What do people think to you 'eating more'?

Do you have people around you who think its quite silly to expect to lose weight from increasing your calories?

I was once NET'ing 1000 without even realizing and was seeing gains on the scales, after some research I realized what I was doing and that it was probably related to not eating enough! So ate more.

I remember telling people I thought I wasn't eaten enough and they looked at me like an alien!

I think I might keep it to myself this time round, otherwise I'm going to have people telling me its not going to work, not a good idea, etc, which is not going to help me with sticking it out!


  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    I've only told my husband and he looked at me like "here we go again, another fad." He supports me, in general, though. I've not told anyone else because, honestly, I don't want their imput. They mean well but they don't know what they're talking about. When I start to really lose and they comment I might tell them then.
  • MeganKate24
    MeganKate24 Posts: 110
    I've only told my husband and he looked at me like "here we go again, another fad." He supports me, in general, though. I've not told anyone else because, honestly, I don't want their imput. They mean well but they don't know what they're talking about. When I start to really lose and they comment I might tell them then.

    Thats the look I think I will get.

    My partner is very much in the belief that weight loss happens by eating less and moving more, end of so to speak!
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    I've only told my husband and he looked at me like "here we go again, another fad." He supports me, in general, though. I've not told anyone else because, honestly, I don't want their imput. They mean well but they don't know what they're talking about. When I start to really lose and they comment I might tell them then.

    Thats the look I think I will get.

    My partner is very much in the belief that weight loss happens by eating less and moving more, end of so to speak!

    In a sense your partner is correct BUT every other plan out there starts us out with too few calories and then expects us to keep subtracting as we go along. This plan makes more sense because I may still subtract but will never get to a point where I can't eat. Not eating is dumb, barring those with eating disorders as this is something else entirely.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    No one would DARE comment on what I eat!:laugh:
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I have a few friends and family that know what I am doing. Most humor me and dont quite understand, including my own husband, but they smile and nod, so to speak. I have one or two friends who are very much on the same path as me and completely agree with it, so we chat often.
    As for everyone else, I am sure they are shaking their heads at me like Im an idiot. But I will fool them when they ask me in a few months to tell them HOW I lost it:)
  • kazzsjourney
    kazzsjourney Posts: 674 Member
    I dont really care what others think! LOL My personal trainer thinks its a fabulous concept..anytime I have had doubts about it she has actually talked me into it....as she said to me the other day "eating as much as we can while losing weight, isnt this what we all want?"
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I dont really care what others think! LOL My personal trainer thinks its a fabulous concept..anytime I have had doubts about it she has actually talked me into it....as she said to me the other day "eating as much as we can while losing weight, isnt this what we all want?"

    :heart: :heart: :heart: to your Trainer and You too!!:heart::heart: :heart:
  • SurroDoula
    SurroDoula Posts: 20 Member
    Most people don't even know that I'm trying to lose weight, and they would probably be surprised if they saw how much I eat While still losing. However, I've lost over 11 pounds now, and due to my height and frame, people start to notice that I've lost weight when I've lost about 15 pounds or so (which is right around a difference in size for me), so I expect to start getting comments soon. So far my mom is the only one to notice a loss. When I asked her how many calories she thinks I eat in a day, she guessed around 1700. Her jaw dropped when I told her it was over 2300!
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    My mum was horrified when she saw the sheer amount of food I was eating in a day. After I had lost about 10 kilos she stopped worrying so much.
  • MeganKate24
    MeganKate24 Posts: 110
    I haven't told anyone but do have a group of 'diet buddies' online from other diet websites, I have told them. No-one really had any comments :) I hope I can go back eventually and show its working and maybe suggest to them to try it!
  • rr85114
    rr85114 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm finding peoples' reactions HILARIOUS! They sort of look at me like.... "should I say something about her very clearly having fallen off the diet wagon?? She's obviously on a binge today..." but then they're totally befuddled when they see my waistline shrinking and my arms and legs toning up week after week.

    It actually makes me feel seriously smug. Hah.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I shout it from the rooftops!!! I have now lost almost 30, so everyone is asking and I tell them. I love to see the looks on thier faces and I get offended when someone says I am on a "diet".
  • MeganKate24
    MeganKate24 Posts: 110
    Haha! Love both your replies - good for you. I hope to echo both of them!

    How long after your -15% cut did you start seeing changes?

    I'm wondering whether to expect to gain this week - started yesterday on -15% but have not come from a LCD background.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I don't tend to talk about it too much as being able to eat a decent amount of food I don't feel like I'm on a 'diet' as such. A couple of people want to know how my waist is shirnking even though I'm eating heaps though! My partner is very supportive, especially as he knows how crabby I get when I'm hungry so any sort ot regime that means I can enjoy my food is all good in his eyes :)
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    This girl at work (who is super skinny and does low cal) commented on how much I eat the other day, and said "well considering how much you pack away I'm surprised you're not huge". I just laughed to myself, she lives on special K and cup a soups, gets drunk on 2 glasses of wine when she goes out because she does the "drinkorexia" thing starving all day so she can drink her calories and then has to be helped into a taxi by 8pm. No way to live if you ask me - I'd rather lose my weight slow and steady, be healthy, enjoy life and achieve at my sport.
  • MeganKate24
    MeganKate24 Posts: 110
    Totally agree!

    I'm contemplating -10% cut rather than -15% - those 100 extra a day make all the difference, lol.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    My hubby is super supportive and believes this is a healthy approach, especially considering all of the issues I've had with my hormone levels and my hypothyroidism. I don't really talk to other people about it a ton. I've mentioned it in a facebook group I'm a part of where many partake in back to back cardio classes, running, etc...while eating low cal. I try to link articles and such every now and then. I really hope that I can share my great progress as I move from the reset to cut. I'm hoping that people might be encouraged to try it if they see that it works to help me get my extra poundage off!
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    I agree withall the posters. I told a few people whom I trust. Mostly I just stick to my EM2WL buddies, as we are all like minded. :-) I completed my reset and in the first 10 days of cut lost 4.5 lb. Can't argue with success!! Here's to eating!:drinker:

    BTW, my ticker doesn't show a loss yet because I gained during reset. Once it gets below my starting weight it will show my losses.