7-14-2012 Mad Hatters Chatter

bisland Posts: 245 Member
Good morning Ladies. Hope everyone had a fabulous evening. It's Saturday not sure where you all are located, but I see the weather has been hot for most of you as it has been for me. Last night I had trouble sleeping and spent a lot of time thinking and have a thought for you today. Fitness is not just about our physical health, but the mental health and physical work together to make us who we are.

My goals for today are the usuall healthy food choices & drink my water, and exercise, but in addition I am going to put on a dress (no frumpy Saturday cloths for me today) and seek to do 3 randome acts of kindness to others along my way (these are my feel good, give myself a hug thing I enjoy doing that put a smile on someones face).

Well I will check in again later. I need to get my walk in & then get to the church thrift shop they are having a $1 an item sale. I can not tell you the deals I have found in the past.:drinker:


  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Bisland- hope you have a great day. Enjoy your dress and your acts of kindness.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Good morning my fellow hatters!
    Good morning Bisland,
    Wonderful opening post. A lot of good thoughts , I especially love the random acts of kindness. I think we all could spread a little more of them around. That's going to be one of my goals going forward , if you don't mind me jumping on with you. Love it!!

    Have a great day at the thrift store. I really get a kick out of getting deals. wish we had some close to us.
    I'm headed to work. I told them 6ish and here it is 8ish....oh well. better late than never, right?

    Goal - 8 glasses of today .....
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Good morning Tonya, I didn't see you, when I started writing...Have a glorious day!!
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    Good morning Ladies! It's been a slow moving morning.

    First thing I did was go to the kitchen and looked at it and thought, Oh what a mess, without thinking I grabbed a bar (salted nut roll) that I had made last night for a get together with friends and started eating it. While I was eating, I sat down on the computer and started reading on MFP and came across a friends post. She had written about how she had to throw some food away because she would eat all of it. That was it! My morning wake up call! I looked at the bar and threw the rest away! I thought what am I doing! I packed the rest of the bars up and took them over to my husbands office. (which is about 1/4 mile walk) and got rid of them! So now it time to tackel the kitchen! So funny what we do without thinking. Our old habits, That is my goal today. To think before I eat and get that water in! Have a great day ladies.
    Bye for now Antia

    Bisland- I hope you succeed with your three acts of kindness. We need more people like you in this world. I give you a IPOU.

    Gail- good luck with the water today. Saturdays and Sundays are so hard to get that water in for me. So I will be thinking of you and try to get my water in right along with you. good luck!

    tonya- Have a great day! You look so bubbly in your picture.
  • charip
    charip Posts: 55 Member
    Morning Hatters!

    So nice to get on here and see what everyone's been doing, although it seems pretty quiet, lol. I did my two mile walk this morning, then checked out a couple of yard sales- it was just too hot to go to anymore. Didn't pick up anything, which is good, lol, have way too much stuff now!

    Anita- IPOU- Tossing that bar probably didn't seem quite so hard once you realized what you were doing, I often munch away just out of habit. Nice that you could package the rest and give them away- accomplished two things, a ROAK, and a walk- Good for you!!

    Bisland- It feels so good to do the RAOK, I think it does more for us than it does for the receiver! I often bake and take cookies to pass out at local nursing home- I love to bake, and the residents love to talk and enjoy the little bit of attention. The smiles are a great reward. Please share RAOK ideas, maybe you have some new one we haven't thought of.

    Good Morning Gail- Did you get your water goal done today? Hope you have a good day at work.

    Tonya- Nice to see you on here, hope you're having a great day!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Good morning Ladies! It's been a slow moving morning.

    First thing I did was go to the kitchen and looked at it and thought, Oh what a mess, without thinking I grabbed a bar (salted nut roll) that I had made last night for a get together with friends and started eating it. While I was eating, I sat down on the computer and started reading on MFP and came across a friends post. She had written about how she had to throw some food away because she would eat all of it. That was it! My morning wake up call! I looked at the bar and threw the rest away! I thought what am I doing! I packed the rest of the bars up and took them over to my husbands office. (which is about 1/4 mile walk) and got rid of them! So now it time to tackel the kitchen! So funny what we do without thinking. Our old habits, That is my goal today. To think before I eat and get that water in! Have a great day ladies.
    Bye for now

    Bisland- I hope you succeed with your three acts of kindness. We need more people like you in this world. I give you a IPOU.

    Gail- good luck with the water today. Saturdays and Sundays are so hard to get that water in for me. So I will be thinking of you and try to get my water in right along with you. good luck!

    tonya- Have a great day! You look so bubbly in your picture.

    Antia , Hello...

    She is!!! ...in reply to Tonya.......bubbly.. Love her!!

    You made me laugh about the eating if it's there thing ...that's most of my trouble ,if it's there , I WILL EAT IT !! ( used to) Girl, I must give you a BIG IPOU for throwing away a HOMEMADE!!!!!! salted nut roll ! I didn't even know you could make them, I'm glad I didn't. I wouldn't have been able to do it! Just throwing away the old hard ones you get out of the vending machine is hard to do.I kept a piece of one for a month, in the fridge....in case I might want to eat some more of it later on . That's so sad isn't it. Teee HeeeeHeee. I finally did throw it away though..

    As for the kitchen, I got half washed yesterday, mabe the other half today after work. I have the old fashioned model of dishwasher....Hands!!

    Happy , healthy day to all.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    charip, hello, you snuck in on me too, while I was writing..Great work on the walking.I am trying to use some of Leslie's ideas here while sitting. I have a step to put my feet on and i am doing a sort of seated step areobics, while sitting. It really hits the stomach muscles... No one's in here but me, so it won't get on their nerves. Have a wonderful day.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Oh,Charip, I have gotten 16 oz.....I have 2 more bottles here, so I should get in 48oz, all total. That's only today . I don't get that much through the week. I don't know why , too busy I guess.
  • flipflopsintx
    flipflopsintx Posts: 26 Member
    Happy Saturday to you all,

    I'm not usually off on a Saturday but I have a baby shower to go to and then later dinner with friends. It's going to be a challangeing day of eating out.

    I didn't walk yesterday - I had so much to do. Last night at about 9:55, I was sitting at the table doing some crafty up grades to the baby shower gift warp and my 15 yr old son says he's going out for a quick run. I made him take a flashlight and he left, about less than 10 minutes later he comes in all sweaty and I say to him "too hot out there ?" he replied, "Yes, but I'm done." WHAT??? He ran the route I walk, that takes me about 30-35 min, in less than 10. This getting old thing, is getting old.
  • mazie61
    mazie61 Posts: 106 Member
    Good day all!

    Off to a good start, walked 2 miles, and trying to get that water in!

    Have a great Saturday everyone!

  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    It sounds like everyone is getting a good start on the day.
    I got in a mile walk this morning, it about killed me.( I had a bug for a couple of days), so i didn't get much of anything done. But Now is the time to start going again. But on the bright side I lost about 3 lbs and it doesn't take much to fill me up.
    I really like the random acts of kindness,

    What do you think of the mini challenges that they have on the MFP.? What about something on here that would be more fitting for those of that are still young at heart. I know I am not up to doing 100 push ups in a day. But I would like doing something along that line.
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    Good Saturday Morning ladies. So, had a rough start to my day as Saturday is my weigh in day. I didn't gain, however I didn't loose either. As I stated on my status, the scale did show a 2.4% fat mass loss. I am taking that and running with it today! I know I busted my butt last week. Yes, as my diary shows, last night I over ate and had a tequilla shot. We had no food in the house and stopped for dinner before going to Costco. Today I will likely over indulge omewhere again. Tomorrow is my/our 7th Anniversary and we had planned to celebrate today as we can't tomorrow. You know, I enjoyed my meal last night (especially the shot!, yummy Hornitos Silver, good stuff!) I will get on the treadmill today, kick butt again and not worry about it. The fat will eventually melt away, so what if it takes another week or two. This isn't a chemistry formula that X + Y = Z, your body does what IT does, not what you calculate it to do... We can't write it in our planners and expect it do what we write. Yes, you have to do your part, but its still up to the body to do its part.

    I LOVE the dressy up part, no slouch clothes today along with random acts of kindness. I do believe I will try that as well. It will likely shock the pants off my hubby seeing me in a dress, but hey its our anniversary.

    Have a great day ladies. Needless to say, I probably won't be back on the group site today. I will have my phone and will check statuses throughout. Make this day YOUR day. Love what you do, who you are and be extra kind to yourself, you know no one else will!

    I love you ladies!!
  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    Good Morning from Montana all my Beautiful Ladies!

    Spent this morning during chores around the house, laundry, dishes. Made a delicious veggie omeltte with Egg Beaters. So yummy! Will go to the Y later and get in my work out.

    Have a healthy day, and drink that water!


    PS~ Today is 22 days smoke-free! IPOM!!!
  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    Good Saturday Morning ladies. So, had a rough start to my day as Saturday is my weigh in day. I didn't gain, however I didn't loose either. As I stated on my status, the scale did show a 2.4% fat mass loss. I am taking that and running with it today! I know I busted my butt last week. Yes, as my diary shows, last night I over ate and had a tequilla shot. We had no food in the house and stopped for dinner before going to Costco. Today I will likely over indulge omewhere again. Tomorrow is my/our 7th Anniversary and we had planned to celebrate today as we can't tomorrow. You know, I enjoyed my meal last night (especially the shot!, yummy Hornitos Silver, good stuff!) I will get on the treadmill today, kick butt again and not worry about it. The fat will eventually melt away, so what if it takes another week or two. This isn't a chemistry formula that X + Y = Z, your body does what IT does, not what you calculate it to do... We can't write it in our planners and expect it do what we write. Yes, you have to do your part, but its still up to the body to do its part.

    I LOVE the dressy up part, no slouch clothes today along with random acts of kindness. I do believe I will try that as well. It will likely shock the pants off my hubby seeing me in a dress, but hey its our anniversary.

    Have a great day ladies. Needless to say, I probably won't be back on the group site today. I will have my phone and will check statuses throughout. Make this day YOUR day. Love what you do, who you are and be extra kind to yourself, you know no one else will!

    I love you ladies!!

    Lovely post Leslye! Happy Anniversary!
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    Good Morning from Montana all my Beautiful Ladies!

    Spent this morning during chores around the house, laundry, dishes. Made a delicious veggie omeltte with Egg Beaters. So yummy! Will go to the Y later and get in my work out.

    Have a healthy day, and drink that water!


    PS~ Today is 22 days smoke-free! IPOM!!!

    Great job on the 22 days of smoke free.
  • charip
    charip Posts: 55 Member
    Happy Anniversary Leslye
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Happy Anniversary , Leslye.I know you will have a wonderful time.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Afternoon Hatters!!

    Just throwing in a quick post; then will sit and enjoy a catch up of what everyone's been up to..

    I was going thru withdrawal from the hatters at work all day; but I knew when I got home if I sat down to read, I would NOT go back out and exercise.. so I threw on my shorts and t and headed down to the gym (yup my building has a little gym with a treadmill, eliptical and a bike) but I've only been in there a couple of times cause a) if there's anyone else in there I get intimated (more bout that later lol) and b) since I live in a small condo in the city, I much prefer to get outside and walk when I can. But it's way too hot and humid today (36+) so I peeked thru the window and no one was there LOL. .so in I went... got a nasty surprise once I hopped on (more later too lol) BUT I managed to get in enough to make me happy on 4 hrs of sleep and a couple of charlie horses!!

    MY IPOM! I made myself go do my exercise first before sitting down at the puter, in spite of REALLY REALLY wanting to see what everyone was up to!! :bigsmile:

    NOW my reward - off to catch up on the posts!! :happy: :happy:
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    Happy Aniversary, Leslye! Have a great evening!

    IPOU-to you Kimberly! Way to go! 22 days down and counting! AWESOME!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    its 430 in nj - still in pjs... lol... but have a clean kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom... and the laundry is caught up too!

    still need to take a shower and go out to get labels for jr's Eagle letters to mail out - 120... should be out the door by next week

    have a great day!