Running in Public

Does anyone else have issues with this? Thanks to the heatwave that's been sweeping through the country, it was too hot to run outside today. This has occurred before, so I run around the ground floor of my house and I run up and down the stairs to keep my heart rate up. I still sweat as much as I did on Tuesday (I'm on Week 3 just did day 2) and I felt it, but I didn't feel the panic or mental block that I do when I'm in public. I hate feeling like people are watching me (ex: at the gym). With running outside, I'm always worried I'll see people I know and they'll want to stop and chat. Idk about you all, but when I'm in the middle of a workout I don't like to stop. I am on tunnel vision so when I see people outside I don't mean to be rude I'm just trying to take care of business. Does any of this make sense, or am I a big dork? Thanks! :happy:


  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    It's one of the main reasons I get up at 5 am to run....fewer people out to see me!!
  • Randyamc
    Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
    There is no way I could run indoors and I don't worry about people seeing me run outside for two reasons. 1) I'm out there at 5:00am so there are not too many people around. 2) If someone does see me running, I'm sure they assume I have "special needs" and are probably not interested in striking up a conversation. ;)
  • darkling_glory
    darkling_glory Posts: 239 Member
    I ran in a new pair of shorts yesterday that were pretty short. I might have been flashing a little *kitten*. But, I figured... "who the hell cares!?" And I ran anyway.

    Then I got beeped at by a shirtless guy in a pickup truck, so... :O
  • SL22268
    SL22268 Posts: 59 Member
    I worried because I bought running shorts, which are a lot shorter than shorts I normally wear. I would apologize in my head when people drove by for my floppy white legs, lol - then I thought to myself, at least I'm trying to make them not so floppy anymore! So I just don't care now, haha :smile:
  • I ran in a new pair of shorts yesterday that were pretty short. I might have been flashing a little *kitten*. But, I figured... "who the hell cares!?" And I ran anyway.

    Then I got beeped at by a shirtless guy in a pickup truck, so... :O

    Haha! Love it. d:

    I used to have a phobia of running outside because I was afraid everyone I passed was judging me. I kind of just started throwing myself out there, and the fear dissipated pretty quickly. The way I see it, at least I'm out there and running! Who can judge me for working out? (;
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    On Saturdays is when I run across town, (W3 D3 - repeat #2 then on to W4 D1) (a lot of nice challenging hills to run up and down:smile: ) I begin my jog about 10 am when everyone in town is bustling about. I do not really think that people are paying much attention to me when I am jogging unless I come to stoplight. People are so busy on their cellphones nowadays. I am sure some are watching, but not the majority. Also I see other people running as well which is awesome. So I just keep running. If friends see me running I'll wave and stuff. I say keep running outside.

    I wish you well on your fitness journey.

  • my humble opinion...if someone doesn't like the way i look when i run, look at something else. and when i see an 'over weight' person working out, I think it is AWESOME! I am happy for them :) don't let the rest of the world decide what you are or are not going to do.
  • Wendy595
    Wendy595 Posts: 28 Member
    I run with my husband outside because I hate running by myself. I still feel like people are staring at me. But while they are staring at me, I'm burning calories so I figure I have one up on them ;-)

    Just keep at it. It will get easier. Especially once you see progress with your running style and speed and stuff.
  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    When I started, I ran in a park in the morning. Then I went to the soccer fields. Now I run with a group on the streets and it isn't so bad. At 6am, there's really not too many people out. When I was one of those people that didn't run, I would always look at people out running wishing I could do what they were doing. Now every time I see someone not running, I know that they're probably admiring me and wishing they could do the same. When I see another runner stop for a breather and they have headphones in, I assume they're doing
  • FloridaAimee
    FloridaAimee Posts: 295 Member
    There is no way I could run indoors and I don't worry about people seeing me run outside for two reasons. 1) I'm out there at 5:00am so there are not too many people around. 2) If someone does see me running, I'm sure they assume I have "special needs" and are probably not interested in striking up a conversation. ;)

    OMG this cracked me up!!!:laugh:
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    Yeah, when I was starting C25K I used to get out of the house at 6am partly to get it done and partly so that people wouldn't see me panting and sweating round the village...
    ...but then the runs started to get longer and I would have had to get up even earlier and start the day knackered...
    ...and then I thought you know what? I can run OK! I can run 3 miles without stopping! I shall run when I feel like it!
    ...and then almost everyone I knew in the village started saying 'I saw you...running...' (major cringe)
    ...but once everyone's seen you running once, they get used to it...
    ...and nothing beats running outdoors!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I ran in a new pair of shorts yesterday that were pretty short. I might have been flashing a little *kitten*. But, I figured... "who the hell cares!?" And I ran anyway.

    Then I got beeped at by a shirtless guy in a pickup truck, so... :O

    Haha! Love it. d:

    I used to have a phobia of running outside because I was afraid everyone I passed was judging me. I kind of just started throwing myself out there, and the fear dissipated pretty quickly. The way I see it, at least I'm out there and running! Who can judge me for working out? (;

    This is how I feel although I haven't thrown myself out there yet. I don't know why but I feel more comfortable on the treadmill at the gym. I think it'll just take once outside then I'll be more ok. I just need to do it. Maybe I can convince myself of this this weekend. I'll be starting week 3!
  • seasicksquid
    seasicksquid Posts: 73 Member
    I weighed 275 lbs when I started running outside with my C25k. No way in hell I'm getting up before I have to, so I do it after work, right when everyone else does it, at a large busy park in a large busy city.

    You know what I said to start with? Screw 'em all. All that matters is you and the pavement and moving forward.

    You know what I experienced? At the most, I've experienced a polite friendly head nod. I always do the same when I see others struggling, as a means of encouragement

    At the worst...uh, nothing so far. I can't imagine anyone out there is actually going to criticize someone for getting out there. And if they do, they are beneath anyone I need to concern myself with.

    I don't care what other people think in their heads about me, I'm just going to keep doing what I need to do. They are of absolutely zero concern, no matter how sweaty I am, no matter how hard I'm breathing. All that matters is that I can move forward.
  • KGTraxler
    KGTraxler Posts: 144
    I weighed 275 lbs when I started running outside with my C25k. No way in hell I'm getting up before I have to, so I do it after work, right when everyone else does it, at a large busy park in a large busy city.

    You know what I said to start with? Screw 'em all. All that matters is you and the pavement and moving forward.

    You know what I experienced? At the most, I've experienced a polite friendly head nod. I always do the same when I see others struggling, as a means of encouragement

    At the worst...uh, nothing so far. I can't imagine anyone out there is actually going to criticize someone for getting out there. And if they do, they are beneath anyone I need to concern myself with.

    I don't care what other people think in their heads about me, I'm just going to keep doing what I need to do. They are of absolutely zero concern, no matter how sweaty I am, no matter how hard I'm breathing. All that matters is that I can move forward.

    Wow! I LOVE your attitude! I hope I can get there some day. I'm trying to; I'm my own worst critic so I think I just need to bite the bullet and get over it.
  • bozmo
    bozmo Posts: 177 Member

    You know what I said to start with? Screw 'em all. All that matters is you and the pavement and moving forward.

    Good attitude! I live on a park and a lot of people are walking or running there. Some people look like they could run back to back marathons, but most look like me, a little overweight and doing what they can to change it. There's only encouragement for them.
  • suprencia
    suprencia Posts: 2
    I'm equally paranoid, if not more so
    It's so bad I've bought a second hand treadmill! I'm hoping to give it away once I become fit enough to run outside : )
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    It's so bad I've bought a second hand treadmill! I'm hoping to give it away once I become fit enough to run outside : )

    Word of caution - if you get too used to running on a treadmill the first few times outside will be a shock! I could run on a treadmill for 20 minutes, then I went outside...and a couple of minutes was plenty! Now I would only use a treadmill if it was icy outside.
  • ceppie
    ceppie Posts: 33 Member
    I am with you... I am still scarred of people seeing me run.

    I tried out a few routes and now came up with one that is more or less straight and does not have too many people walking on it and I try to go later in the evening when less people are out.
    I meet other joggers and people walking with their dog, but I am fine with that. Once or twice i heard people (especially some teenagers) laughing when i walked by and I felt they where laughing about the sight of me trying to run. But then i realized they where in conversations and maybe someone had just said something funny. It was not about me...

    And if it was: why should it effect me? i do not know these people and do not really care what they think about me.

    I have to convince myself at times, but overall I enjoy running outside and I am sure every time I go my fear will grow weaker.

    I am still fairly new to it, but I am sure running on a treadmill I would already be bored off by now.
  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    Sometimes I like to run where there are a lot of walkers. Makes me feel like I am running faster. Towards the end of the run, the real runners start passing me with greater and greater ease.

    Gotta start somewhere...
  • SLHartman
    SLHartman Posts: 142 Member
    I live and run in what used to be a retirement community. Most of the residents here are at least 65 years old. I'm sure they're all awake long before I start running at 8:30 am. I'm not so concerned about them seeing me run. Though, some have offered water which makes me wonder just how terrible I look when I'm out there. :tongue: