Hi! New here

Hi, all,

I just started training for a half marathon that will take place in late October. I've ran several 5ks but that's about it. A good friend asked me to run a half with her, so, of course, I said I would. I hope to be able to keep the motivation to train because I have a tendency to wimp out at times. I look forward to "chatting" with you all.


  • umikap
    umikap Posts: 15 Member
    Hello there I am new here too and I am training for a half marathon.....run date 9/2/12.....
    Looking forward to encouraging one another
  • ekdennis
    ekdennis Posts: 62
    How are you training for yours?
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Having someone to run with for you first half is so much fun! I ran with a friend of mine (who has completed full marathons) and she was so encouraging throughout the run.

    But be careful... Half Marathons are addicting! I've ran 7 in the last three years and I'm signed up for 3 more... and I'm considering adding another one to the list! :laugh:
  • ekdennis
    ekdennis Posts: 62
    That is great! I am nervous but looking forward to it.