Starting Sunday, have a few questions. :-)

Okay so Sunday is my official start date! My questions are did you guys do both workouts back to back for week one or did you do one in the morning and one in the evening? Would be easiest for me to do both in evening but if it's brutal then I will split it up so I don't get frustrated. Also I already eat pretty healthy and "clean". Did you guys follow the diet restrictions with week one? Also no way am I giving up my berries! I eat them every single morning! Thank you guys in advance!


  • wl4good
    wl4good Posts: 49 Member
    I'm starting Monday. I'm sending you a friend request! I don't know about the kickstart. I think I'm going to do just do the program without it. Also, there is no way I will be able to maintain on 1200 cals. I am currently at 1500 so maybe I'll drop to 1400, but 1200 is starving for me and nowhere near long-term sustainable.
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    I did them both back to back since I have no time in the AM.
    Did the circuit training first (weights) and then cardio. On the cardio days I did the dvd one time then added something else (like aquafit)
    Although the workouts are hard for the most part (damned running man!!lol) I was able to complete them back to back and im far from being fit
    I did not follow the diet as there is no way my family would have been on board, Picky vegetarian BF and children dislike some of the items in the meal plan. Cooking/modifying a bunch of suppers was not for me.
    Best of luck!
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member
    i started back in march sometime and got too distracted with other things and ended up falling off the wagon before finishing the first month. I am now motivated again and ready to start again and finish all the way through this time. I have decided on starting back up on Monday also. I did the kick start the first time and ended up losing 7 pounds. I think i will do the kick start again this time, but not be as strict with the meals. i just need to learn more portion control. and I do my workouts seperate. One in the morning and one in the evening. I personally could not do them back to back. too much at once for me and i dont have that much time straight to be doing it (2 year old and 9 year old who are very 'needy' ha). so i prefer waking up earlier and getting one out of the way. its only for the first week, then after that you just have the one a day to do. GOOD LUCK with it and keep us updated on how it goes! feel free to friend me if you'd like!! :-)
  • kerigla
    kerigla Posts: 18 Member
    I started on Monday. I try to do the workout in the A.M. and the cardio in the evening. I have also been doing other cardio with it. As far as the diet plan I am just eating healthy and maintaining the 1200 calories daily. Good Luck and keep pushing forward.
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    I did the Kickstart meal plan, but I didn't do the extra Cardio each day because I just didn't have the time. I did/do my workouts first thing in the morning before my kids get up and husband has to go to work. Even without the 2 workouts each day I still saw great results in my first week.

    Make sure you have gone shopping for your meals before you start. Plan when you will be doing your workouts. Also, pay attention to portion sizes when you cook. I should have cut the recipes in half because my family didn't like the meals and I felt like I had a fridge full of leftovers that I couldn't get to.
  • moniquedeanne
    moniquedeanne Posts: 249 Member
    I did the kick start workouts back to back in the morning. I also did Cardio 1 back to back. You get used to it and it only lasts one week. Week 2 feels so much easier after week 1. I didn't follow her diet plan I just ate clean and stayed within 1200 calories. Good luck!
  • mayday1969
    mayday1969 Posts: 123 Member
    I did the Kickstart meal plan, but I didn't do the extra Cardio each day because I just didn't have the time. I did/do my workouts first thing in the morning before my kids get up and husband has to go to work. Even without the 2 workouts each day I still saw great results in my first week.

    Make sure you have gone shopping for your meals before you start. Plan when you will be doing your workouts. Also, pay attention to portion sizes when you cook. I should have cut the recipes in half because my family didn't like the meals and I felt like I had a fridge full of leftovers that I couldn't get to.

    I agree with apprae. (except about the leftover part, I LOVE having leftovers)

    I did not do the 2 times a day during the kickstart week. I still feel like I had great results not only the first week, but the whole program. YOu can decide for yourself, I posted my pics in the graduates thread. (yes I'm tooting my own horn ;))

    I followed her diet plan to a "t". I did have a couple bad cheat days, but got right back onto it and didn't let it derail me. I have a family of 4. So I just made the food, if they ate they ate, if they didn't, they didn't. Many times the recipes called for servings of 6 or 8. The day I made it, the family would eat it (they usually did) but then the next day for the leftovers, I would have the extra 2 servings for me and my hubby and something "kid friendly" for the kids. I made charts for each day of the week and made grocery lists. The first 2 weeks seemed very expensive, but then I had most of the basic ingredients that I didn't have to buy again for a long time. Things like Organic Virgin Coconut oil or agave or almond butter etc. They are expensive to buy, but then I didn't have to buy again for a long time.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    I'm officially in the mid point of the program. Starting 6 & 7 on Monday
    I feel a bit silly, but I misunderstood the two workouts in the kickoff week. I thought she was just saying to do another kind of workout in addition to her DVD. :-)
    So I just did cardio (ex: cycling). I did it before my DVD in the morning. As I only have free time in the mornings (I work late hours). And I also did it this way as I have to do coin laundry, I wasn't going to go thru two sets of workout clothes per day. Or take two showers :-)
    BTW, I continue to do cardio before each DVD.

    I haven't been following her diet as I'm vegetarian (and honestly all those ingredients ($) and servings for a single person was a bit daunting) I have just been following as healthy of a diet as I can.. tracking it on here (staying in my macros, watching sugar & sodium)

    I hear you about the berries. I actually DID try to do a modified kickoff week diet. And I saw she said no soy and no flaxseed (if memory serves me correctly) should EVER be in a diet program. THen in her meal guide, she has a protein shake w/ flaxseed?? And on her facebook page, she also told you to eat berries. Sooooo, that has thrown me for a loop.

    So for my progress, I am feeling stronger and I am seeing the weight come off. But its 'not enough' in my mind. Its only been 5.5 lbs. BUT I've lost a total of 12 inches (from torso, hips/thighs)

    Good luck!!
  • KGTraxler
    KGTraxler Posts: 144
    Okay so Sunday is my official start date! My questions are did you guys do both workouts back to back for week one or did you do one in the morning and one in the evening? Would be easiest for me to do both in evening but if it's brutal then I will split it up so I don't get frustrated. Also I already eat pretty healthy and "clean". Did you guys follow the diet restrictions with week one? Also no way am I giving up my berries! I eat them every single morning! Thank you guys in advance!

    I tried doing the kickstart but things got in my way and I used that as an excuse to not have time to do two workouts in one day. BAD ME! As for her eating plan, I did not follow it. I watch my calorie intake and go off of MFP and the Mayo Clinic's dietary recommendations. I've heard mixed things about her meal plan, even from her. One quote I read from JM said that the meal plan is for people with 50+ pounds to lose. Then in one of her daily emails she said if you want to lose the last 10 pounds then to eat 1200 calories per day along with some other restrictions so the meal plan is a little iffy for me.
  • LeslePG
    LeslePG Posts: 105 Member
    I didn't do the Kickstart or the diet plan for it. I'm just trying to eat healthier and stay within my calorie limits, as well as working out. I am doing the C25K program, so on the 3 days that I run that is my extra cardio workout. Otherwise, I just follow the program for the week. Following the diet would have been hard with my 3 kids (who are picky eaters). I also can't give up my berries, breakfast would be nothing without them! :laugh: Best of luck, and feel free to add me