How many calories did I burn? Trust MFP or the machine?

So, I am on day 2 of eating TDEE less 15% and starting Phase 1 of NROLFW tomorrow morning!! I found a copy of the book where I am staying right now and read the whole thing over 2 days. I am really excited to get started with something different than the ol' cardio for 45 minutes and work on 'toning' those smaller muscles with 'barbie' weights.

I am ready.

I just want to be as accurate as possible with Caloric values as I can be...actually looking into the BodyMedia Fit, but it's a fair chunk of change and I just really want to see where the lifting gets me. On the other hand, I really feel awesome after I do my cardio burn and will continue to do that at least twice a week, but I find MFP always tells me I have burned more calories than (in my case) the eliptical trainer I am currently using, should I trust the machine or MFP? :grumble:

Is there a better way to know?

Thanks! :wink:

(BTW I would love to have a couple em2wl and nrolfw followers along with me for support and for me to cheer on...I need a journey buddy or two! ;)


  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I wear my heart rate monitor and I would say that MFP is closer than the machines. I would use MFP. Maybe look into a heart rate monitor if you want it more acurate.
  • DaysFlyBy
    DaysFlyBy Posts: 243 Member
    Trust neither because they're both quite wrong. You could get a heart rate monitor (Amazon has the Polar FT4 for $60 with free shipping), but heart rate monitors are only accurate for cardio (they will way overestimate when you lift). Really for accuracy you'd need to get a BodyBugg or a Body Fit Media-type device (not a Fitbit, I have one, it's a glorified pedometer, useless for weight lifting, etc). I can't afford them either and it bothers me to no end that I pretty much have no idea what my actual TDEE is, or what I actually burn lifting. I seriously lose sleep over it...sigh.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    So, I am on day 2 of eating TDEE less 15% and starting Phase 1 of NROLFW tomorrow morning!! I found a copy of the book where I am staying right now and read the whole thing over 2 days. I am really excited to get started with something different than the ol' cardio for 45 minutes and work on 'toning' those smaller muscles with 'barbie' weights.

    I am ready.

    I just want to be as accurate as possible with Caloric values as I can be...actually looking into the BodyMedia Fit, but it's a fair chunk of change and I just really want to see where the lifting gets me. On the other hand, I really feel awesome after I do my cardio burn and will continue to do that at least twice a week, but I find MFP always tells me I have burned more calories than (in my case) the eliptical trainer I am currently using, should I trust the machine or MFP? :grumble:

    Is there a better way to know?

    Thanks! :wink:

    (BTW I would love to have a couple em2wl and nrolfw followers along with me for support and for me to cheer on...I need a journey buddy or two! ;)

    I use a HRM~ the Polar FT7~ got it in Sept on Amazon for $78 and love it. When and if you get one prepare to be shocked at the difference between the HRM and MFP or machines~ ALL of my burns were MUCH lower with the HRM!!
    I am also doing NROL4W and am in Stage 1~ loving it too!!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I'm on stage 2 of NROLW, you can add me if you want.
  • NewInnerStrength
    NewInnerStrength Posts: 25 Member
    I'm on stage 2 of NROLW, you can add me if you want.

    Awesome, I'll send u an invite! :smile:

    The only gym I am able to use right now has no squat rack, so do you think I'm safe to just do dumbell squats for the first 6-7 workouts?
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Neither. Sorry to say. To get the most accurate info - you need something that is actually monitoring YOU. HRM or a BodyBugg / BodyMedia.

    OR ... honestly ... don't worry about it too much and find your TDEE. Once you know your TDEE - how much you can TRULY eat and not gain ie. MAINTAIN your weight - you can better adjust your deficit to lose or adjust your surplus to gain. Then ... stressing over how many calories you are burning can be something you don't worry about any more - it's rather irrelevant.

    How do you do that ? Have to be committed and not freak out. It is WORTH the time to do it.

    Couple articles to read:

    AND .. if you want to ballpark it .... a good calculator to use:

    TDEE calculator:


    My Blog: This Isn't My First Rodeo
  • wa_tracy
    wa_tracy Posts: 110 Member
    I just got a heart rate monitor and I trust that way more. MFP actually puts be at less calories that my HRM has. Also, my RunKeeper and Nike run apps I don't trust either. I just create my own exercises when entering them into MFP.
  • jlm_getfit
    jlm_getfit Posts: 53 Member
  • NewInnerStrength
    NewInnerStrength Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks everyone, you kind of confirmed what I had already 'body' is the same, therefore, there is no 'right' answer when it comes from any calculator that just looks at your stats. HRM or BodyMedia will be in my budget for next month.

    The reason I asked btw is simply because I was trying to be accurate for my NET caloric intake each day. However, I just read in a separate post (and a few others) that I should not be recording my exercise in MFP? What's the deal? I thought the goal here was to have my NET caloric intake at a constant I doing something wrong already?

    Here's what I've done: my TDEE (including current exercise plan, less 15% cut) is 2150 - I set MFP goal to 2150 with 40/30/30 ratio. Then I simply record everything I eat and the approximate calories I burn for exercise and aim to keep my NET calories at that constant 2150.

    Conversely, I've heard instead to eat 2150 everyday REGARDLESS of excercise because it's now calculated into TDEE (assuming you've done so correctly). UNLESS your exercise puts you under your BMR, and only then eat back extra calories to your BMR value. <<< That makes no sense to me, basically eating at BMR right?

    I would really appreciate a veterans answer here....
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Thanks everyone, you kind of confirmed what I had already 'body' is the same, therefore, there is no 'right' answer when it comes from any calculator that just looks at your stats. HRM or BodyMedia will be in my budget for next month.

    The reason I asked btw is simply because I was trying to be accurate for my NET caloric intake each day. However, I just read in a separate post (and a few others) that I should not be recording my exercise in MFP? What's the deal? I thought the goal here was to have my NET caloric intake at a constant I doing something wrong already?

    Here's what I've done: my TDEE (including current exercise plan, less 15% cut) is 2150 - I set MFP goal to 2150 with 40/30/30 ratio. Then I simply record everything I eat and the approximate calories I burn for exercise and aim to keep my NET calories at that constant 2150.

    Conversely, I've heard instead to eat 2150 everyday REGARDLESS of excercise because it's now calculated into TDEE (assuming you've done so correctly). UNLESS your exercise puts you under your BMR, and only then eat back extra calories to your BMR value. <<< That makes no sense to me, basically eating at BMR right?

    I would really appreciate a veterans answer here....

    YEs .. eat your cut # every day regardless of exercise because it's calculated in your TDEE. Only if you do something EXTREME that is out of your ordinary weekly activity would you need to consider eating more. Basically - I find it is best not to overcomplicate it. We will only drive ourselves CRAZY trying to figure it out calorie by calorie day by day. And , after all, we've got to do this for life. So .. gotta find something that works and is totally doable.

    I've tried it all kinds of different ways - believe me. I've settled into easing up a bit, not stressing about every calorie burn, and eating my TDEE cut #. I don't even log exercise any more - at all - not even a note.

    I'm comfortable that I know what my TDEE is, my exercise is consistent, so I calculate my cut and enter that as my custom goal and that's it !

    I think the confusion sometimes comes when you read a variety of forum posts and everyone is customizing for what works for tHEM. So ... do what is right for YOU .. what is working for you .
  • NewInnerStrength
    NewInnerStrength Posts: 25 Member
    THANK YOU!!! Oh....My....Gawwwdd! LOL

    Can I ask just one more thing?

    Seeing as how I feel famished on my workout days, would you then suggest I simply go all the way up to TDEE (no cut, AKA Metabolism reset)?? :huh:
    I am in Phase 1 of NROLFW so I would think I need the extra to build the muscle right?

    (Sooo Crappy I didn't find this group like 6 months ago!!)

    Thanks again! :happy:
    Thanks everyone, you kind of confirmed what I had already 'body' is the same, therefore, there is no 'right' answer when it comes from any calculator that just looks at your stats. HRM or BodyMedia will be in my budget for next month.

    The reason I asked btw is simply because I was trying to be accurate for my NET caloric intake each day. However, I just read in a separate post (and a few others) that I should not be recording my exercise in MFP? What's the deal? I thought the goal here was to have my NET caloric intake at a constant I doing something wrong already?

    Here's what I've done: my TDEE (including current exercise plan, less 15% cut) is 2150 - I set MFP goal to 2150 with 40/30/30 ratio. Then I simply record everything I eat and the approximate calories I burn for exercise and aim to keep my NET calories at that constant 2150.

    Conversely, I've heard instead to eat 2150 everyday REGARDLESS of excercise because it's now calculated into TDEE (assuming you've done so correctly). UNLESS your exercise puts you under your BMR, and only then eat back extra calories to your BMR value. <<< That makes no sense to me, basically eating at BMR right?

    I would really appreciate a veterans answer here....

    YEs .. eat your cut # every day regardless of exercise because it's calculated in your TDEE. Only if you do something EXTREME that is out of your ordinary weekly activity would you need to consider eating more. Basically - I find it is best not to overcomplicate it. We will only drive ourselves CRAZY trying to figure it out calorie by calorie day by day. And , after all, we've got to do this for life. So .. gotta find something that works and is totally doable.

    I've tried it all kinds of different ways - believe me. I've settled into easing up a bit, not stressing about every calorie burn, and eating my TDEE cut #. I don't even log exercise any more - at all - not even a note.

    I'm comfortable that I know what my TDEE is, my exercise is consistent, so I calculate my cut and enter that as my custom goal and that's it !

    I think the confusion sometimes comes when you read a variety of forum posts and everyone is customizing for what works for tHEM. So ... do what is right for YOU .. what is working for you .