (duh). I started gaining weight in my eraly twenties when I got a desk job. It's just sort of piled on. I did a fairly good job of losing weight for my wedding in 07. But I joke that I gained it all back on the way home from the honeymoon. Which is only partially a joke. I look at pics from a few month later and the weight just piled back on. I got gestational diabetes when I was pregnant and my midwives told me that I need to lose weight to prevent from getting real diabetes. So, I'm sort of following the diet I was on while pregnant, because I couldn't gain weight when I was pregnant. It's not so much counting calories, but a low glycemic approach.

    Hope this works. It's nice to meet all of you.
  • ChelleSC
    ChelleSC Posts: 49
    I am also in Pennsylvania. I have been married for 4 years and have 2 sons. My ODS is named Jonas and he turns 2 at the end of the month. Milo is 3 months today. I have had weight issues since puberty, but was always able to lose weight fairly easy. Then it just stopped. After my wedding I was On weight watchers and gaining like crazy. Turns out I have PCOS and the type of foods I was eating were awful for that. Low calorie and low fat often means high carbs and sugar. I learned a lot about nutrition during this last pregnancy as I Had gestational diabetes. I would really like to not be overweight. Right now I count as obese :(. I know it will take time, but I can do it!
  • My name is Sherrie, I am 30 years old. I have been married for 4 years. My husband and I have 2 children and I have another child from a previous relationship. My children are 10, 3, and 3 months today! I am done having babies and need to get serious about getting fit. I want to be healthy for my children, husband and myself. I have 20 pounds that I need to lose. I'm so excited to be on this journey with all of you women.
  • jessica182517
    jessica182517 Posts: 390 Member
    HI :) Im Jessica, im 21 and engaged to Jeff had our first baby Maddison on april 11th via emergancy c-section. I have also struggled with weight my whole life well at least since high school i want to get down to what i was before i started gaining all this weight when i was about 16 lol so my goal is 145 right now im 218 so i have about 70+ lbs to loose...its hard to stick to a diet but this time im going to try my hardest and not give up!! This will help to have some friends on here to support eachother and keep us all going :)
  • This will help to have some friends on here to support eachother and keep us all going :)
  • awaters65
    awaters65 Posts: 4 Member
    My name is Amanda. I'm 27 from Florida. I have been married to my dh Jason since November 2007. I am the mom of a boy Zack born may 2009 and baby girl Amelia April 2012. I have always had weight issues at my heaviest I was 275. On May 1, 2006 I had a lap band done and lost almost 100lbs. My lowest weight of 162 was when I got married in 2007. After 2 babies I am now at 228, I would like to get down to 150. I just had my band refilled so that will help but I need support from others, as much as I love my husband he has always been a healthy weight and just doesn't understand.
  • nala1842
    nala1842 Posts: 1
    I'm Samantha. I'm 36 yrs old. I have a 13 yo dd, 9 yo dd, and our first boy 3 months. I've been married for 15 yrs. We live in Florida. I have never had trouble with my weight until a health problem followed by an injured knee resulting in surgery and a year with trouble walking. I may still have to have a partial replacement but hoping not. I went from very active to not being able to stand up and cook. Getting pg was actually good for my knee the dha that came with the pre natal worked better then anything else I've tried. I am trying to be as active as possible without doing damage to knee. I'm about at pre pregnancy weight but want to loose the 40 I gained previously. I'm having trouble with the fact my loves (food wise) are bad for me and it didn't matter before bc of my activity level, and now I shouldn't eat them but want to. Sorry for the ramble.
  • nutterka
    nutterka Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am Kristen, Im 23 years old. And I live in Arizona with my hubby of 2 years! We had our first baby April 9th 2012! I have always been very active and then college came and I gained quite a bit of weight! So I started out my pregnancy overweight and then gained 30 lbs! I have lost all of my pregnancy weight, but still have 20 lbs to go. I love this website it really holds me accoutnable for what I eat!! If anyone needs exercises or work out tips feel free to ask me. I have a Physical education degree. So I know quite a bit about nutrition and exercise! Good Luck everybody! :happy:
  • ashandcam14
    ashandcam14 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi ladies. My name is ashley and I am from utah. I am 29 years old I have been married for 9 years. I have to little boys. Wyatt is 18 months and my little guy..crew is 2 months old( I'm really a may 2012 mama). Just wanting to drop the baby weight. I wanna fit into my bikinis again..well see :)