


  • leesee88
    leesee88 Posts: 54 Member
    it looks like you are doing better today though?
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Okay. Yesterday I ate:

    6 bagels. 6. That's right, 6 bagels.
    1.5 slices of pizza
    a frappuccino
    a cup of ice cream
    2 brownie bites
    2 bowls of cheerios
    some drink at a bar

    And I have been binging like this for almost 8 days straight. I am so beyond exhausted.This is my longest binge streak. I don't even know what's going on with me.

    I've done that - 6 bagels. Plus more food on top of it. You're not alone, if that helps you feel any better.

    Try not to get too down on yourself...beating myself up usually leads to more bingeing (for me, anyway). Hahah, easy for me to say but not do! I know it's SOOO hard especially when we don't know what's going on but sometimes it just needs to burn itself out. That's how I was yesterday, I just had to let it take its course. I'm back on track today, BUT, only because I got lucky...I went to the cafe to get something to supplement my salad and of course my eyes go right to the baked goods....Luckily, they didn't have any of my binge foods! YAY! I was kind of disappointed (WHAT??? Well, the addict in me was disappointed) but I so glad at the same time. Once I get into that bingeing cycle it can be SO hard to stop.

    I ended up with chicken (which is BLAND! LOL) and veggies to go with my salad. I'm not even hungry for lunch but I figured I'd eat a healthy lunch anyway in order to keep myself from eating crap. Hopefully that doesn't backfire - sometimes it's risky for me to eat when I'm not hungry. BUT I get to leave at 3 today because I put in extra hours during the week so I'm excited about that. I usually have the hardest time on Friday afternoons!

    Hang in there, we can get through this!!! Big Hugs!!!
  • leesee88
    leesee88 Posts: 54 Member
    Luckily, they didn't have any of my binge foods! YAY! I was kind of disappointed (WHAT??? Well, the addict in me was disappointed) but I so glad at the same time. Once I get into that bingeing cycle it can be SO hard to stop.

    oh my god, the relief/ disappointment when I dont have access to binge foods, or when im waiting for someone to leave the kitchen so i can binge in peace.
    i literally feel like i have an angel and devil on my shoulders. so crazy!

    entire bag of turtle chex mix
    panera bagel
    7 chicken wings
    1 cup icecream
    rueben sandwhich
    several pieces of chocolate
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Well the weekend didn't go as well as they usually do. I met a friend for lunch yesterday and was STARVING when I got there (not good). I ate half my lunch and wanted to keep eating but I took the rest home to eat later. A lot of times I'll eat my leftovers like an hour or two later but a BIG FIRST for me was eating the rest in the car on the way home...UGH! WHAT?!? I couldn't even wait to get home. I haven't eaten in my car for YEARS!

    Then I got home and wanted sweet (and I was STUFFED already from eating the rest of my lunch) and proceeded to eat four clif bars. FOUR. WTF.

    As usual, afterward, I was so full and very regretful.

    Today is a new day...I feel like I say that way too much but I just have to keep moving forward and forget about it.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Please note I have posted a monthly conversation thread for us: See link below and please share because we are not alone in this struggle with binge eating:
  • WisconsinGirl212
    I also have a confession, and I don't know how to get help for it. Late at night I sometimes wake up, and eat. There's more. My boyfriend tells me about it the next day. That's not the worst part. I don't remember doing it. I tend to Sleep Eat. How can you get help for that? Especially when you don't remember doing it? Does anyone understand what I'm going through? If yes, then how can I stop this behavior? It's ruining my progress.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I also have a confession, and I don't know how to get help for it. Late at night I sometimes wake up, and eat. There's more. My boyfriend tells me about it the next day. That's not the worst part. I don't remember doing it. I tend to Sleep Eat. How can you get help for that? Especially when you don't remember doing it? Does anyone understand what I'm going through? If yes, then how can I stop this behavior? It's ruining my progress.

    I have heard of this but have not idea what the treatment is for it. Have you googled it? or asked your doctor? Wish you the best. If you have not already done so you may want to post it on the converstion thread also. Hope this helps.
  • Erin70CA
    Erin70CA Posts: 85
    I ate horribly yesterday - potato chips, chocolate bars, icecream & natchoes - lordy it was bad. Today I am doing better. I broke down and ate so taco chips with salsa. It almost pushed me over my calorie goal - but I stopped : )
  • 76pounds
    76pounds Posts: 31 Member
    I caveed in and had 290 calories worth of mini luna bars. My stomach hurts atm :(
  • emmab852012
    emmab852012 Posts: 82 Member
    ARGHHH i hate this just like everyone else does.... I ate way too much today i need to find out what triggers this....
    I had chocolate 2 slices of pizza, 2 Popsicle, Bagel, cereal all in like 2 hours... and i want more...
  • Erin70CA
    Erin70CA Posts: 85
    I really binged today. About 3200 calories in all. I just get fed up and give up sometimes. I have been at it for over 90 days now and it is a struggle. Total food addict. Frustrating. Very frustrating and exhausting.
  • wattssal000
    wattssal000 Posts: 62 Member
    I used to always start fresh on Monday after a weekend of messing up and I always expected to binge mid-week on wednesday or thursday. Try to stop expecting a binge and maybe that will help? Just wake up on day 4 and tell yourself you feel good and you are ready to make it one more day eating healthy.

    I always thought to myself too that if I thought I was going to binge on that midweek day maybe I should just plan that as my go out on my own and get something I like say wendy's or something. It isn't good for me but at least it is not a binge and I could enjoy it and maybe feel a little better about it? It's a thought anyway.
  • wattssal000
    wattssal000 Posts: 62 Member
    i binged last night too. i wasnt even hungry to begin with, i just felt that i should eat dinner. one small meal lead to me going into the fridge and taking something else out. then i wanted something sweet and we had pound cake in the kitchen. i finished the whole box (half a loaf). then i kept scooping out spoons after spoons of peanut butter. then i ate some more of everything else in my kitchen... lots of it. doesnt seem like too much but it was lol

    I know how that goes too :(

    Go home and eat and then my dinner turns into a binge. Also I think a lot of people have issues with peanut butter. Weird how that works. I know that I can keep PB or jelly in the house because that is a major binge food for me, as well as cereal. I bought a case of individult 1 TBSP containers of PB online though and that has helped some. I don't keep jelly in the house though still because that is what makes it I HUGE binge food.

    Best of luck. We can do it!
  • ActiveYogi
    ActiveYogi Posts: 27 Member
    I don't think you guys understand how happy I am that I found this group. I binge on a weekly/bi-weekly basis and just feel so worthless and sick afterwards. I've been struggling with binge-eating disorder for two years now and one recent thing that has helped me is to look at each binge, acknowledge it, and just promise myself to do better at the next meal rather than feel defeated and just throw the whole day away with tears and more food.

    Please friend me, we can do this together!
  • sgall123
    sgall123 Posts: 133 Member
    On weds last week I consumed about 4000 calories from a binge !!.. Was being so good then 4 days later I did it again but only about 2500 cals... Most annoying really when I've been doing so well...
  • charisma103
    I'm having a difficult time with binging. Since June I've had at least a dozen different binges, the last two weeks being the worst.

    Yesterday I totally went overboard and probably consumed 7000 calories between 5pm and 8pm.I was in such a haze I didn't care about calroies. I totally want to nip this habit in the bud, but when I start it's so hard to stop. I feel as though I lose all control and I have tunnel vision. Only when my stomach aches and I feel like I'm going to be sick is when I come back to reality. Then all the shame and guilt follows and I tell myself this is the last time....Hopefully this is the last time.

    It started with a co-worker bringing scones to the office. At first I told myself I wasn't going to have one. It was the end of the day and I was doing so good, so I convinced myself one bite of that scone wouldn't hurt. The moment I put that pastry in my mouth was when my control went out the window.

    The scone tasted "so good" I couldn't stop at one bite and I craved more. After work I found myself driving to the gas station and picking up a pack of Peanut Butter Stuffed Oreos and three Mrs Fields Cookies. They didn't even taste that good and I kept on eating....

    Of course that didn't satisfy my craving, it made it worse, and over the next few hours, from what I can remember this is what I ate.

    1 Sugar Donut
    1 Glazed Donut
    1 Bavarian Cream Donut
    Schlotzkys Mini Pepperoni Pizza
    Mcdonalds Snack Size Mini Chicken Bites
    Mcdonalds Medium Fries
    Taco Johns Small Sopapia Bites
    Good Times Peanut Butter Spoon Bender
    1/2 Pint of Hagen Daaz
    1 huge Peanut Butter Cookie
    1/2 Peanut Butter & Fluff Sandwich
    Larbar Uber Bar
    Bowl of Puffins

    Needless to say I was beyond stuffed...

    Now looking back, I find it ridiculous that I drove to so many different places to get my "fix." I was literally sitting in my car stuffing my mouth and thinking of where and what I was going to eat next.

    I'm seing my GP tomorrow as this has gotten out of control. My job has been stressing me out lately along with other things and I think that has a lot to do with my binging. I'm just not sure how to manage it at this time.
  • Alyssabh88
    Alyssabh88 Posts: 19 Member
    I also have a confession, and I don't know how to get help for it. Late at night I sometimes wake up, and eat. There's more. My boyfriend tells me about it the next day. That's not the worst part. I don't remember doing it. I tend to Sleep Eat. How can you get help for that? Especially when you don't remember doing it? Does anyone understand what I'm going through? If yes, then how can I stop this behavior? It's ruining my progress.

    WG, I have had this same problem in the past. Are you heavily dieting? I foudn that this happens to me when i restrict too much through out the day. This has came and gone for me. I'd reavaluate what you're currently doing and see if maybe you're missing certain foodgroups or eating under your target calorie goal. Another suggestion i have is to try placing a chair or other obstical in front of the entry to the kitchen or in front of the fridge. This may wake you and make you aware of what you're doing. Hope that helps!
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Luckily, they didn't have any of my binge foods! YAY! I was kind of disappointed (WHAT??? Well, the addict in me was disappointed) but I so glad at the same time. Once I get into that bingeing cycle it can be SO hard to stop.

    oh my god, the relief/ disappointment when I dont have access to binge foods, or when im waiting for someone to leave the kitchen so i can binge in peace.
    i literally feel like i have an angel and devil on my shoulders. so crazy!

    ^^ This is exactly how I feel on so many days...
  • Mckategoals
    Mckategoals Posts: 3 Member
    I am the worst binge eater, I swear. I'll do really well all day until my night time cravings kick in. :/ My sweet tooth almost always gets the best of me. I'll skip meals so that I can binge on sweets. Or if something like cake or candy is left out I can only walk walk by it so many times before I give in. But I don't just have a bite or two. I eat a ton. Then I feel guilty. And sometimes I'm lucky and I mess up before I eat other meals so I can stay within my calories by restricting...but sometimes I'm not and go waaay over. Ill admit to binging and adding the many foods to other meals to make it look spread out over the day, when I probably ate all of it at once for a 'snack' ...... I am so glad I found this group. I need some advice on how to stop this!
  • meesapanda89
    I just binged on random things. Oatmeal, bananas, peanut butter, pita bread. I am really struggling right now. It looks like I ate about 2500 total today which isn't too bad, but yesterday was around the same. This whole past week has been like that :(